Hey everyone, and welcome to my NCSF Study Guide Hub.

Here we have the current edition NCSF practice test and study guide 2025, an NCSF practice test as well as NCSF study tips at the very end.

It is highly recommended that you bookmark this page and use it as a study resource to help study for the certification exam.

If you have not yet signed up for the NCSF CPT certification, receive a big discount here.

Get your copy of the NCSF CPT exam cheat sheet.

It helps immensely in studying for the NCSF-certified personal trainer exam and is provided by a veteran company in study materials, Trainer Academy. 

My PTP students report cutting their NCSF study time and effort in half with Trainer Academy. 

Benefit from the Exam Pass Guarantee and Retake Fee Guarantee. Plus, take advantage of my current discount code PTPFEBRUARY for 35% off the MVP Program (Ends February 16th, 2025). 

Try it out for free here to see if it’s right for you, or read my detailed review for further insights.

My Bitmoji counterpart will be walking you through the NCSF CPT study guide to make sure that you are on track for passing the NCSF CPT exam. Say hello to Tyler-Moji.
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Free NCSF Study Guide updated for 2025

NCSF Flashcards

You will need the NCSF textbook

Be sure to look into the the official textbook from the NCSF to study for their exam.

The current textbook is called NCSF’s Advanced Concepts of Personal Training, second edition. It consists of 17 chapters and is written by the National Council on Strength and Fitness

Refer to the image on this page to pick up the correct textbook. I recommend either picking the book up from the NCSF website or from Amazon.

Free NCSF Practice Test + Study Guide + Flashcards 3

NCSF CPT Exam Breakdown

The NCSF exam is broken down into 10 different domains, compared to 9 in the study materials. This is due to one domain being split into two for the exam.

  • Domain 1: Functional Anatomy; (represents 12% of the exam)
  • Domain 2: Exercise Physiology; (represents 8% of the exam)
  • Domain 3: Health and Physical Fitness; (represents 11% of the exam)
  • Domain 4: Screening and Evaluation; (represents 13% of the exam)
  • Domain 5: Nutrition; (represents 7% of the exam)
  • Domain 6: Weight Management; (represents 9% of the exam)
  • Domain 7: Exercise Programming; (represents 19% of the exam)
  • Domain 8: Training Instruction; (represents 15% of the exam)
  • Domain 9: Considerations for Special Populations; (represents 3% of the exam)
  • Domain 10: Professionalism and Risk Management; (represents 3% of the exam)

NCSF Flashcards

NCSF Study Tips

While my study materials here are excellent for the NCSF as far as free study guides go, they are not meant to replace the entire text that NCSF offers through their study program.

These free study materials are just a small portion that will help you along the way to becoming an NCSF-certified personal trainer.

Below this, I will list some additional study materials that are highly recommended so that you can ace the exam with confidence.

The study materials listed below will guarantee you pass the final exam.

Premium NCSF study guide!

The free study guide through PTpioneer is the best free option out there.

With that said, if you are looking for, hands-down, the best option to guarantee success on your exam and certification, you can’t go wrong with Trainer Academy!

Trainer Academy crafts the greatest premium study materials you can find, and they do so for many certifications with their years of experience.

Their study guide removes all of the unnecessary material and really hones and perfects the exact material that you need to know for your exam. You can check out the Trainer Academy NCSF study materials directly on their website. Trainer Academy includes comprehensive practice questions and study guides to ensure you are fully prepared for your NCSF exam.

More NCSF practice tests

The NCSF practice exam on this page is a great tool to see the styles of questions that will come up on the actual NCSF exam.

If you’d like to feel more confident, it will be a good idea to go to outside resources to study and practicing the exam.

The actual exam is 150 multiple choice questions, and I would recommend taking at least 2 of these practice tests.

Many people contact me while saying that they have failed the exam, and this is often due to not having any form of practice for the actual exam questions.

The absolute best practice tests can be found through Trainer Academy. They have multiple unique practice tests that they use to optimize your readiness.

Trainer Academy Academy has 3 practice tests for the NCSF, each with 150 questions to ensure you ace your final.

If you can pass those three exams from Trainer Academy, you will finish your certification exam with max confidence.

Spaced repetition NCSF flashcards

Spaced repetition learning is an excellent learning method that pairs well with studying for these types of exams or any form of studying for that matter.

Essentially, this is a form of studying where, in the case of flashcards, the studying focuses on separating the flashcards you have mastered from the ones you have a hard time with. This means you are wasting less time having the same flashcards that you continuously get right.

These forms of learning algorithms will ensure that you are not wasting time with your studies.

The flashcard on this page use the simple standard flashcard forms and don’t cover the near 1,000 flashcards that could be made from the text.

The team at Trainer Academy has made hundreds of flashcards to cover every topic in the book in the form of spaced repetition, which is guaranteed to save you a ton of time.

NCSF Mnemonics for the tough parts

One of the greatest methods to nail down the tougher groups of information in the text would be through the use of study mnemonics.

Study guides, flashcards, and testing are very useful for studying, but they may not help the information stick around after testing.

To help with this, study mnemonics should be utilized. These mnemonic devices help by taking material and creating memorable pictures in your head to remember the words you need.

I suggest that you use this as you go through the textbook, or simply pick up on some that are already done for you.

Trainer Academy has over 30 mnemonic devices made for their NCSF study programs for the hard concepts.

NCSF CPT Cheat Sheet

One last piece of advice would be to create a cheat sheet with all the materials you need in one concise space.

Do yourself a favor and check out this cheat sheet we have for you by clicking the button below!

Starting our FREE Study Guide

Click on the button below to start studying our free study guide, starting with chapter one of the NCSF.

Free NCSF Practice Test + Study Guide + Flashcards 4
Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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All content published on PTPioneer is checked and reviewed extensively by our staff of experienced personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and other Fitness Experts. This is to make sure that the content you are reading is fact-checked for accuracy, contains up-to-date information, and is relevant. We only add trustworthy citations that you can find at the bottom of each article. You can read more about our editorial integrity here.

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2 thoughts on “Free NCSF Practice Test + Study Guide + Flashcards”

  1. I am interesting to take NCSF renewal. I need to take exam. So I need to get passed exam paper or exam sheet for reference. Can I buy from you?

    • Hey Kei, I do not sell anything on this site, as it is a free resource for learners to use. But, make sure to enter your email for the cheatsheet on this page, and if you want to know where to find great study resources, Trainer Academy would be a good place to check out. They offer a solid amount of study materials for a variety of programs. Have you already begun to study for your exam or set an exam date yet?


NCSF CPT exam cheat sheet


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