![LPHC Breakdown ([year]) - Lumbo-Pelvic Hip Complex 5 Tyler opening to NASM textbook to a page describing the core musculature of the LPHC](https://www.ptpioneer.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/LPHC-Gif.gif)
The LPHC, or the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, is a group of muscles and connective tissues located in the back of the hip joint. These muscles play a crucial role in maintaining stability, balance, balance, and proper movement patterns in the lower body. Understanding and properly training the LPHC can help prevent injuries and improve overall athletic performance.
For anyone prepping for their fitness certification exam, I recommend downloading the ultimate cheat sheet courtesy of Trainer Academy.
This article will provide an in-depth exploration of LPHC, from its anatomy and function to assessment techniques and corrective exercises recommended by the likes of NASM, ISSA, and ACE. If youโre a fitness professional preparing for your certification exam or someone looking to enhance your training regimen, this article is for you.
As a NASM-certified personal trainer for over 12 years, Iโve spent many hours using exercises to train the LPHC with clients. In this article, Iโve given you an overview of how certifications like NASM, ACE, NSCA, and NCSF define the LPHC, and teache you how to use corrective exercises to fix lumbo-pelvic-hip complex-related issues.
Introduction to LPHC
![LPHC Breakdown ([year]) - Lumbo-Pelvic Hip Complex 6 Tyler Read holds up the NASM textbook to a page about the core musculature](https://www.ptpioneer.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/LPHC-NASM-textbook-with-Tyler-1024x682.jpg)
“LPHC” is indeed an acronym. It stands for “Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.” The LPHC refers to the interconnected relationship between the interconnected relationship between the lumbar spine, pelvis, and hip joints, forming a crucial component of human movement and stability.
This acronym, “LPHC,” is commonly used in the field of sports medicine and exercise science to refer to specific training protocols and assessments related to the lower posterior hip complex. Always make sure your NASM study plan includes these and other key client assessments.
NASM discusses LPHC in both their personal training certification and in more detail in the NASM Corrective Exercise Specialization.
ISSA covers the LPHC in their CPT and Strength Coach certifications.
Anatomy and Function of the LPHC
![LPHC Breakdown ([year]) - Lumbo-Pelvic Hip Complex 7 NASM textbook showing the muscles that stabilize the core](https://www.ptpioneer.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/NASM-textbook-core-muscles-1024x768.jpg)
When you become a personal trainer, youโre going to be dealing with clients who have lower back issues or hip pain, so knowing the anatomy of the lumbo-pelvic-hip-complex and how to correct issues is key.
Most corrective exercise certifications discuss the LPHC, but NASMโs CES gives one of the most detailed overviews.
The LPHC plays a crucial role in human movement. It serves as a central hub connecting the upper and lower body, facilitating efficient transfer of forces during various activities. The LPHC acts as a stabilizer, providing support and maintaining proper alignment of the spine, pelvis, and hips. Additionally, it acts as a power generator, generating force for movements such as walking, running, and jumping. The muscles surrounding the LPHC, including the glutes, hip flexors, and core muscles, work together to control movement and maintain stability. Overall, LPHC is essential for optimal biomechanics and functional movement in daily activities and sports performance.
The lumbo-pelvic complex includes over 30 muscles that attach to the lumbar spine and pelvis. Any upper or lower body dysfunction can lead to LPHC issues and the other way around.
NASM goes into the anatomy of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. The three joints that connect the LPHC are the iliofemoral joint, sacroiliac joint, and lumbosacral joint.
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The iliofemoral joint is where the femur is attached to the ilium. It is a ball and socket joint responsible for all three planes of motion.
The sacroiliac joint is toward the bottom of the pelvis with little movement.
The lumbosacral joint is where the lower back connects to the pelvis.
In order to train the LPHC, you need to know the muscles that operate around it.
The NASM CPT gives you information about the key physiology associated with the LPHC:
- Abdominals
- Erector spinae
- Gluteus maximus and medius
- Hamstrings
- Hip flexors
- Latissimus dorsi
- Tensor fascia latae
- Adductors
- Gastrocnemius/soleus
Common Dysfunctions of the LPHC
A dysfunctional LPHC, which stands for “lumbo-pelvic-hip complex,” can have a significant impact on movement patterns. The LPHC is a crucial area of the body that connects the lower back, pelvis, and hips, serving as a foundation for movement. When this complex is dysfunctional, it can lead to imbalances in muscle activation and coordination, resulting in altered movement patterns. For instance, an unstable LPHC may cause excessive hip rotation or pelvic tilt, leading to compensatory movements in other areas of the body. This can increase the risk of injuries and negatively affect overall functional performance. Therefore, addressing and correcting any dysfunction in the LPHC is essential for optimizing movement patterns and maintaining musculoskeletal health.
