ACE CPT exam prep - ACE textbook laid on table with journal for taking notes in preparation for ACE exam prep.

Welcome to the American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer Study Guide Exam Preparation.

As an ACE certified personal trainer, the world of fitness is at your fingertips.

This page will not only provide you with articles and a variety of study materials to help you prepare for the certification exam but also with the following:

  • How to navigate this ACE CPT Exam Prep Study Hub
  • Tips on how you can pass the ACE Personal Trainer Exam
  • The next steps to take in your studies

Don’t hesitate to claim your copy of the ACE CPT exam cheat sheet and ACE study plan.

It helps immensely in studying for the ACE-certified personal trainer exam and is provided by a veteran company in study materials, Trainer Academy.

My PTP students report cutting their ACE study time and effort in half with Trainer Academy.

Benefit from the Exam Pass Guarantee and Retake Fee Guarantee. Plus, take advantage of my current discount code PTPSEPTEMBER for 35% off the MVP Program (Ends September 23rd, 2024).

Try it out for free here to see if it’s right for you, or read my detailed review for further insights.

ACE CPT Study Series

ACE exam prep with PT Pioneer brand overlay

How To Navigate The ACE Study Guide

To navigate this page and the rest of the study articles for ACE, use the drop-down study hub at the top of the page just after the intro.

From this drop-down menu, you can navigate through all the essential ACE study guides and materials and go in the desired order, but I recommend going through it in the order it is set in.

The PTPioneer ACE certification study hub will have all of the ACE study materials free that you need, with some additional recommendations for utilizing any external resources.

In this order are the following:

  • ACE CPT Exam Prep Study Hub (this page)
  • ACE Study Plan
  • ACE Study Guide
  • ACE Practice Exam
  • ACE Flashcards
  • ACE Cheat Sheet
  • ACE Exam FAQs

I believe it to be best to follow everything in the order of the 7 articles, as this is the intended study experience, but if you have already gone through the 7 articles, make sure to bookmark or keep in memory the ones that you will primarily use during your studies.

The PTPioneer ACE CPT Exam Prep Study Hub Materials & Tips for Usage

7 study hub pages hold four main ACE study materials and three pages for tips and advice on the ACE personal trainer certification exam. You can also print these if you prefer reading from papers.

Let’s look at the primary study materials that PTPioneer suggests for you to use, along with how you can utilize them.

ACE Exam Prep

Learning how to study for the ACE exam is much easier with the ACE exam prep free study hub, which is the page you are currently on.

Here, I introduce the ACE exam materials and give tips for navigating the PTPioneer website and obtaining your ACE personal training certification.

Make sure to read through the ACE personal trainer exam prep and familiarize yourself with the best way to study for the ACE exam and how to pass the ACE exam.

ACE Study Plan

My ACE study plan will work as a calendar for learners to help organize their implementation of study efforts and make sense of the various study materials offered within the PTPioneer ACE study program.

This will be a blueprint so you can easily see when to complete each part of the study materials mentioned next, like the study guide, cheat sheet, practice tests, and flashcards.

The PTPioneer study plan for this ACE personal training certification will be found in an easy-to-use downloadable format. You can even edit it to fit more of an ideal personalized time frame.

At PTPioneer, we offer four primary time frames for study, which are going to be 1-year, 6-month, 3-month, and 4-week time frames. These options’ most commonly used time frames are the 3-month and 4-week plans.

Try to utilize the study plan that best fits your certification timeline and the time frame for when you will be taking the final exam.

ACE Study Guide

The Study guide for this ACE program will go from chapter to chapter in order and cover all of the main definitions, topics, and themes of the official textbook’s offerings.

A total of 16 chapters will be discussed throughout this study guide, as that is consistent with the 6th edition, which is the latest ACE material.

Consider it your PT Pioneer ACE personal trainer manual to guide you through the details, concepts, and tricks you need to improve your chance of passing your ACE exam with an amazing score.

The ACE study guide chapters will cover the main personal training topics, such as exercise programming, fitness assessments, program modifications, special populations, risk factors, blood pressure, professional conduct, biomechanics, exercise science, kinesiology, and much more.

The study guide will be the first of the four main study materials, and it comes first since it is filled with more direct study information than the other materials and is required for taking practice tests.

ACE Practice Exams

Next on PTPioneer for the ACE CPT certification prep is the ACE practice exams and quizzes. The full ACE personal trainer practice test consists two parts aimed at students who want maximal experience with the language and curriculum they can expect to find on the final ACE exam.

There is also one domain quiz for each primary knowledge domain throughout the ACE CPT program.

These free materials will always be available to access at any point in your studies. You also get a question and answer setup, making it excellent for honing in your knowledge on each mock exam. ACE test practice is a must for all ACE exam practice. You don’t need teachers, class, or school to learn the skills with access to the resources and content here on PT Pioneer.

Some of the learners on PTPioneer may already be personal trainers certified with another organization. If so, you can easily take a number of these practice tests to learn more of the information specific to ACE.

If you are new to fitness and training, you can take the tests to learn what you need to learn.

