After you take the full CSCS practice exam above, you will know which domains you are stronger and weaker in, respectively. Then, you can use the individual CSCS practice quizzes below to focus on the questions you need the most help with.
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CSCS Scientific Foundations (Section 1) Quizzes
Domain 1: Exercise Science
Covered in this domain will be:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Biomechanics
- Bioenergetics and Metabolism
- Neuroendocrine Physiology
- Physiological Adaptations
- Differences Among Athletes
- Knowledge of Scientific Research and Statistics
Domain 2: Sports Psychology
Covered in this domain will be:
- Psychological Foundations of Performance
- Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition Techniques
- Mental Health Issues in Athletes
Domain 3: Nutrition
Covered in this domain will be:
- Nutritional Factors Affecting Health
- Nutrition to Maximize Performance
- Common Supplements and Performance-Enhancing Substances
CSCS Practical/Applied (Section 2) Quizzes
Domain 4: Exercise Technique
Covered in this domain will be:
- Movement Preparation
- Resistance Training Technique
- Olympic Weight Lifting and Plyometric Exercise
- Speed / Sprint Technique
- Agility Technique
- Energy Systems Development
- Recovery Techniques
Domain 5: Program Design
Covered in this domain will be:
- Needs Analysis
- Training Methods and Modes
- Exercise Selection
- Exercise Order
- Exercise Intensities
- Training Volumes
- Work / Rest Periods, Recovery, and Unloading
- Exercise Progression
- Periodization Models and Concepts
- Programming During Athlete Injury and Reconditioning
Domain 6: Organization and Administration
Covered in this domain will be:
- Organizational Environment
- Design, Layout, and Organization of Strength and Conditioning Facility
- Professional Practice
- Common Litigation Issues
Domain 7: Testing and Evaluation
Covered in this domain will be:
- Select Appropriate Evidence-Based Tests
- Administer Testing and Implement Monitoring Protocols and Procedures
- Evaluate and Interpret Test Results