NCSF CPT certification review. Tyler Read holds the NCSF personal training certification textbook and reviews the NCSF personal trainer certification

Hello and welcome to PTPioneer and my ultimate breakdown of the NCSF Personal Training Certification. I write this after taking and passing the NCSF CPT course, using my experience as a trainer for more than ten years.

Additionally, the PTPioneer team includes several trainers certified through NCSF and the other main organizations. We have combined our knowledge to give you the best possible viewpoint of this program.

Once you have read through this comprehensive NCSF review, you will be able to know if this certification is the best option for you and your career.

On this page, I cover the basics that come along with personal training certifications, like these topics:

  • Organization info: pricing, packages, prerequisites
  • Program and textbook quality
  • How does the NCSF CPT compare to other CPTs

When you finish reading, you will have the inside scoop on the NCSF CPT certification.

Cut your Personal Trainer Certification study time in half with premium study materials from Trainer Academy for the NCSF CPT and more.

Use the code PTPJANUARY to receive between 35% and 50% (depending on the program) off the Trainer Academy MVP Study System. Get the trial for any of their study systems here and check out my review for Trainer Academy here.

If you are completely stumped on where to begin your fitness career, then I recommend you take the quiz to see which CPT certification is the best fit.

What type of Certification are you looking to get?

Let’s get to it.

What is the NCSF Personal Training Certification?

What is the NCSF personal training certification? NCSF study materials displayed on table next to whiteboard asking "What is the NCSF CPT?"

The NCSF CPT is a well-regarded certification for personal trainers in the fitness industry. This personal training certification is not among the top organizations that people think of first. However, a quality certification still stands up there with them, even if the name isn’t as well known.

To become a personal trainer, you must pass a CPT exam and become certified in personal training.

You do not need a degree in exercise science, although it never hurts to pursue that option.

The study programs and packages that include study materials and certification exam registration all come in at around half the price of the top-name organizations.

This means that you are getting nearly the same level of education and certification that is offered by the top brands but at a much lower price.

NCSF CPT General Information

NCSF CPT General Information

  • Exam cost: $299
  • Study material cost: $399 – $540
  • Prerequisites: 18 years of age
  • Exam passing score: 70%
  • Exam pass rate: ~75% (2019 data)
  • Average completion time: 3 – 6 months

NCSF credibility and reputation

NCSF is an acronym that stands for the National Council on Strength and Fitness.

This organization has been around for over 25 years in the fitness industry. 

They also offer industry-leading nutrition certifications and strength and conditioning certifications.

The NCSF sports nutrition certification is among the best nutrition certs in the industry for those trainers looking to become a nutrition coach.

For a deeper look at the top organizations in the fitness industry, check out my article breaking down the best personal trainer certifications.

The NCSF is found in over 160 countries and used by 280,000 educated professionals. Its mission is to inspire people to become their best.

When it comes to personal training, it is their bread and butter, with the other offerings of sports nutrition and certified strength coach being a bit less utilized. 

The NCSF programs are also NCCA accredited certifications, which is the gold standard for certifications in the fitness industry. 

The certification exams are all taken online or in testing centers found in the United States and other countries. 

The organization also offers a great online digital learning portal to help make studying easier for future fitness professionals. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists personal training stats, and the future outlook of personal training is growing exponentially.

Next, let’s look more closely at the NCSF CPT, one of the many online personal trainer certifications offered in the fitness realm.

Is the NCSF CPT worth it?

The NCSF CPT ticks all the boxes from cost and accreditation to curriculum, and is worth it for anyone seeking good personal training certification at a reasonable price. Their training certification covers all of the content you need as a new trainer and is NCCA-accredited. It is the gold standard of excellence in the US.

is the ncsf cpt certification worth it. Tyler holds up NCSF Personal Training Textbook and decides if the NCSF CPT makes sense for his personal training career

The National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) offers accreditation for any top notch fitness cert provider and, in my experience, most employers like seeing NCCA approved certifications on a trainer’s resume.  

