ISSA exam prep - ISSA textbook with notebook displayed on table for ISSA CPT exam prep

Hello everyone.

And welcome to the International Sports Sciences Association Personal Trainer Certification (ISSA CPT) Exam Prep Hub, brought to you by yours truly, PTPioneer!

The purpose of this page is to provide you with related articles and materials to help you prepare for your final exam, and it touches briefly on the following:

  • How to navigate PTPioneer’s ISSA Exam Prep Hub
  • How to use the PTPioneer Study Materials to pass your ISSA CPT exam
  • Successful studying

To increase your chances of passing, get your copy of the ISSA CPT exam cheat sheet and study plan.

My PTP students report cutting their ISSA study time and effort in half with Trainer Academy. 

Benefit from the Exam Pass Guarantee and Retake Fee Guarantee. Plus, take advantage of my current discount code PTPSEPTEMBER for 45% off the MVP Program (Ends September 23rd, 2024). 

Try it out for free here to see if it’s right for you, or read my detailed review for further insights.

Without further ado, let’s explore this exam prep hub first to see how you can start your studies and successfully obtain your ISSA CPT credential!

ISSA CPT Study Series

ISSA Exam Prep - with PT Pioneer brand overlay

Top 10 Tips To Passing The ISSA CPT Exam (Video)

✅ 10 Secrets To Pass the ISSA CPT Exam in 2023 - ISSA Practice Test + Study Guide 💯

Top 10 Tips To Passing The ISSA CPT Exam (Podcast)

How To Navigate The ISSA CPT Study Guide

ISSA Study Portal


Worry not.

PT Pioneer has made it convenient and easy for students to navigate this Exam Prep Hub and learn anything you need to know across all areas to maximize your score and answer each questions correctly – one of the primary goals of any great study program whether you spend money or not.

The top level of this page allows the quickest navigation for those familiar with the layouts on PT Pioneer, and from there, you can skip right ahead to the information you are most interested in.

Aside from being desktop-friendly, it is also mobile-friendly, just like an app, and you may use the sidebar to reach any study material topic you’d want to explore first.

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Moreover, you can access all of the ISSA CPT exam study materials and some recommendations for those who want to expand their studies using third-party resources.

Here’s a breakdown of the order:

  • ISSA CPT Exam Prep Hub (this page)
  • ISSA CPT Study Plan
  • ISSA CPT Study Guide
  • ISA CPT Practice Exam
  • ISSA CPT Flashcards
  • ISSA CPT Cheat Sheet
  • ISSA CPT Exam FAQs

In my perspective, it is best to follow these materials in their order for an optimal study experience, but once you have visited each page, use the ones that work best for you.

Let’s get crackin’!

The PTPioneer ISSA CPT Exam Prep Hub Materials & Tips for Usage

Did you know that PTPioneer provides 7 ISSA CPT test prep pages?

Four main ISSA prep study materials and three pages for more ISSA exam tips are included.

Below are the primary study materials that PTPioneer recommends and the best ways to use them for your studies.

ISSA Exam Prep

The purpose of this page, which you are currently on, is to give tips for navigating the PTPioneer website and starting your journey of obtaining an official ISSA personal trainer certification.

Read through and familiarize yourself with how to prepare for the ISSA exam and learn the best way to study for the ISSA exam.

ISSA Study Plan

Think of the PTPioneer ISSA test prep study plan as a blueprint to organize your ISSA exam prep time.

At your convenience, this ISSA study plan is downloadable as a high-quality PDF document and consists of four standard timeframes for studying:

  • 1-month
  • 3-month
  • 6-month
  • 1-year

The downloadable PDF organizes the major ISSA exam prep materials from PTPioneer for the ISSA exam prep to match these time frames listed above.

And not only does it help provide a schedule for those who prefer learning that way, but it is a more organized way of ensuring you do well on your training certification exam.

ISSA Study Guide

The ISSA study guide on PTP goes through each of the official textbook’s chapters in order and reduces the studying to the essential terms and topics throughout the chapters.

Each official textbook chapter is detailed and discussed throughout the pages, making it easier to navigate the pages one chapter at a time.

The ISSA personal training certification study materials will cover the primary fitness trainers’ topics like exercise science, kinesiology, and anatomy and physiology.

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For example, you’ll learn about muscle fibers, body composition, measuring heart rate, and periodization regarding program design.

This study guide is the start of the ISSA exam materials offered within PTPioneer. Many learners here would also benefit from organizing the study guide chapters with the study plan offered in this free study program.

ISSA Practice Exam

Next is the ISSA practice exam page.

