After you’ve taken the full ACSM practice test, you’ll know the areas of knowledge in the ACSM curriculum that you need to focus on during your studies. You can use the domain quizzes lower in this article to focus on those sections once your ACSM practice exam is complete.

Free ACSM Quizzes
Domain 1: Initial Client Consultation and Assessment Quizzes
Throughout this domain, you will be tested on topics like:
- Initial Interview Prep
- Client Interviewing Techniques
- Review and Analysis of Data for Clients
- Behavioral Readiness Evaluation
- The Assessment of Health and Physical Fitness Components
- Training Plan Development
Domain 2: Exercise Programming/Implementation Quizzes
Throughout this domain, you will be tested on topics like:
- Review of Goals and History of Clients
- Selection of Exercise Modality
- Determination of FITT-VP principles
- Review and Beginning of Proposed Client Plans
- Monitoring Client Performance
- Recommending Exercise Improvements
- Getting Feedback from Clients
Domain 3: Exercise Leadership and Client Education Quizzes
Throughout this domain, you will be tested on topics like:
- Using Communication Techniques to Enhance Performance
- Education of Clients with Scientific Resources
Domain 4: Legal and Professional Responsibilities Quizzes
Throughout this domain, you will be tested on topics like:
- Networking with other Health Professionals
- Development of a Risk Management Program
- Adherence to the Code of Ethics
- Following Industry Standards
- Respect for Copyright Laws
- Safeguard Client Information
After taking these quizzes in specific domains, note the material you struggled with and go to the associated chapters offered here on PTPioneer and in the ACSM textbook to help nail down this knowledge.
My Experience helping students pass the ACSM exam
Over the past 10 years, I have helped thousands of students prepare for the ACSM CPT exam. I have seen what materials and strategies are most effective for passing the ACSM test. This ACSM practice test is a compilation of my experience helping students prepare for the ACSM exam so that you have the best shot at passing on your first try.
What is the ACSM CPT exam?
The ACSM exam is the culmination of the ACSM personal trainer certification course. As an NCCA-accredited program, the ACSM exam has been fully vetted by experts to ensure the highest quality material when it comes to preparing personal trainers for the rigorous job of helping clients achieve optimal health and fitness.
ACSM Exam Info Table

ACSM Exam Registration
To register for your ACSM exam, check your learning portal for the option to select your exam date. You can also sign up directly through the ACSM website if you do not purchase any study program from the ACSM.
Online vs In-Person ACSM Exam

The ACSM offers the option to take your exam online or in-person. If you opt for the online version, you will have a live proctor observing you the whole time, and as such, you will be required to have a webcam on throughout your exam. You will also need to clear your room of any papers. For the in-person option, you’ll need to go to one of the approved testing centers, which are available in most major cities.
ACSM Exam Career Impact
With major growth projected for the fitness industry, the passing ACSM exam is a solid start on a successful career as a personal trainer and exercise professional. The ACSM CPT is among the most well-known personal training certifications in the industry, so it’s definitely a good choice and can have a serious impact on your trajectory as a personal trainer. The ACSM is particularly well-suited for clinical-focused trainers given the overall organizational focus of the American College of Sports Medicine.
ACSM Exam Breakdown
The ACSM encompasses 4 domains of knowledge across its 135 questions. With 150 total minutes to complete your exam, you get a bit longer than 1 minute per exam question, so you do need to have a really solid grasp of the material going into the exam.
Knowledge and Skills on the ACSM Exam
The ACSM exam covers a broad scope of knowledge and skills across domains like exercise science, technique, program design, behavioral coaching, nutrition, and more. The content breaks down along the following lines:
- Domain 1: Initial Client Consultation and Assessment – 25%
- Domain 2: Exercise Programming and Implementation – 45%
- Domain 3: Exercise Leadership and Client Education – 20%
- Domain 4: Legal and Professional Responsibilities – 10%
ACSM Exam Domain Percentages