  • NCCA accredited program
  • Lower cost than most other CPT certs
  • Solid textbook packed with all essential training knowledge
  • Outstanding e-learning portal for study materials
  • Lesser known brand
  • Lacking in behavioral coaching and business components of personal training
  • Package options are all too similar

NCSF vs. other personal training certifications

NASM, ISSA, and ACE all offer personal trainer certification options. Each one gives you certain pros and cons.

The NASM CPT includes a great study system and they are the most well known name in the fitness business. On the negative side, their program is more expensive than the others. 

ISSA’s training system includes great coverage of business skills, another skill that trainers need to develop. The ISSA program is also a bit pricey; however, they do offer good value with their packages for multiple certifications. 

The ACE certification has the best behavior coaching sections of any CPT, although their exercise science information isn’t as detailed as I would like.

NCSF compares well to these other certification programs. The main negative with NCSF is just name-recognition: NCSF is a newer organization. 

Who is the certification meant for?

The NCSF Personal Training Certification is intended for fitness professionals training individuals in a gym-type setting. You can help clients achieve their fitness goals using any tools within your scope of practice.

While there is information about training athletes and general nutrition in this cert, this is not a strength and conditioning certification or a nutritionist credential. 

Exclusive PTP CPT Offers

Gold Standard Cert
NASM Gold Standard Personal Trainer Certification - Save 25&percnt off
Most Popular Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Study Materials
TA - Trainer Academy - Best Study Materials for Personal Trainer Certification Online - See MVP discount
A Good Option
ACE Certification- A Good Fitness Course Online Option - 25&percnt off
A Good Option
NCSF Certification - A Good Option - Save 25%
Best CPT for you?
Best CPT For You? Take the Personal Trainer Certification Online quiz and Get a Personalized Recommendation Just for You
Great for
  • General personal training
  • People looking for their first CPT
Not great for
  • Training high level athletes 

NCSF CPT course costs and options

ncsf cpt cost and course options - NCSF textbook laid out on table with gold coins and mystery boxes - how much does NCSF cost?

NCSF offers a limited number of study options and packages, and some will even include other certifications for specialization in areas like courses in nutrition and strength coaching.

Let’s break down the materials included in each package, and then, after this section, we will look at how well the materials cover the main PTPioneer CPT review variables.

NCSF Home Study Package

This is the first and most basic package offered by NCSF. There is quite a bit offered in this $399 package. 

You will, of course, get access to a certification exam, as well as access to the digital textbook, instructional videos, lesson notes, questions and answers, review quizzes, instructor support, a one-year membership to NCSF, and the option for a payment plan. 

The base cost is $799, but it is regularly on sale for $399, which again is half the price of most top organizations and their exam plus study material options. 

NCSF Home Study + Package

This second option from NCSF is primarily for someone who prefers a physical study option and textbook that they can actually use without the internet portal. 

The package is normally priced at $899 but is regularly on sale for $449. 

This package includes everything from the previous package but includes a physical textbook. This is for someone who would prefer this physical option, but it still includes an easy-to-access digital book. 

Some people prefer to study with a textbook they can write and highlight in, and this would be for them. 

NCSF Master Trainer Package

This package option is not just for the CPT certification, as it includes a total of three fitness certifications for access to an amazing bundle for fitness professionals. 

The CPT, Strength Coach, and Sport Nutrition certifications are included here. It is known as the master trainer bundle, as it includes the three main fitness certifications that personal trainers and strength coaches achieve. 

The base price of this bundle is $2,197, but it is sold on a regular deal for $999. This is beyond amazing value for the combination of these three.

A lot of experience and knowledge is wrapped up within the programs, and you may often pay $999 alone for one study package and exam from the top organizations in the industry.

Your opportunities as a fitness professional do go up as you accrue more knowledge and credentials. 

So, is NCSF worth the money?

