Get your copy of the ACE CPT exam Cheat Sheet. It helps immensely in studying for the exam. The download is a high-definition printable PDF. Courtesy of Trainer Academy.

Free ACE Cheat Sheet - Reduce Study Time Significantly 2

This PTPioneer article is all about the American Council on Exercise, or ACE, Exam Prep Study Hub page for the ACE Cheat Sheet, which offers the following:

  • An easy-to-download PDF version of the ACE exam cheat sheet
  • Tips on using the ACE quick sheet in your studies
  • Next steps in the PTPioneer ACE CPT Exam Prep Study Hub

The ACE cheatsheet is guaranteed to help improve your ACE exam performance by guiding your implementation of preparation activities to gain the skills and knowledge of details on all domains of study and things you need to pass the exam.

You can obtain a high-definition printable PDF copy of the ACE CPT exam cheat sheet and implement it while studying for your training certification exam by clicking below.

My PTP students report cutting their ACE study time and effort in half with Trainer Academy. 

Benefit from the Exam Pass Guarantee and Retake Fee Guarantee. Plus, take advantage of my current discount code PTPFEBRUARY for 35% off the MVP Program (Ends February 16th, 2025). 

Try it out for free here to see if it’s right for you, or read my detailed review for further insights.

Now, explore this free study template to help nail your ACE personal trainer exam!

ACE CPT Study Series

ACE cheat sheet - man prepping

What is a Cheat Sheet?

Firstly, let me define for you what a cheat sheet is.

This sophisticated study resource serves as a content outline and is especially helpful in the case of an open-book exam.

And if you’re now wondering what to bring to the ACE exam, bring NOTHING but preparedness.

That’s right.

But although the ACE CPT final exam is not an open book, this cheat sheet will help you study and prepare for your fitness training certification exam.

The ACE cheat sheet covers all essential topics from the ACE personal trainer manual and helps you master any topic that may otherwise be too hard to remember.

Topics covered include exercise science, resistance training, cardiorespiratory training, functional assessments, the investigation stage of interviewing, measuring blood pressure, behavior change, the scope of practice, teaching techniques, repetitions, hypertrophy, muscular strength, and more.

Since the cheat sheet is a single-page document, there’s no flipping clumsily through billions of pages to find what you need.

Imagine studying program design and how to create an exercise program appropriate for those with obesity, but you need to flip through lots of pages.

Also, the PTPioneer cheat sheet allows you to create your version of a cheat sheet, which helps because the same materials that everyone needs may not be covered.

Overall, cheat sheets are proven useful in studies for beginners and experienced alike.

It goes hand-in-hand with the other ACE personal training test preparation materials, like the study hub chapters, ACE CPT study guide, ACE practice exams, and ACE flashcards.

It has helped ACE personal trainers, group fitness instructors, and other health and wellness professionals.

This cheat sheet is the last of the four primary study materials online through the study plan on PTPioneer.

But where does this PTPioneer ACE cheat sheet come from?

Let’s find out now.

Where does the PTPioneer ACE Cheat Sheet come from?

The PTPioneer ACE Cheat Sheet comes directly from Trainer Academy, an affiliate company with an excellent reputation for offering premium study materials for all of the main certification organizations, like NASM, ISSA, ACSM, NSCA, and of course, the ACE CPT.

The only difference is that PTPioneer covers these free certification exam prep materials, whereas Trainer Academy is a paid study system.

Trainer Academy has a track record of having their students pass the exam. As an online school for teaching personal trainers, they have perfected the art of learning without needing to be in a classroom. Trainer Academy uses excellent communication, technology, and curriculum development to deliver state-of-the-art study guide services.

As a business, they invest heavily in their student success and also have great customer support, so they really can help you achieve your goals in all areas.

Trainer Academy’s premium study materials are much more in-depth. They include a pass guarantee, where you would get your money back if you fail your certification exam.

This is ideal for people wanting to have many study materials available online and allows for some fantastic deals on packages.

You can choose between multiple tiers of packages based on what you desire to study, so you must choose the best one for you.

You can never go wrong with Trainer Academy; the money you spend on their quality materials will reward you in the long run.

Your career is an investment, never an expense.

Think about it like this and watch your overall personal trainer salary quadruple.

Now without further ado, let’s move on!

Topics on the ACE CPT Exam

The ACE exam covers a ton of topics including:

  • Muscles in the human body
  • Setting program design, including exercises, sets and reps, and amount of weight for different fitness goals
  • Injury prevention
  • Improving quality of life with science-backed exercise programs
  • Strength training technique when exercising with weights
  • Biomechanics, range of motion, and movement assessments
  • Research and development of programs for special populations including children and chronic illness populations

ACE Cheat Sheet Download

If you did not do so at the beginning of the page, you could receive the high-quality PDF download for my Cheat Sheet by clicking the button below.

ACE Study Plan, what’s that?

The ACE study plan is another easily downloaded PDF to help you with a calendar for your study materials.

The two PDFs are free and will be received safely and securely straight to your email account for download.

Tips On Implementing the ACE CPT Cheat Sheet

Ideally, this ACE CPT Cheat Sheet is designed to help you retain the more complex materials covered in ACE, like planes of motion, designing clients’ training sessions, risk factors for heart disease, and aspects of the muscle fiber types.

You can see on the cheat sheet that this has received some focus, even more than the ACE study guide and test prep materials.

There’s no doubt that ACE will have this information as test questions on the exam, so it’s a good idea to have this sheet with you when you are taking practice tests during your study time.

I recommend you bookmark this page and maybe print it out to keep it by your side as soon as you start studying for the ACE certification exam.

Rather than trying to master everything before reading through the book, read this cheat sheet to familiarize yourself with the concepts here.

There will likely be exam questions similar to what you see on this cheat sheet.

Whenever you are ready to review the concepts you have struggled with, bring this cheat sheet back to the center of your study materials to highlight anything necessary.

PTPioneer’s free ACE cheat sheet lets you find detailed information quickly while reviewing your other ACE study materials.

In closing, I wish you luck with your ACE studies and the final exam, and I hope this ACE CPT Cheat Sheet has helped you retain this vital information.

FAQ’s About ACE CPT Exam

Is the ACE certification test hard?

The ACE certification test is considered moderately challenging, requiring a solid understanding of exercise science, program design, and client assessment.

What is the ACE exam format?

The ACE exam format consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, covering topics such as exercise science, program design, client assessment, and professional conduct. The exam is computer-based and typically allows up to three hours for completion.

What is the passing score for the ACE CPT exam?

The passing score for the ACE CPT exam is 500 out of a possible 800 points. This means you need to achieve at least 62.5% to pass.

How to prepare for the ACE exam?

To prepare for the ACE exam, follow a structured study plan using the provided study materials, including the ACE Personal Trainer Manual and practice exams. Focus on key topics such as exercise science, program design, and client assessment.

Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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ACE CPT exam cheat sheet


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