Welcome to an in-depth exploration of ACE Continuing Education.

We’ll explore the following options:

  • Advanced cert
  • Seminars
  • General cert
  • Online courses

To guide you, I have invoked my 10+ years of ACE cert experience to help you understand how to navigate the terrain effortlessly.

Take the quiz to see which additional certification education program would be right for you.

What type of Certification are you looking to get?

So let’s get down to it!

ACE Continuing Education Options For 2025- A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to ACE Continuing Education Options

Why are Continuing Education Courses very important?

The knowledge and skills you get from the education programs offered in Ace continuing education programs give you an edge when certified professionals are being considered.

In any case, ACE continuing education credits are required if you intend to remain an associate professional with relevant industry knowledge and sharpen your older tools and resources to achieve your set career goals.

But if you are seeking a first-time personal trainer certification, then you should check out my article on how to get certified as a personal trainer.

Are you looking for continuing education credits for the ACE certification?

You have come to the right spot! I will give you all the best options available.

ACE continuing education courses are the best online courses for professional fitness training and certification.

Some other super helpful articles that will help with continuing education are advanced ACE certifications, advanced NASM certifications, and the top fitness nutrition specialist certifications.

All of the Certs mentioned in those above articles are fantastic continuing education programs as well.

A lot of the times, getting a new personal training certification is the best way for continuing education; as such, completing the ACE continuing education program – where a wide range of high-quality fitness courses is offered is the right way to go.

The re-certification courses offered help to improve the existing knowledge and skills of personal trainers.

The menu at the top of this page will answer any question related to your personal training.

If you have any questions, donโ€™t hesitate to leave me a comment here (Iโ€™ll respond within 24 hours).

Also, visit the home page for the most recent and popular articles.

This article is quite similar to my report on NASM continuing education credits.

Exclusive PTP CPT Offers

Most Popular Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Online NCCA Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Study Materials
TA - Trainer Academy - Best Study Materials for Personal Trainer Certification Online - See MVP discount
Gold Standard Cert
NASM Gold Standard Personal Trainer Certification - Save 25&percnt off
A Good Option
NCSF Certification - A Good Option - Save 25%
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Best CPT For You? Take the Personal Trainer Certification Online quiz and Get a Personalized Recommendation Just for You

Continuing education credits for personal trainers is a requirement by ACE as a means of getting re-certified in the fitness industry. 

Every two years, ACE requires you to get continuing education credit (CECs) to get re-certified through them.

In my article, I will discuss the various ways you can receive these continuing education credits.

Honestly, there are many ways to receive continuing education credits, which I will now discuss every single way.

There are hundreds of live workshops, online courses, classroom training, or additional certifications that you can obtain to fulfill your required CECs.

The only thing that matters is if ACE recognizes the provider of those credits as being reputable.

You are required to complete 2.0 CECs and be able to show proof of this to get recertified.

This adds up to approximately 20 hours of additional certification education in the health and fitness field.

The primary ways of getting recertified in this article are: receiving an advanced certification, attending a local seminar, or taking an online course.

And since you need to do this every two years to get recertified, having multiple options is always a good idea.

Let’s jump right into my ACE continuing education credits article!

Introduction to ACE Continuing Education Options

Out of all of the continuing education courses I will discuss in this article, this is the certification exam I recommend the most.

It is not the cheapest option, but it will improve your fundamental knowledge and skills, expand your career goals, and make you a better personal trainer!

By specializing in one form of training or another, you become a much more diverse personal trainer, will be able to market yourself to new clients, and will be able to make more money.

All of the best personal trainers that I have ever known to hold multiple personal training CEUs as well as advanced certifications.

You can check out personal trainer salaries here.

When talking to these individuals, none regret receiving multiple certifications because they value the wide range of knowledge they gained from them.

Because you are reading this article, I am guessing that you are already certified through ACE.

You might want to consider getting certified through another organization, such as NASMACSM, or NSCA!

Exclusive PTP CPT Offers

Most Popular Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Online NCCA Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Study Materials
TA - Trainer Academy - Best Study Materials for Personal Trainer Certification Online - See MVP discount
Gold Standard Cert
NASM Gold Standard Personal Trainer Certification - Save 25&percnt off
A Good Option
NCSF Certification - A Good Option - Save 25%
Best CPT for you?
Best CPT For You? Take the Personal Trainer Certification Online quiz and Get a Personalized Recommendation Just for You

Check out my article on the best personal trainer certifications! Or check out my versus section that contains articles like ACE vs NASM, NSCA vs ISSA, or NASM vs ISSA!