When it comes to value, look no further than NCSF; for the best value, look at their master trainer package. 

It does not carry the same reputation as top brands like ACE, NSCA, or NASM. Still, it does carry a quality NCCA accredited study program and certification exam that ensures a personal trainer is ready for the job. 

It is a great certification for first-time entries into the fitness industry and should be considered as such. 

You can kickstart your NCSF CPT studying today by checking out my free NCSF study guide and practice test, giving you a better feel for what to expect from the NCSF.

Suppose you are stressed about spending money and potentially failing the NCSF exam. In that case, I recommend purchasing a third-party study package with an exam pass guarantee, such as the Trainer Academy NCSF CPT MVP Study Bundle. Check out our review on Trainer Academy, so you can get an idea of how valuable this is. 

NCSF also ups the value by offering bundles for their certifications if you desire to go for more than one. 

The NCSF Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutrition Specialist package is the most popular bundle

For the latest deals on the NCSF CPT certification, check pricing directly through the main website.

NCSF CPT General Information

NCSF CPT General Information

  • Exam cost: $299
  • Study material cost: $419 – $540
  • Prerequisites: 18 years of age
  • Exam passing score: 70%
  • Exam pass rate: ~75% (2019 data)
  • Average completion time: 3 – 6 months

NCSF course layout

NCSF course layout - NCSF textbook open to table of contents to display NCSF certification curriculum

The main textbook is Advanced Concepts of Personal Training 2nd Edition, which can be purchased in digital and physical editions for studying. 

The NCSF Textbook features 17 chapters, which are:

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction to Personal Training
  • Chapter 2 – Functional Anatomy and Training Instruction
  • Chapter 3 – Kinetic Chain Function and Corrective Exercises
  • Chapter 4 – Human Physiology
  • Chapter 5 – Evaluating Health and Physical Fitness
  • Chapter 6 – Physical Activity And Risk for Disease
  • Chapter 7 – Resting and Active Fitness Assessments
  • Chapter 8 – Understanding Nutrition
  • Chapter 9 – Exploring Dietary Supplements 
  • Chapter 10 – Body Composition
  • Chapter 11 – Weight Management 
  • Chapter 12 – Exercise Program Components 
  • Chapter 13 – Anaerobic Resistance Training
  • Chapter 14 – Cardiorespiratory Fitness
  • Chapter 15 – Flexibility
  • Chapter 16 – Introduction to Exercise Programming
  • Chapter 17 – Working with Special Populations

As you can see from this layout, all the main topics discussed in personal training certifications are discussed, but I would like to point out the lack of business skills or similar content for trainers. 

That is a part of the personal training experience that NCSF does not touch on. 

Taking that out of the consideration, NCSF provides comprehensive information on the other main topics. Let’s look at each of these main categories in detail.

NCSF CPT Study Materials and Content Coverage

Exercise Science Foundations

The foundations of exercise are well done in the NCSF CPT certification. 

Coverage here is pretty much standard practice here and does not do anything outside of the norm to set itself apart. 

Exercise Science Foundations NCSF - the structure of skeletal muscle

You learn about muscles, the nervous system–how the body operates. 

When it comes to exercise prescription, there is a great amount of information to be found, including corrective exercise concepts, which receive a great amount of focus. 

You will also find all of the material you need to be a good coach when it comes to explaining the anatomy and physiology of movement to clients. 

Exercise Science Foundations NCSF Sliding Filament Theory

Let’s look at the topic of behavioral coaching next.

Behavioral Coaching

NCSF CPT certification Behavioral Coaching diagram

This coaching section is lacking a bit within this NCSF certification. There is not that much available in the textbook regarding behavioral change models.