Secrets to Passing the ACSM Exam
Secret #1:
Get your copy of the ACSM CPT exam cheat sheet.
It helps immensely in your ability to study for the ACSM test. This PDF printable one-page sheet gives you a breakdown of the skills and knowledge candidates need to pass the exam.
Secret #2:
My PTP students report cutting their ACSM CPT study time and effort in half with Trainer Academy.
Benefit from the Exam Pass Guarantee and Retake Fee Guarantee. Plus, take advantage of my current discount code PTPFEBRUARY for 50% off the MVP Program (Ends February 16th, 2025).
Try it out for free here to see if it’s right for you, or read my detailed review for further insights.
Secret #3:
These PT Pioneer ACSM tests will take numerous sessions to complete. I don’t expect you to knock it out in one shot. With that said be sure to bookmark this page to ensure you can find it for your next ACSM Study Session.
Alright, let’s dive into the best ACSM exam prep, the ACSM CPT exam study guide!
Now, let’s dive into some test preparation and see how ACSM breaks up its Certification Exam for Personal Training!
Get your copy of the ACSM CPT exam cheat sheet and our study plan. It helps immensely in studying for the exam.
My experience teaching students to pass the ACSM exam
Throughout my 12 years as a personal trainer and mentor to other aspiring fitness trainers, I have helped thousands of students prepare for their ACSM certified personal trainer exams. Over the course of that time, I’ve honed in on the study methodologies that work to get students passing the exam on their first try and I’ve eliminated methods that don’t deliver results.
This ACSM practice exam is part of a culmination of my collective experience creating the next generation of personal trainers.
All of the questions on this ACSM practice test reflect the kind of questions you will encounter on the actual exam.
You can utilize this resource however you want. However, I highly recommend using it to hone in on the areas of knowledge that you need the most work on. If you commit to knowing everything you need to pass this practice test, you are all but guaranteed to pass your actual exam.
what is the aCSM CPT exam?
The ACSM exam is your final milestone on your road to earning your personal training certification through the American College of Sports Medicine.
As an NCCA-accredited exam, the ACSM has submitted its curriculum through a rigorous process of vetting and refinement by subject matter experts.
This guarantees that anyone with the knowledge to pass the ACSM exam should have the requisite skill set for success in the fitness industry.
Understanding The ACSM CPT exam
ACSM Exam Info Table

ACSM CPT Study Series
- ACSM Exam Prep Home Page
- ACSM Study Plan
- ACSM Study Guide
- ACSM Practice Exams
- ACSM Flashcards
- ACSM Cheat Sheet

down the information so you can ace the exam.
ACSM Certification Domain Breakdown

The ACSM has been a prominent name in exercise science. It is very valuable in training fitness professionals from all organizations, as they provide many research points in the health fitness industry.
ACSM stands for the American College of Sports Medicine, and they have been in fitness for longer than the other top companies, like NSCA and NASM.
The ACSM Study Materials and ACSM CPT exam prep are all broken down into four domains.
For the breakdown of the ACSM exam, as it currently stands with the up-to-date 6th edition ACSM test, these are the names for the domains of knowledge:
- Domain 1: Initial client consultation and assessment; (Represents 25% of questions)
- Domain 2: Exercise programming/implementation; (Represents 45% of questions)
- Domain 3: Practice leadership and client learning; (Represents 20% of questions)
- Domain 4: Legal and professional Aspects: (Represents 10% of questions)
As you can see, these are the percentages of representation on the actual exam for personal trainer certification.
The PTPioneer test prep exam questions on this page will prepare you for the ACSM exam and the specific domains with the quizzes.
So, below, you will find an ACSM mock exam that includes some questions quite similar to the ACSM exam questions.
Taking a personal trainer practice test like this can help with your passing score, shorten your study time significantly, and make you an exercise instructor in no time.
The first test above will emulate the ACSM certified personal trainer exam with a proper breakdown of the percentages for the domains, but on a slightly smaller scale than the real exam.
After that, you can take the other quizzes below, which will focus on each of the four domains to see which one you may need to focus on more in the ACSM study guide on PTPioneer.
ACSM Exam Tips