NASM says that any malalignment in the upper body such as the head of the humerus or elbow can negatively affect the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. In addition, poor breathing can impact the LPHC, along with any abdominal weakness that clients might have.
Lack of stability in the LPHC can also cause lower body overuse problems like IT-band tendonitis, an ACL tear and patellofemoral pain syndrome, and plantar fasciitis.
Personal trainers need to know how to identify LPHC dysfunction, and if youโre a corrective exercise specialist, you need to master this topic.
Assessment of LPHC Alignment and Stability
By assessing the alignment and stabilization of the LPHC, fitness professionals can develop targeted exercise programs to address these issues and improve overall movement quality.
Common LPHC assessments include the combination of static posture, movement pattern, and mobility assessments.
Every person is different, so you need to know how to use tests to assess where they are at.
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โLooking at someoneโs basic posture can tell you a lot.
Are they overly rotating the pelvis anteriorly or posteriorly? If someone’s back arches too much while standing, over time their lower back is going to have some issues.
Are their shoulders slumped forward? Make sure to view them from the front and the side. Look at their trunk, knee, foot, and legs from the ground up.
You can then move on to transitional or loaded movement assessments like the overhead squat assessment and/or split-squat/single leg squat movement.
With any squat movement, the fitness professional should make sure to check improper tracking of the knees over toes or knee valgus.
If you want a successful corrective exercise specialist career, make sure to learn how to modify exercises for those clients who canโt complete the movement with correct form.
You can always modify the OHS by elevating the heels if the client has movement impairments, like poor dorsiflexion. You can also try having them put their hands on the hips if they have limited thoracic mobility.
After this, NASM recommends using dynamic assessments like the Davies Test (also called the Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test).
Corrective Exercises for LPHC Dysfunction
When it comes to addressing imbalances in the LPHC (lumbar-pelvic-hip complex), there are several effective corrective exercises that can be incorporated into a comprehensive rehabilitation program.
One such exercise is the Single Leg Bridge, which helps strengthen the gluteal muscles and promote stability in the LPHC region. Additionally, the Clamshell exercise targets the hip abductors and external rotators, aiding in the restoration of proper alignment and function. Another beneficial exercise is the Hip Extension, which activates the glutes and hamstrings while improving core stability. Lastly, incorporating exercises like the Standing Hip Abduction with Resistance Bands can help strengthen the hip muscles and address any imbalances within the LPHC.
Strengthening the LPHC Musculature
Maintaining proper alignment of the LPHC (lumbar-pelvic-hip complex) during exercise is crucial for injury prevention and optimal performance. Firstly, it is important to engage the core muscles, such as the transverse abdominis and multifidus, which provide stability to the LPHC.
Additionally, focusing on proper posture by aligning the pelvis in a neutral position helps distribute forces evenly throughout the body. It is also beneficial to strengthen the gluteal muscles, as they play a significant role in stabilizing the LPHC. Finally, incorporating exercises that promote hip mobility and flexibility, such as hip circles or dynamic stretches, can help maintain proper alignment during movement.
Furthermore, incorporating exercises that target the muscles around the hips, such as lunges or glute bridges, can also contribute to improved stability and function in the lower body.
How to Integrate LPHC Training into Workouts
Incorporating LPHC exercises into an exercise program can help prevent injuries and improve overall athletic performance.
NASM recommends tackling LPHC training through the use of self-myfasical rolling, static stretching or neuromuscular stretching, isolated strengthening, and integrated dynamic movement for best results.
Myofascial rolling is a technique that uses a foam roller or other tools to apply pressure to the muscles, helping to release tension and improve flexibility. This can be particularly beneficial for the muscles of the lower back, pelvis, and hips, which are commonly tight and inhibited due to prolonged sitting and sedentary lifestyles. By incorporating lphc nasm exercises into your fitness routine, you can alleviate discomfort, improve posture, and enhance overall mobility in these crucial areas.