If you find yourself struggling with individual domains, you can go through those domain quizzes, as well, for more understanding of specific areas.

Practice testing has been shown to help with studying for many obvious reasons. The best reasoning is that they emulate the authentic test-taking experience and are ready for that.

ACE Flashcards

Flashcard studying has been repeatedly proven to be one of the most helpful study resources in almost any field.

On top of being proven to be useful, it is one of the most used study resources because it can be done in short bursts and is easy to make for individual study efforts.

The PTPioneer free ACE study flashcards cover the most valuable and efficient materials to study and come in a chapter format going in order of the book.

Following my recommendations in the Study plan, you will introduce each chapter’s sets of flash cards once you have finished reading the official textbook and our study guide chapters.

If you are looking for an even greater and more efficient version of flashcard studying, look for Spaced-Repetition flashcards, like the flashcard studying offered by Trainer Academy. These are delivered via Trainer Academy’s very own study platform. You can learn more about them from the Trainer Academy blog. These flash cards are almost like a tutor, but you don’t have to go to classes or get grades. This isn’t an Instagram reel or magazine feature, these are legit study resources.

These flash cards help your track, get feedback, and learn the concepts like muscles, client communication, behavior change, motivational interviews, providing care in the event of emergencies, business, and other key items. These life changing resources make passing the ACE exam more like playing games and less like taking a brutal exam.

Still, flashcard study is valuable text based learning for reminding yourself daily of essential topics that may or may not be as emphasized on the ACE practice tests or in the ACE prep course.

ACE Cheat Sheet

The PTPioneer ACE Cheat Sheet comes from Trainer Academy.

Trainer Academy offers premium study materials for top organization exams, such as ISSA, ACSM, NSCA, and the NASM CPT exam.

You can never go wrong with their 99% guaranteed exam pass on certification exams.

The PTPioneer Cheat Sheet for the ACE CPT program will hold all of the major topics from the personal training textbook’s teachings, all within one singular jam-packed page.

The ACE Cheat Sheet provides all the most important information and topics from your training program in an easy-to-locate resource on one page.

This PTPioneer ACE cheat sheet is helpful during practice testing and simple memorization study.


The last page of the PTPioneer study hub is the FAQ, or frequently asked questions, page.

This page will address all your remaining questions regarding the ACE and the ACE CPT exam.

Some essential topics for the FAQ page will be general test prep, tips for the exam, professional fitness advice, and general comprehensive answers to all of these topics.

What’s next?

Let’s dive into the next section for recommendations on your next steps.

Next Steps in Your ACE Prep

If not already done, make sure you have read through my review of the ACE CPT certification, as this will give an idea of the total offerings and teachings of the official ACE organization.

The ideal exam prep, in my opinion, for the ACE certification for personal training would have you reading through the entire ACE study hub on PTPioneer and using the study plan next after this page.

My study plan will give you the organization and calendar visualization needed to create a successful study program.

After its study program intro page and the ACE CPT review, if you are still unsure about choosing ACE for your future as a trainer, check out ACE’s competition with organizations like the NSCA CSCS, ISSA CPT, etc NASM CPT, and ACSM CPT.

These are some of the other top programs along with ACE, and similarly, they only require that you are at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma (or the equivalent (GED), and hold a current and valid CPR/AED certification.

Start looking for specializations to add to your personal training credential after completion, as they will only complement your current certificate and ability to program design most effectively.

For example, you can become an ACE group fitness instructor, health coach, corrective exercise specialist, Pilates instructor, risk management specialist, and more, directly through your ACE account.

Finally, you may also have some success with taking the practice test using each question to assess your knowledge level and see how you would do with the ACE exam if it were taken today.

ACE Test Prep Conclusion

ACE Exam Prep [year] - How to pass the ACE Exam On Your First Try 2

Overall, adequate ACE certification exam preparation is key to all people for passing the ACE exam.

So next time you mindlessly scroll through social media apps, stop and use that time wisely to study instead.

Even with a background in fitness, don’t just think you can ace the exam without ACE certification prep.

Make sure you take your time studying and utilize the materials you can.

Best wishes on your studies!

Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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All content published on PTPioneer is checked and reviewed extensively by our staff of experienced personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and other Fitness Experts. This is to make sure that the content you are reading is fact-checked for accuracy, contains up-to-date information, and is relevant. We only add trustworthy citations that you can find at the bottom of each article. You can read more about our editorial integrity here.

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4 thoughts on “ACE Exam Prep 2024 – How to pass the ACE Exam On Your First Try”

  1. I bought the ACE basic plan and I need to pass the exam as quickly as possible. What materials are the best on your site to help me pass the exam. Thank you

  2. NEXT button does not exist! All the other exams on this website have a Next button to click to access the test, but the ACE one does not exist so the test cannot be accessed. Please fix.

    • Hey PTGuy, the problem should be fixed now, sorry for the issue. Let me know if you are able to successfully take the quiz next time you get a chance. I hope everything is going well with your studies! Good luck!


75 ACE Practice Q's