Exclusive PTP CPT Offers

Gold Standard Cert
NASM Gold Standard Personal Trainer Certification - Save 25&percnt off
Most Popular Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Study Materials
TA - Trainer Academy - Best Study Materials for Personal Trainer Certification Online - See MVP discount
A Good Option
ACE Certification- A Good Fitness Course Online Option - 25&percnt off
A Good Option
NCSF Certification - A Good Option - Save 25%
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Behavioral coaching should preferably mention goal setting and other important interactions dealing with psychology and changing clients’ mindsets to improve their health. 

This knowledge domain helps with client motivation and adherence to programs. It isn’t highly focused on this certification.

The little they teach in behavioral coaching is found in the screening sections regarding lifestyle, behaviors, and history and how these influence clients. But, again, this is slim regarding comparisons with other certifying organizations. 

Next, let’s look into the screening sections. 

Client Health Screening and Movement Screening

This can somewhat make up for and cover the significant lack of information on behavioral coaching. This information primarily exists within chapters 5 – 7.

They do a good job of listing all the factors that affect someone’s fitness levels and enhance one’s quality of life. They also do a good job of teaching the screening process as it needs to be done when beginning with a client.

They include sections involved with finding specific past injuries and how that may affect someone’s future by being trained by a certified personal trainer.

The required documents, such as informed consent, PAR-Q, and medical history questionnaires, are all detailed and discussed.

One part that gets its own chapter is physical activity and risk for disease, which is an important piece of information that NCSF really goes into detail with. This is a major plus in this area.

And then, we see a whole chapter devoted to the actual assessment of cardiorespiratory and muscular testing and resting assessments. In my opinion, it would have been a bit more beneficial to have them split into two chapters and the detail be even greater, but it is still a solid section that they have in the text. 

Next, let’s look into the Resistance and Aerobic styles of training and how well the NCSF does with them. 

Resistance Training

Resistance training is a prime area for a personal trainer to be well informed in, as the trainer will need to know how and when to use the proper exercises. This needs to be taught well to be a worthwhile certification. 

Thankfully, NCSF has not dropped the ball here and has a big singular chapter dedicated to this training style while also having it detailed throughout other chapters regarding variables of training and lifestyle factors affecting resistance training. 

In terms of resistance training, you can expect to learn the adaptation and benefits of training concepts, which you often need to produce results with clients. 

They also help a bit with what training goals should look like when someone is looking to work in a specific way, like working on general fitness, aerobic endurance, hypertrophy, and strength training phases of programming to increase performance.

They differentiate and use the typical teaching points to nail these different subjects. The training guidelines are presented in an easy-to-learn way, allowing trainers to utilize and understand this before finishing their study materials. 

They also emphasize the importance and use of more advanced techniques that people train, like plyometrics and ballistic exercise. 

All in all, resistance training receives the proper amount of care in crafting the study materials’ resistance training aspects. 

Next, let’s look into the Aerobic Fitness training information covered through NCSF.

Aerobic Fitness Training 

Aerobic Fitness also receives the perfect amount of information so that personal trainers may succeed in their job. 

Aerobic Fitness Training for NCSF certification - common aerobic training systems

The chapter on cardiorespiratory fitness covers all the essential information needed in the fitness industry. 

As discussed in the screening section, you can accurately screen clients to find their current cardiovascular health and fitness level. 

You can also use scales like the RPE scale or the talk test, among other options, to find the proper gauging of intensities during cardiovascular training. There is a solid focus on the importance of heart rate, too. 

The differences and many uses of both low and high-intensity work are stressed to a great degree, and you can relate that information to the sections on energy expenditure. It even has a scientific approach to the importance of METs and other energy expenditure methods. 

Then, this may all be related to the age, sex, and genetics sections that wrap up the chapter to determine how a trainer can adapt the programs they design to suit different populations. 

This section on aerobic fitness stands up to what a trainer must know, giving it a good score. 

Last, let’s examine how NCSF cares for its section on special populations. 

Special Population Training

This section may be a little more lacking than some other sections. They do have a chapter dedicated to it, but they do not excel in the amount of information within. 

They allow you to know just enough to deal with many different special population groups, but not any more than that. 