Static stretches such as the hip flexor stretch and the standing adductor stretch can target the muscles of the low back, hips, and core, helping to release tension and increase flexibility.
Isolated strengthening of the LPHC (lumbo-pelvic-hip complex) through NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) techniques can also improve stability and balance, reducing the risk of injuries in daily activities and athletic performance. These exercises utilize free weights or body-weight to isolate the muscles in and around the LPHC.
Finally, integrated dynamic movement patterns can be developed through LPHC NASM training, allowing individuals to move efficiently and effectively in all planes of motion, enhancing overall functional fitness. Integration movements include things like squat to row and lunge to overhead press. This comprehensive approach to training ensures a solid foundation for optimal physical performance and injury prevention.
Hereโs an example of a sample workout for the LPHC:
- Foam roll the adductors, hamstrings, lats, quads, and IT band
- Half kneeling hip flexor stretch, static spinal stretch, piriformis stretch
- Ball bridge, banded side leg raise, bird dog
- Lateral tube walking, lunge to overhead press
Programming for LPHC Rehabilitation
![LPHC Breakdown ([year]) - Lumbo-Pelvic Hip Complex 8 NASM textbook showing core musculature](https://www.ptpioneer.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/NASM-core-musculature-1024x768.jpg)
Fitness certifications recommend including exercises that target the muscles of the hip, pelvic, and core region, focusing on stability, strength, and mobility. By incorporating these exercises into a comprehensive training program, individuals can not only recover from injuries but also enhance their functional movement patterns for improved athletic performance and overall well-being. By targeting the muscles surrounding the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC) through specific exercises and techniques, trainers are able to address muscle imbalances and improve stability.
In the Corrective Exercise Specialist, NASM goes into several issues you may encounter with clients and how to correct them effectively with the OPT system.
Poor ankle dorsiflexion:
- Target by rolling the soleus/gastrocnemius, uses a combination of static stretches, along with strengthening of the anterior tibialis
Poor hip extension
- Use the foam roller on the quads and TFL, stretch the hip flexors, along with the abs, strengthen the glutes using hip bridges, and finish with an integrated dynamic movement like a ball wall squat
Anterior pelvic tilt
- Roll lats, quads and TFL, stretch hip flexors, lats and erector spinae, strengthen and abs and glutes and add an integrated dynamic weight movement like squat to row
Posterior pelvic tilt
- Foam roll hamstrings, adductors, and piriformis, stretch the same muscles plus abs, and strengthen glutes, hip flexors and spinal erectors. Finish with ball squat to overhead press
Poor balance
- Roll the opposite hamstring, calf, piriformis, and the same side TFL and adductor. Strengthen same-side gluteus medius, the opposite-side adductor complex, and core.
When it comes to optimizing athletic performance and preventing injuries, a thorough assessment of the LPHC (lumbo-pelvic-hip complex) is crucial. By addressing any imbalances or dysfunctions within the LPHC, athletes can significantly reduce the risk of back pain and unlock their full potential on the field. By incorporating exercises targeting the LPHC and ankle complex, athletes can enhance their overall stability, minimize the occurrence of lower limb injuries, and optimize their performance during intense physical activity.
One crucial aspect of achieving these goals is to pay attention to the hip flexor complex (HFC) and its role in maintaining proper posture and movement mechanics. One effective way to assess the functionality of the hip flexor complex (HFC) is through the overhead squat assessment (OHSA), which can reveal any imbalances or limitations in the range of motion and activation of the hip flexor muscles.
Using the NASM OPT exercise strategy, people can learn how to fix any LPHC issues and help clients reach optimal health and athletic performance.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the LPHC affect exercise performance?
How can I strengthen my LPHC muscles?
How does the LPHC contribute to lower back pain?
- Clark, M. A., Lucett, S. C., Mcgill, E., Montel, I., & Sutton, B. (2018). NASM essentials of personal fitness training. Burlington Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Fahmy, R. (2022). NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training. Jones et Bartlett Learning.
- Corrective strategies for Lumbo-Pelvic-hip impairments. (n.d.-a). https://www.nasm.org/docs/default-source/PDF/nasm_ces_lphc.pdf?sfvrsn=a70ba1b2_2
Tyler Read
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