Whether taking the ACSM exam for the first time or doing a retake, everyone can use some helpful advice from someone who has taken the test.
The first tip is to utilize this article by taking as many ACSM exam practice tests as possible.
It would be best if you wanted to get as many ACSM practice questions as possible into your studies.
Your next tip for ACSM test prep would be to utilize flashcard studying to memorize all the important definitions and primary topics throughout the ACSM textbook.
PTPioneer offers flashcards in our free ACSM exam prep study hub.
Another tip is that when taking practice exams, use a cheat sheet page to help you remember more difficult topics, but don’t rely on it for the entire test.
The final tip for taking the exam is to make sure that you get a good amount of sleep and rest before the day of your exam.
All in all, the ACSM CPT exam will be 150 multiple-choice questions, with 30 of these being non-scored and only utilized for future test-taking purposes.
So, it would be best if you were prepared to ace a pretty long test with a pass rate of around 65 – 70%, not a guaranteed pass.
If you utilize these tips and the materials offered on this PTPioneer ACSM study hub, you will have an excellent chance at acing the exam.
Study Resources

This is only one small portion of the study offerings we have for free here at PTPioneer.
We also offer other study system features, such as flashcards, a plan for studying, and an FAQ page, and the biggest offering is a chapter-by-chapter study guide to cover the highlights from each of the chapters in the ACSM textbook.
Make sure to click the Study Hub section after the introduction of this article to go through the many different study offerings we have on the site.
While we offer free materials here on PTPioneer, and they are the best ACSM exam prep materials you can find without paying, you may be interested in an even more focused and intensive study experience. You can also leverage the PT Pioneer videos in conjunction with the products offered here. As mentioned you can also use the Trainer Academy system, which includes an amazing study app.
For everything you need to study, check out Trainer Academy and their amazing paid study program for ACSM CPT practice test questions, ACSM flashcards, an ACSM cheat sheet, and all the materials you could ask for when it comes to an ACSM study plan. I personally believe they offer some of the best practice ACSM questions.
List of Topics and Items on the ACSM Exam
The following concepts subjects are all covered on the Pearson VUE proctored exams.
- Exercise modalities
- Anatomy and exercise physiology including muscles, bones, nervous system, cardiorespiratory system
- Delivering services such as program design
- Exercise testing and exercise guidelines
- Exercise technique for resistance training activities
Top Three Most Difficult ACSM Test Questions
The first thing to note is that the ACSM CPT exam is 150 questions long, all of which are multiple-choice. So in this section, we are going to take a look at three tough questions that you might encounter in your exam. Remember, it’s not the same exam for everyone, so bear that in mind.
Note also that these questions will never be the same as you encounter in your test. ACSM is always updating its tests and changing things to keep them fresh.
Ok, let’s take a look at a few tough questions. If you want more practice exams (which I recommend), check out Trainer Academy, which has five full ACSM practice exams.
Question 1
As a certified professional trainer, you can pass on even more help to your clients and help them reach their fitness goals by giving them suitable direction and information through each of the learning phases they will pass through.
In what order do these phases occur?
- Cognitive, Automatic, Associative
- Automatic, Associative, Cognitive
- Cognitive, Associative, Automatic
- Associative, Cognitive, Automatic
Question 2
When training special groups, there are several things to consider. You recently have a new client, and it’s the first senior citizen you have trained. What’s one of seniors’ most important concerns as they age?
- A lack of vitamins and minerals in their system
- Their muscles and bones are weaker than younger clients
- They often lack nutrients, and all are unfit
- None of these answers are correct
Question 3
One of your regulars has recently been diagnosed with hypertension. Which of these situations below should form part of their training regime?
- While training, they should clench their fists whenever they can
- While training, they should focus on breathing properly and cut out any heavy-lifting exercises
- While training, they should always rise as quickly as possible when standing up from a seated training position
- While training, they should complete their workout as quickly as they can
Top Three Most Difficult ACSM CPT Exam Answers