I do like how they have a concise table built to reach every one of the population groups, but I think this section should be longer and include more about each of the special populations. 

With that said, the main special populations are still touched upon, and the concise tables make it easy to find the information you need if you are searching fast for it. 

The groups discussed throughout the study materials ranges from personal training for seniors, all the way to personal training for prenatal clients

They give sample programming for each population, which can help many trainers once they get their certification and make their own programs. This is a great addition to this section.

NCSF Nutrition

NCSF handles nutrition with a thorough chapter describing all of the primary foundations for nutritional science

Each macronutrient and micronutrient is covered in great detail. The recommended intake levels are detailed in each of these sections.

This domain includes information on hydration and electrolytes, which can be skimmed over in other certifications.

You will need everything for a basic introduction if you want to know how to become a nutrition coach. A nutrition coach earns quite a bit, and the field is growing, similar to personal training. 

The personal trainer’s scope of practice is touched on well enough, and this assists trainers with knowing what they can and cannot mention regarding nutrition. 

The certification is not lacking in this minor domain, and it helps people that may go into the NCSF sports nutrition certification later in their careers. There are many future options for personal trainers to pursue like this.

It also is similar in its offerings as health coach certifications in the fitness industry.

One missing piece of information throughout is business tips and other small helpful topics like marketing for personal trainers

Even something as simple as resume advice for trainers would be a good start outside of the base knowledge. Many programs do offer these as an add-on of sorts. 

NCSF CPT exam prep and study materials

ncsf cpt exam prep study materials - NCSF certification open to disease risk chapter with highlights for note taking

The study resources offered by NCSF are pretty bare bones in comparison to preparation materials from other certification companies. You get the basics that you need, like quizzes to test knowledge, access to the textbook, but the online modules are not nearly as comprehensive as either ACE or NASM.

Still, I do think there is enough to prepare you for success with the exam. 

NCSF Personal Training requirements

NCSF has similar training requirements to other certifications, which entail that the individual must have a high school diploma/GED, be older than 18, and have a current CPR/AED certification. 

NCSF CPT salary

According to Glassdoor, the average personal training salary in the US is $51,715. There isn’t much data about NCSF-specific training income because it’s a newer certification, but you can expect to earn around the average as with other similar certifications.

This just gives you an idea of what you could make, not a guarantee, so treat this number as an estimate. 

Taking the NCSF Personal Training Certification exam

NCSF certification exam - Tyler Read takes the NCSF exam to earn his NCSF cpt certification

The NCSF certification exam is a 3-hour multiple-choice test that includes 150 questions in total. 

Here are the exam sections:

  • Functional Anatomy – 12%
  • Exercise Physiology – 8%
  • Health and Physical Fitness – 11%
  • Screening and Evaluation – 13%
  • Nutrition – 7%
  • Weight Management – 9%
  • Exercise Programming – 19%
  • Training Instruction – 15%
  • Considerations for Special Populations – 3%
  • Professionalism and Risk Management – 3%

These are all the main sections they quiz for within the exam. So, focusing more on that category could be a good idea if you see one with more weight. 

The NCSF is not one of the most challenging certification exams that exist for personal training, but it is not a guaranteed pass, either. 

It is a good idea to go in well-prepared and study for the appropriate amount of time, which is around 3 – 6 months. 

The other study options, like their portal’s workshops and flashcards, will ensure you have as much information as possible. 

NCSF CPT continuing education and recertification

CEUs are continuing education units, which are recertification credits. 

NCSF requires that certified individuals get 10 CEUs for recertification, which must be done every two years for which the person is a member. These 10 CEUs end up equaling the same as most other organizations, which is 20 hours of education every two years. 

These will ensure that the personal trainer continues to educate themself and keep up with aspects of the industry. They hold the personal trainers accountable for staying current. 

They also give CEUs for some things that other organizations do not, such as for certifying in CPR or some ethics and professional practice CEUs. 

