Get your copy of the ISSA CPT exam Cheat Sheet. It helps immensely in studying for the exam. The download is a high-definition printable PDF. Courtesy of Trainer Academy.

Free ISSA Cheat Sheet - Reduce Study Time Significantly 2

Hello everyone, Coach Tyler here!

Welcome to the PTPioneer page for the International Sports Sciences Association or ISSA, personal training certification cheat sheet!

Within this page of the ISSA CPT Exam Prep Hub, you will find the following:

  • An easy-to-use, downloadable PDF ISSA quick sheet
  • How to navigate and use this ISSA cheat sheet pages in your studies
  • Next steps in your ISSA exam prep journey

Don’t hesitate to get your copy of the ISSA exam cheat sheet and ISSA study plan.

When used along with other ISSA study materials, such as the ISSA study guide, ISSA practice exams, workbook, and ISSA flashcards, there’s no doubt you’ll pass your final exam.

My PTP students report cutting their ISSA study time and effort in half with Trainer Academy. 

Benefit from the Exam Pass Guarantee and Retake Fee Guarantee. Plus, take advantage of my current discount code PTPFEBRUARY for 45% off the MVP Program (Ends February 14th, 2025). 

Try it out for free here to see if it’s right for you, or read my detailed review for further insights.

Now, let’s skip right ahead to this ISSA Cheat Sheet page!

ISSA CPT Study Series

ISSA cheatsheet with PT Pioneer brand overlay

Cheat Sheet Download

If you didn’t do so already, click the button below to get an email to download this incredibly useful, high-quality PDF format of the ISSA Cheat Sheet. Access to this sheet is all but guaranteed to improve your ISSA exam pass rate.

Along with the cheat sheet, I offer an excellent downloadable ISSA Study Plan in PDF format to help organize your studies.

Most fitness professionals know the value of organization regarding notes and studying for certifications in the fitness industry.

These study materials are free and require you to put in your email to receive them, as this is the best and safest way to download our materials.

What is a Cheat Sheet?

A cheat sheet is a single-page document containing the most important information, especially the ones which are harder to remember, and they are a good test-taking resource.

Unlike the ACSM, NASM, and NSCA certification exams, the ISSA CPT exam is open-book, so you can benefit from having your ISSA Cheat Sheet nearby.

Having all the information on one page makes everything easier to find, so there’s no flipping through gazillions of pages to get to what you need.

So if you want to know what to bring to the ISSA exam, it’s an organized sheet like this.

The PTPioneer ISSA cheat sheet can also give good ideas for your version of a cheat sheet.

Perhaps I may not cover the same materials verbatim from the textbook, and that’s where you can pick and choose some of the PTPioneer information if needed.

Cheat sheets are proven to be quite useful in studying not only for memorization purposes but for the act of memorizing where each piece of information is located.

And this alone activates the memory in ways that benefit your overall learning.

As you may already know from your course, ISSA covers many important topics such as kinesiology and the human body, strength training adaptations, repetitions, creating workout programs, exercise intensity, periodization, weight loss, anabolism and catabolism, supplements, and more.

So if you’re unsure what the agonist’s muscle is in a push-up, you could learn about agonists and antagonists in training and select “triceps” as the correct answer.

The ISSA cheat sheet is the last of the recommended four main types of study materials outside the study plan. It pairs well with the other ISSA personal training test preparation materials.

All of these work to cut down your overall study time.

Sports medicine is an intense field, so this cheat sheet exists.

Typically, the best use of the cheat sheet for ISSA exam prep is as a tool during practice test questions and just before the final certification exam to memorize the right materials.

Where does this PTPioneer ISSA Cheat Sheet come from?

Not from social media – that’s for sure!

The cheat sheet used here on PTPioneer comes from Trainer Academy, which makes premium study materials for top organizations and the most popular fitness certifications, such as the ISSA CPT, covered here for free.

The premium study materials are much more in-depth, including a pass guarantee, where you would get your money back if you do not pass the personal trainer exam.

This works well for those who prefer their study materials to be offered as online study, for those who are either fresh out of high school and hopping into their personal training career, or for professionals in the field who desire a refresher to fulfill continuing education units (CEUs).

Trainer Academy offers multiple tiers of packages, so you can choose the best one for what you need at prices that can’t be beaten.

ISSA Cheat Sheet Study Implementation

Please refer to the ISSA Cheat Sheet for proper usage of the ISSA study plan page.

If you use the 4-week study plan, you could use the cheat sheet to locate the important topics in the ISSA-certified personal trainer chapters as soon as you complete them.

Although the ISSA flashcards and this cheat sheet contain similar concepts, having different ways to cover the essential topics helps answer exam questions in the ISSA practice exam.

Which, in turn, helps with the real thing.

For the 3-month study plan, the cheat sheet is best used toward the end of your studies to help you with exam readiness.

Moreover, for the 6-month and 1-year study plans, the ISSA Cheat Sheet is best used at the end of the last months.

This would be around the time of taking your practice exams.

In all, the main goal of the PTPioneer ISSA study resources is to help you get familiarized with every aspect of the materials and how to make proper use of them,

This cheat sheet is not recommended on your first attempt at the ISSA certification practice fitness assessment.

Keep the study material handy during your personal trainer certification practice test attempts to use during times of struggle, as relying too greatly on this cheat sheet may eventually hurt you in the long run.

Topics Covered on the ISSA Exam

The ISSA curriculum covers a ton of material, including the following:

  • Anatomy and physiology, including muscles in the human body
  • Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism
  • Improving athletic ability
  • Resistance training with weights for various muscular development goals
  • Business skills for personal trainers
Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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All content published on PTPioneer is checked and reviewed extensively by our staff of experienced personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and other Fitness Experts. This is to make sure that the content you are reading is fact-checked for accuracy, contains up-to-date information, and is relevant. We only add trustworthy citations that you can find at the bottom of each article. You can read more about our editorial integrity here.

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4 thoughts on “Free ISSA Cheat Sheet – Reduce Study Time Significantly”

  1. Hey Tyler! I would like to download the ISSA CPT cheat sheet, i entered my email (correctly) few times, but haven’t got anything in my inbox. i checked all folders, but is it not there ;(


ISSA CPT exam cheat sheet


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