Ok, now we have looked at three difficult questions; let’s look at the answers and a little explanation around each of them.
Question 1
You know the learning phases when using motor skills, right? So this question takes that into account. And those learning phases start with cognitive, associative, and automatic.
But let’s break it down.
Say a new client is trying a weight machine for the first time. They begin in the cognitive stage, where every move they execute sees them thinking about what they are doing by keeping the correct form, for example.
They do this while you guide them through how to use the machine properly. Later, they move onto the associative stage, where their movements become slightly more natural as they get used to keeping their form and how the machine works.
Finally, after a few weeks, it’s the automatic stage where muscle memory helps them use the machine and keep the correct form automatically.
Answer: Cognitive, associative, automatic
Big tip: Note that sometimes the automatic phase is called the autonomous phase
Question 2
As a personal trainer, you will help all kinds of people: those that are somewhat fit, others that are unfit, those with medical conditions, people that are obese, and yes, senior citizens who want to remain as fit and healthy as possible.
And there is certainly no one-size-fits-all when devising a training program. Everyone is different, so they will need your attention when you draw up a unique program for them and when they train.
Of course, senior citizens cannot train as hard as younger people, and you certainly need to consider that they do have weaker muscles and bones than others.
Answer: Weaker muscles and bones
Question 3
Now onto our final answer, and that’s for question 3. If a client has hypertension, there is no playing around. Simply put, they need to watch themselves when they exercise.
And that means you need to teach them correct breathing and that they breathe slowly as they exercise. They should never do exercises that will raise their blood pressure so that cuts out any heavy lifting.
Answer: While training, they should focus on breathing properly and cut out any heavy lifting exercises
Read over these last two sections for some solid advice on the questions and answers within the ACSM Exam.
Good luck with your studies, and I hope the tests and quizzes above helped with your endeavors in ACSM exam preparation.
FAQ’s About ACSM
What does ACSM mean?
ACSM stands for the American College of Sports Medicine. It is a leading organization in the field of sports medicine and exercise science, providing certifications, research, and education to promote health and fitness.
What is ACSM certification?
ACSM certification is a credential, acknowledging expertise in exercise science, sports medicine, and fitness. It includes various certifications like Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Certified Exercise Physiologist (EP-C), and Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP), each suited to different professional levels and career goals. These certifications are well-regarded and focus on evidence-based practices and thorough knowledge.
Is ACSM or NASM better?
Whether ACSM or NASM is better depends on your career goals and focus. ACSM is highly respected in academic and clinical settings, emphasizing exercise science and research. NASM is well-regarded in the fitness industry, particularly for its practical approach to personal training and corrective exercise. Both are excellent, but your choice should align with your specific career aspirations.
What is the eligibility for ACSM?
Eligibility for ACSM certification varies by the specific certification:
• Certified Personal Trainer (CPT): Must be 18 years or older, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and hold a current CPR/AED certification.
• Certified Exercise Physiologist (EP-C): Requires a bachelor’s degree in exercise science or a related field and a current CPR/AED certification.
• Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP): Requires a bachelor’s degree in exercise science or a related field, clinical experience, and a current CPR/AED certification.
Hi! The big button for the practice exam is not working for me.
Hey Paige, thank you for bringing that to my attention. It should all be working now. Good luck with your practice test, let me know what you think of the exam questions.
I took the first part of the ACSM practice test which was 60 questions. I want to take the second part but its not letting me it just says retake quiz. Do I need to get a 100 on part 1 to take part 2?
Hey Dawson, it is broken down by domain. Each of the four domains of the ACSM exam each have 30 question to help you review the materials within the ACSM CPT. Are you able to access the quizzes on this page now?