Ensure you know some quick and easy CEUs, for the easiest time recertifying.

It is important to look through all of the supported organizations that NCSF allows you to get CEUs through, as they are more than just their own organization. 

The number of required continuing education units also does not change if the person has more than one certification. This is because recertification will always require 10 CEUs with NCSF, but you must pay a little more for each additional certification you renew.

The recertification fee for personal trainers will be $75, which is lower than the average for the industry regarding recertification fees.

Other NCSF offerings

  • Certified Strength Coach (CSC) program
  • NCSF Sports Nutrition Specialist program

Either of these options gives you more credentials to add to your name and CEUs, so they are certainly good programs to consider. You can double-dip in a sense, because you get another certification and you help renew your current certification so this can be one of the better recertification strategies.

NCSF Personal Training program overall rating

ncsf cpt certification overall rating - NCSF certification textbook displayed on table with lettering board

[rank_math_rich_snippet id=”s-7a4d3b07-50b6-4350-b7cf-14c0c0695d48″]

The NCSF CPT certification is a solid certification in the fitness industry that does most of the required things right while skimping on a few areas, like behavioral coaching aspects and business skills.

If you are looking to have all of the knowledge needed for the proper design of exercise programs and screening of clients, all for an affordable price, then look no further than NCSF.

If you consider the value of the master trainer bundle from NCSF, then you will find that NCSF provides a lot of value for less money than the top organizations. I would rate this NCSF CPT cert a 7.4 out of 10. It is good, but not the best out there.

I hope this review helps you make a great decision in your future personal training career.

NCSF CPT FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions) 

NCSF certifications FAQs - NCSF CPT certification textbook on table with frequently asked questions regarding NCSF personal trainer certification

Is NCSF CPT a Quality Cert?

The NCSF is a good certification that teaches most of the essential personal training program requirements. Still, it does not carry the same respected brand name that the other top certifications hold. If you can get past that, it will give you everything you need to succeed.

What does the schedule of a personal trainer look like?

Personal training is unique in that it can have a variety of schedules and can be molded to fit the life that the trainer wishes to live. It is a career that can be done part-time or full-time. It can involve being employed by a company or working as an independent contractor. There are endless options with personal training.

How tough is the Certification Exam for NCSF?

The certification exam for NCSF is not one of the harder tests in the industry. It would be best to get a 70% pass, and the pass rate is around 3 in 4 test-takers. The NCSF test questions are not the hardest, but you should still consider practice questions. This can affect how long it takes to become a personal trainer.

Which population groups do certified personal trainers work with?

Personal trainers are known to work with nearly all population groups, and it is quite common for trainers to work with niche markets; that is why specializations are a big thing. If you find a market, you like to work with, whether it be athletes, cancer patients, or any special population group.

What other certifications are offered by NCSF?

Besides the personal training certification, NCSF offers certifications for strength and conditioning and for sports nutrition. A personal trainer can enter into the small group training market with the CPT cert from NCSF. Individual and group training differ somewhat, but they have a lot of overlap.

What gyms accept NCSF CPT?

This certification is respected in the industry and you can be certain that nearly every gym will hire a personal trainer with this certification.

Is NCSF the best fitness organization?

NCSF is a great newer organization in fitness. It is well-reviewed but not our favorite. That spot belongs to the ISSA and their CPT certification. That being said, it will still allow you to be a good personal trainer!

NCSF CPT Review Video

About four years ago, I did a video review of the NCSF CPT program.

You can check it out here. Overall, the video is a little different, as this program has changed a lot over the last four years, but you can still get some standard information from the video.

NCSF CPT Certification Review 2023 - How does it stack up? 🤷‍♂️
Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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24 thoughts on “NCSF Certification Review: How Does It Compare?”

  1. Hi, Tyler.
    Excellent article.

    I read somewhere about a level 3 certification or equivalent to apply for a personal trainer job.
    Is the NCSF certification equivalent to a level 3?