This is a full practice exam split into two parts for ease of taking for the learners here on PTPioneer. Also offered on this page will be one domain quiz for each domain of knowledge throughout the ISSA CPT program.

You can access these ISSA study materials free at any point in your studies, even while taking your ISSA prep course.

The ISSA practice test will ensure that you know more than what needs to be learned and what you might already know.

Those with another CPT or fitness certification can compare the differences and similarities between these ISSA practice questions versus the one they have.

And those who are completely new to the fitness industry can see what to expect from a personal trainer certification exam.

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Learning how to pass the ISSA exam is easier when you focus not only on the ISSA exam prep free practice multiple-choice questions but mainly on each quiz.

These individual CPT certification quizzes cover specific chapters and knowledge within each.

Taking part in practice testing has been shown to assist with studies as it emulates the same questions and format you would see in the official certification exam.

So if you want to become a certified personal trainer, you would take full advantage of these study materials.

ISSA Flashcards

Flashcards may be one of the most utilized study methods and one of the most beneficial ones for learning the information presented in personal training certifications.

Contained within the PTPioneer ISSA flashcard sets will be the most important definitions and general ideas within the textbook and presented one chapter at a time, with some chapters being larger and having two sets of flashcards.

Paid study plans, like Trainer Academy’s ISSA CPT program, offer spaced-repetition flashcards, which may increase the effectiveness even more than just standard flashcard studying.

Overall, flashcards work well in that they help embed important terms and topics into your head and may be used daily for little time and no hassle.

ISSA Cheat Sheet

This ISSA cheat sheet comes from Trainer Academy and provides critical information and topics regarding sports medicine and fitness concepts.

Specifically, the ISSA cheat sheet reminds learners during practice testing and simple memorization studying and has been proven repeatedly to help with practice exams.

If you are looking for additional materials that are seen with paid study programs, like trainer academy, then look for study items like audio guides, mnemonics, and standard tips to improve studying.

Topics Covered in the ISSA CPT

The ISSA covers a ton of domains of knowledge including:

  • Biomechanics
  • Metabolism and energy systems
  • Brain, heart, and lung anatomy
  • Fitness assessment procedures


Finally, PTPioneer has an official ISSA FAQ page that answers the most frequently asked questions regarding the ISSA CPT exam, study materials, exam pass rate, and continuing education.

Going through these questions ensures you are not missing important information that many people search for online.

So what are your next steps?

Check the section below to see what I recommend each student do next.

Next Steps in Your ISSA CPT Exam Prep

I highly recommend reading the PTPioneer ISSA certification review article to gain more in-depth formation on the ISSA CPT and accompanying NCCA exam.

Regardless of which certification you aim for, from my experience, the best bet is to follow the Exam Prep Hub in exact order, as you’ll find that one thing leads right into the other smoothly.

If you are still unsure about the ISSA CPT program, read some PTPioneer certification review articles or explore other exam prep hubs (ex., NSCA CSCS, ACSM CPT, NASM CPT, and ACE CPT).

Like the ISSA CPT, these programs are highly respected, sought-after, and good quality.

Weigh the pros and cons of each program, and look for any educational requirements to enroll.

In most cases, the prerequisites are having a high school diploma, a current and valid CPR/AED certification, and being at least 18 years of age.

To get the most out of your training career, seek specializations.

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Specializations will add to your responsibilities and ability to design programs and your overall income!

Furthermore, you may become a master trainer, group exercise instructor, or aerobics instructor.

Even a nutrition coach – and ISSA has one of the best nutrition certification programs out there called the ISSA Nutritionist.

You can find an ISSA Nutritionist review on the PTPioneer website, so if you’re interested, I recommend reading through it.

Not interested in specializations as of yet?

Go straight to the ISSA practice exam to understand how you would do with the actual ISSA exam if it were taken now.

I know ISSA has a lot of information, so I created this page to help you navigate it all in an easy-to-digest, user-friendly way.

ISSA CPT Exam Prep Conclusion

Overall, PLEASE take your preparation seriously.

As you may already know, failing to plan is planning to fail.

Another key point I emphasize is to avoid rushing through.

Studying is no race, and no matter your educational background, the CSCS exam is not easy. Do not think it will be given to you.

Make sure you go through the official textbook and all ISSA study materials at a relaxed and chill pace, so you can retain all the information you can.

If this ISSA cert isn’t for you, take this quiz to find which certification may better fit your needs.

Best of luck with your studies!

Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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All content published on PTPioneer is checked and reviewed extensively by our staff of experienced personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and other Fitness Experts. This is to make sure that the content you are reading is fact-checked for accuracy, contains up-to-date information, and is relevant. We only add trustworthy citations that you can find at the bottom of each article. You can read more about our editorial integrity here.

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