PTPioneer Editorial Integrity

Hello PTPioneer readers, and welcome to my page detailing some of the editorial processes taken to ensure the quality of the materials and writing throughout PTPioneer.

The fitness industry is growing at an astronomical rate, and there are many certifications and fields to learn about.

It helps to have someone that can give you the inside scoop into the industry with expert opinion and over a decade of real-world experience.

Whether you are getting into personal training, strength, and conditioning, a fitness specialization, or want advice on what programs to use with clients or studying, you will find it within PTPioneer.

I am committed to bringing my readers the most up-to-date information on certifications and ensuring that each of you finds the proper certification for your career.

My close affiliation with the certifying organizations and other companies with premium study information means I can give you all the in-depth and specific materials to help compare and contrast the certifications.

The affiliated companies all have certifications in the major fitness areas, such as personal training, nutrition, strength and conditioning, and much more.

Expert Opinion

All of the PTPioneer articles, study materials, and running start courses come from years of experience and close affiliation with the top fitness organizations to help bring a verified expert opinion to readers.

I enjoy helping future fitness professionals on their path to certification and use all of my years of experience and close connections within the fitness realm to write knowledge reviews, comparisons, and study materials.

The years of experience should allow readers to feel safe with their decisions, knowing they have the most relevant, valuable, and current information.

On top of experience, much time is spent comparing and contrasting the certifications and organizations within the fitness industry. This allows me to examine the most important differences when deciding on your career.

All review articles are written by a professional who has the certification and has gone through the certification program so that the review has helpful and relevant information.

I write many of the reviews for the certifications that I have and keep up-to-date with them. If it is not a certification I am fully familiarized with and have under my belt, then a qualified and certified staff member of PTPioneer will take over that review.

Frequently Updated Information

PTPioneer’s articles are constantly updated and renewed to keep up with the ever-evolving certifications.

Most organizations update their material on a somewhat yearly basis, which means that I must update my articles with minor details like pricing and any changes in the certification, as well as changes to the study materials to reflect revisions of the textbooks and more.

Whenever there are updates to the study materials or the certifying organizations, I am given the materials and able to update pretty quickly, whether it be in a review or even a new study program needing new chapters or a complete revision; I do my best to get this info as fast as possible on the website.

Review and Article Methodology

PTPioneer features reviews of many of the major certifications you will find throughout the world of exercise.

My Review and Article methodology are based on an expert opinion, as well as these criteria:

  • Gathered opinions of successful personal trainers within the fitness industry
  • Comparisons between other top certifications within the same category of certification (i.e., personal training certifications for PT reviews, nutrition certifications for nutrition cert reviews, etc.)
  • Information directly from trainers and fitness professionals who have just recently passed their certification exams
  • Close affiliation and communication with certifying organizations

For every review on PTPioneer, you will see more about the specific review methodology and how the score and information presented were assessed.

The opinions of other personal trainers in the industry and trainers who interact here on the website all add to the overall breakdown of the articles.

The second point in the methodology of PTPioneer is that the organizations and their top certifications are all put together and compared so that the opinion has some basis. This goes for personal training certs, as well as all other specializations.

Some information throughout PTPioneer will consider the knowledge and words of trainers who have just recently passed their certification exams. Who can help more than someone who just got through certifying? This is a tremendous help in exam descriptions and other similar exam articles.

The final point in the methodology is the close friendships and communication I have with the organizations I discuss throughout every article. Some of my closest affiliations are with the ISSA, NASM, ACE, NCSF, Trainer Academy, and more.

Resources and Fact-Checking

At PTPioneer, we only utilize the best sources, like certifying agencies, universities, government websites, and peer-reviewed journals.

In addition, we ensure that all information for specific certifications comes directly from the source organization and that the articles are written by a PTP team member with the same certification.

Resources and citations can be found at the bottom of the articles when these have been utilized.

Fact-checking is done on every page during and after writing to ensure the information can be trusted.

The fact-checking team includes fitness professionals, like certified personal trainers, health coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, nutrition coaches, and corrective exercise specialists, to name a few of the most common certs.

In addition, fact-checking can be assisted as a final defense by utilizing the community feedback and writing directly to the team and me on any of the PTP articles.

Community Feedback

Fitness and exercise are all about community and interaction. What would personal training and coaching be without a feeling of solid communication and community?

At PTPioneer, I want my readers to feel heard so that you will find a comment section within each post and article. On top of that, I provide the easiest ways to contact me more directly at the bottom of each article, above the comment section.

I aim to check these comments daily to quickly help you with your concerns.

Make sure to ask any questions for the pages you have questions and concerns about. I’ll make sure to take the time out to answer and respond.

Why Trust PTP?

The recommendations, reviews, and study programs here on PTP are designed and written to help all learners looking to get into fitness.

I am a fitness professional with many achieved certifications, and I aim to provide top-quality content for the visitors of this site.

Before I post study materials for CPT certifications, nutrition certifications, and strength and conditioning certifications, I make sure to get feedback from other industry veterans.

I also make sure to utilize community feedback to help iron out any issues and perfect the study materials and reviews, should they need refinement.

Find the best Cert for you


Get the top 5 Tips for Passing the ACE CPT


Get the top 5 Tips for Passing the NASM CPT