Get your copy of the ACSM CPT exam Cheat Sheet. It helps immensely in studying for the exam. The download is a high-definition printable PDF. Courtesy of Trainer Academy.

Free ACSM Cheat Sheet - Reduce Study Time Significantly 2

Hello ACSM learners, and welcome to the PTPioneer Study hub page for the Cheat Sheet! Here I’ve consolidated the knowledge and skills individuals need in order to master the ability to pass the ACSM exam and transition from ACSM CPT candidates to full-fledged ACSM-CPT certified trainers.

This page will give you a downloadable PDF Cheat Sheet and advice on using it within your studies.

Get your copy of the ACSM CPT exam cheat sheet and our study plan. It helps immensely in studying for the exam.

In this article, PTPioneer offers:

  • An easy-to-download PDF Cheat Sheet Document
  • Tips on the utilization of Cheat Sheet pages in your studies
  • Next Steps PTPioneer ACSM Study Hub

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Let’s dive in and check out the ACSM study materials with this Cheat Sheet page.

ACSM CPT Study Series

Free ACSM personal trainer exam cheatsheet with PT Pioneer brand overlay.

Cheat Sheet Download

If you didn’t do so above, click the button below to get an email sent to you to download this incredibly useful, High-Quality PDF format ACSM Cheat Sheet.

Along with the cheat sheet, I also offer an excellent downloadable study plan in PDF format to help organize your studies.

These materials are free and require you to put in your email to receive them, as this is the best and safest way to download our materials.

What is a Cheat Sheet?

A cheat sheet is a valuable study and test exam prep resource; for some certification exams, it is a good test-taking resource in the case of an open-book exam.

The cheat sheet is a one-sheet document that holds all of the most important information and the information that may be hard to remember. It is all held on one page so that it is easier to find; there’s no flipping through pages to get to the material you need.

The PTPioneer cheat sheet can give good ideas for your version of a cheat sheet, as there is a small chance we do not cover the same materials that every learner needs. They can make their document and pick and choose some of the PTPioneer information if needed.

Cheat sheets are proven very useful in your studies. Not only do you memorize where to find the exercise science information quickly, but memorizing their location activates the memory in ways that benefit your overall learning.

The cheat sheet is the last of our four main types of study materials outside of the study plan, which organizes them.

The cheat sheet partners well with the other American College of Sports Medicine personal training test preparation materials, like the study hub chapters, practice personal trainer exams, and flashcards. All of these work to cut down your overall study time.

Typically, we see the best use of the study guide’s cheat sheet for ACSM exam prep as a tool during practice test questions and just before final certification testing to memorize the right materials.

Where does this PTPioneer Cheat Sheet come from?

The cheat sheet used here on PTPioneer for the ACSM study plan comes from an affiliated website, Trainer Academy, that makes premium study materials.

They make study materials for top organizations and the most popular fitness certifications, like the ACSM CPT, which we cover for free here.

The premium study materials are much more thorough and intensive. They include a pass guarantee, where you would get your money back if you do not pass the certification exam.

This is a great option for learners that wish to have the most study materials offered for online study, and it comes with some great deals on their prices.

Trainer Academy also offers multiple tiers of packages, so you must choose the best one for what you need.

Cheat Sheet Study Implementation

To properly utilize the cheat sheet based on our recommendations, it is important to check through the study plan page and the associated PDF download to see when and how best to use the Cheat Sheet.

If you are using the 4-week study plan, you will look at the cheat sheet to locate the important topics in the ACSM-certified personal trainer chapters as soon as you complete chapters during the week.

There will be some crossover between the flashcards and the cheat sheet, but different ways to view these most important topics will help answer exam questions in our practice exam and, eventually, the ACSM CPT exam.

For the 3-month study plan, the cheat sheet comes later toward the end. It is familiarized before taking the practice tests again and should be able to help with those practice questions as you go through them, readying for the final exam.

The 6-month and 1-year study plans have the cheat sheet at the end of their last months. This is because they are always viewed as most helpful when taking practice exams, and that is when they are recommended in the study plans.

For all of these ACSM resources offered on PTPioneer for the CPT certification, the goal should be familiarized with every aspect within the downloadable guides.

The PTPioneer ACSM study guide cheat sheets are jam-packed and full of information, serving as an exam content outline.

Ideally, learners should not utilize the cheat sheet on their first attempt at our ACSM certification practice fitness assessment.

After you familiarize yourself with the cheat sheet, keep it handy during your personal trainer certification practice test attempts and only use it when you can’t think of the answer to a test.

You should aim not to rely too greatly on this cheat sheet, as that can hinder your learning and make the cheat sheet more of a crutch you rely on. After test prep is done, this would only hurt you on the inevitable real exam.

Topics Covered on the ACSM Exam

The ACSM covers many areas of knowledge including the following:

  • Physical activity guidelines and daily requirements
  • Endurance, flexibility, resistance weight training, and cardiovascular training technique
  • Program design and periodization
  • Wellness coaching
  • Managing wellness and recovery
  • Energy systems in the human body
  • Exercise physiology concepts
  • Basic business skills for personal trainers
Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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All content published on PTPioneer is checked and reviewed extensively by our staff of experienced personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and other Fitness Experts. This is to make sure that the content you are reading is fact-checked for accuracy, contains up-to-date information, and is relevant. We only add trustworthy citations that you can find at the bottom of each article. You can read more about our editorial integrity here.

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ACSM CPT exam cheat sheet


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