    • Hey Sheldon, I’m not sure what is meant by the “level 3” classification, but the NCSF CPT certification is sufficient for getting a job as a personal trainer.

  2. I just found your site the other day while researching which certification to pursue. I wanted to tell you how awesome your site is with so much good info! THANK YOU!

  3. Hi Tyler,
    I don’t have a diploma so I can’t get my CSCS. Which is better to be certified in for strength and conditioning between Issa or NSCF?

  4. I’m currently studying for the NCSF CPT exam. Are there any areas of study to either zero in on or just plain disregard? The book is filled with what I feel is a lot of extra information

    • Hey Ilan, I currently do not have a study guide for the NSCF like I do with the national Academy of sports medicine or the American Council on exercise. It is a good idea to create one though and I will look into that in 2020.

      • Hi tyler, thanks for having this site and the various study guideline. Was wondering, is study guide for NCSF in the pipeline? As was trying to find some study guide for it and discover your site

        • Hey Kieth, I do have a study guide up for this great NCSF CPT certification. Let me know if these study materials help.

  5. Hi Tyler thanks for the article! How does NCSF do in the US? Is it recognized in most gyms? Will I be able to give personal training compared to having ACE?

    • Hey Fab,
      The NCSF certification is widely accepted in the United States because it is NCCA accredited. A lot of the gymnasiums will accept any certification as long as its accredited through them. That being said, I think that the American Council on exercise is definitely more widely recognized and accepted overall.

  6. Hi , Tyler have you done a review on which nutritional program is best (within the certifications you mention).

    • Overall I would give both certifications good ratings. The CSCS, on the other hand, does have the most industry recognition from employers. It is kind of seen as the golden standard for strength and conditioning certifications.

  7. Hi, I just got my CPT from the NCSF, but my main goal is a strength coach cert. Is the NCSF-CSC worth pursuing(all of these certs are free for me) and then going for the CSCS or should I just go for the CSCS? If the NCSF requirements weren’t so easy to qualify, I’d just go for the CSCS, but I haven’t graduated yet.
    Thanks for responding

    • Hey Brandon,
      Yes the CSCS is a common standard in the strength and conditioning industry. You can check out my article on the top strength and conditioning certifications on my website. Another program to consider is the performance enhancement specialist by NASM.

  8. Hello and thanks for all the info! I’m looking into taking online courses for the NCSF CPT and need a little help choosing. There are 2 different packages I found around the same cost:
    One is through Penn Foster and results in a “pt diploma+cert” and the other is directly from the NCSF and gives you 2 certs- a “pt cert+strength coach cert”.
    I am not sure what benefit the “diploma” from Penn Foster might have – but if its not much, then maybe getting the package with 2 certs might be a better choice? Any opinions u have on this would be so helpful and appreciated!!

    • Hey Moana,
      This is an interesting question that you have brought up. I have personally never done the diploma with certification option. I have had experience with other certifications that claim to be “diplomas”. If I were you I would just go for the strength certification and normal personal training certification option. I don’t think this diploma will help you with any job opportunities with becoming a personal trainer. That is just my two cents.

  9. Hello. I’m from India. I’m looking for an economical, accredited, internationally recognised pt certification. Can NCSF be a right choice? Any other suggestions?

    • ISSA is a decent international certification. You should specifically be asking the gymnasiums around your city what they excepts or what they prefer in terms of certifications.

  10. Good evening. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

    Can you study for NCSF and pass other exams such as ACSM. I am wondering if I can study using one organizations materials and pass the rest of the exams on the market.

    • Hey Rich,
      If you study for the NCSF and pass it you will have a lot of the information needed to pass the other certifications. Obviously there is a good amount of overlap between all of them. Obviously some have more overlap than others but you will at least have 50% of the basic knowledge at your disposal iin order to pass the test. I was still spend a little bit of time going over some of the information that does not look familiar.


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Get the top 5 Tips for Passing the ACE CPT


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