One of the best general certifications to complement your ACE certification is the NASM certification, check it out here!

Besides Studying for and receiving an additional “general” certification for your continuing education credits, another option is to get an advanced or specialized certification.

These specialized certifications focus on a very specific demographic, such as elderly individuals, individuals with muscular imbalances, athletes, or overweight individuals.

Some examples of specialized certifications include NASMโ€™s performance enhancement specialist certification (link to the site).

Being an associate professional with high-quality education providers encourages building partnerships using best practices and the right industry knowledge.

NASMโ€™s corrective exercise specialist certification (link to the site), ACEโ€™s orthopedic exercise specialist (link to website), ACEโ€™s health coach certification (link to the site), or a group exercise certification.

If you want to check out all of the specialized certifications that I talk about on my website, head over to the advanced certification section.

If you have a lot of clients that would benefit from any one of these advanced certifications, I would highly recommend getting one! One of my favorite specialized certifications is the ACE group fitness instructor certification (link to the site).

Switching it up from one-on-one personal training to working with groups can be hugely entertaining and also increase how much money you make.

If you’re interested in becoming a health coach, check out my article on how to become one!

ACE Continuing Education Options - A Comprehensive Guide 3
ACE Continuing Education Options - A Comprehensive Guide 4

Taking an Online Course for Continuing Education

Taking online courses to complete your continuing education credits is one of the cheapest and quickest ways to do so.

There are hundreds and hundreds of online courses that you can take.

Big organizations such as ACE and NASM offer courses and advanced certifications.

You can find these courses on their websites.

Some examples include the ACE group exercise course and the special population’s course.

The group exercise course is different from its group exercise certification.

Most of these fitness courses will cost between $100 and $200.

In comparison, most advanced certifications will cost approximately $400 or $500.

If you want to save some money, I suggest heading over to a website by the name of exerciseetc.com.

They have a huge list of courses and show you how many continuing education credits/units each course is worth for each major certifying agency.

Plenty of CEC courses cost approximately $70 and will fulfill 1.9 CECs for ACE.

The additional .1 will always get recertified with a new CPR/AED card. This is true for all certifications.

Attending a Local Seminar on Health and Fitness

The third and final option I will discuss is attending a regional workshop on health and fitness to fulfill your continuing education credits for ACE.

Most of the major cities in the United States frequently hold seminars related to fitness.

I wish I could have one site for you to check out to see when and where the seminars occur.

The best advice I have for you is to Google โ€œexercise/fitness seminars near your location.โ€

You might be out of luck if you don’t live near a larger city.

In this case, one of the other two options I mentioned above might be better for you.

The cool thing about the local seminar is that you usually get hands-on experience, tools, and resources.

And since many of us are visual or kinesthetic learners, this can be very beneficial for continuing education!

Conclusion on ACE Continuing Education

These are the three primary ways you can get ace continuing education credits.

As I mentioned above, I think that the best way to go about your continuing education is to either get an advanced or specialized certification or an additional general certification from a separate certifying agency.

I highly recommend checking out the NASM certification as an additional general certification! If you are on a budget, I would check out some of the courses offered by ACE or NASM or check out the courses on exerciseetc.com.

If you are a kinesthetic learner or want some hands-on experience, you might have good luck attending a seminar.

Please share this using one of the social media buttons if it was helpful for you, or tell people about it!

Since you need to receive continuing education credits every couple of years, remember the best continuing education programs.

Until next time, happy personal training!

Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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6 thoughts on “ACE Continuing Education Options – A Comprehensive Guide”

  1. Hi sir
    I am allabakshu Shaik iam from india I already attempt Ace cpt. But unfortunately I failed my Ace cpt so I think i prepare and attempt re-examine pls any suggestions

  2. Hey Tyler-
    I’m a CPT with ACE. Looking into adding the Health Coach as well, but it seems that ACE isn’t giving CE’s for this certification. Am I reading that right?

  3. Hey Tyler! Do you know if a 200-hour yoga instructor certification qualifies as CEUs for an NASM personal trainer?

    Thanks so much!

    • Hello,
      I am not specifically sure on every single continuing education that the national Academy of sports medicine accepts. I do know that they do accept a wide variety of continuing education though. My guess is that if it’s a 200 hour program it will probably be worth 1.9 out of 2.0 continuing education credits for them. You will deftly have to check with them to make sure but that would just be my guess off the top my head.


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