Workout Schedule Template - Your Clients will Love you! 2

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You can print this template out or upload it onto your phone or tablet to keep track of your workouts or your client’s workouts digitally.

A little over two years ago, I was fed up with all the default templates the gym provided me for my clients. I took it upon myself to make a far superior workout schedule template for all of my clients and peace of mind for myself.

The templates that the gym provided me had very few columns. I wanted something that all fit on one page so you could keep track of flexibility training, core training, cardiovascular exercise, and strength training.

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It was also preferable to have a little section for notes and a section dedicated to essential reminders for my clients so that they could remember specific points I made during the personal training session.

Here is the link to download my workout schedule template!

Workout Schedule Template

The importance of a workout template

I will not hire you if you do not use a template to track your client’s workouts. But if you have perfect identical memory and can remember every single exercise, weight, and set used for every single one of your clients, then I apologize!

On the other hand, if you are a normal human being just like myself, you need to keep track of this information to progress or regress your clients accordingly. On top of keeping track of your clients stats, it is also the best motivator for your client to continue working with you.

By continually showing your clients the progress they have made since starting with you, you’ll ensure you keep their motivation for exercise high. After creating this workout schedule template, I distributed it to all the other personal trainers I worked with.

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I got a lot of compliments for how thorough and helpful it was. Because of this, I decided to make the template free for everybody that comes to PTpioneer (for signing up)! So lucky you guys, you get access to the best template for keeping track of your client’s workouts that is available in all of the universes!

I originally uploaded this as a PDF, but I just switched it to a Word document so that you may make changes according to your needs as a personal trainer.

For example, if you want to change the flexibility or essential reminders section, you can delete the title and enter whatever you want in that column.

After you adjust the template how you would like it, you can also upload it to your tablet, such as an iPad or Android tablet, for easy access to use it electronically. Using software in my training business has increased my effectiveness tenfold!

I think using an electronic template is much more comfortable and better for you and your client. After your workout, you can e-mail a copy of the exercise to your clients, who can access it at all times as well as you.

Here are my recommendations for using my workout schedule template

  1. My workout schedule template has no date section for your workouts. Instead, four days will be listed for every category from day one to day four. Of each of these days, there is a small space where it is appropriate to enter the dates of the current workout.
  2. Every template was designed for a specific day or body part you choose to do with your client. Each template can be used for four separate workouts of the same body part. I think it is easier this way to see what exercises and weights you used last time for the same body part. So, for example, if you are doing a five-day split, you should print out five of these templates, which should last you one whole month.
  3. If you are wondering with the hashtag symbol next to the exercise column is, it is for you to write down the machine number (if your gym has numbers on their machines) for your convenience as well as your clients. It is very helpful for your client to use the correct machine while working out alone.

Conclusion on my workout schedule template

I would like to hear all of your opinions on my template. I have been continually improving it over the last two years, and many of the improvements come from advice from other people.

This is an excellent template whether you are a personal trainer (or want to become one) that needs this for your clients or if you need a good template for your workouts. If you have found other good templates online, I would appreciate you pointing me in their direction, so I can adjust mine to make it the best online!

If you are not using a workout template, you need to start doing that right now! It will help you and your clients reach their goals much faster! I guarantee that it will help you become a great personal trainer as long as a successful one.

If this article is helpful, please share it on social media using one of the buttons on the website or tell your friends about it!

To get your free copy, please join the PTpioneer community by entering our e-mail lists. You could do this down below or on the sidebar of this website! Happy personal training!

Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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21 thoughts on “Workout Schedule Template – Your Clients will Love you!”

  1. This workout schedule template is a game changer! As a fitness enthusiast, I’m always looking for ways to stay organized and consistent with my workouts. The customizable templates and pre-made schedules will definitely help me save time and stay on track. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Tyler, Like others have mentioned I clicked the link it took me to a quiz, and no link to the template. Love the YouTube videos you guys put out. It looks like this has been an issue since 2019 with the link not working. This is the most thorough and aesthetically pleasing template I have come across and would love to use it as a base for my own template! Are you going to get this linked again?

    • Hey Krista, I’m glad you enjoy the site; we are looking at improving and focusing on some of the other areas like this again here shortly. Stay tuned for more!

  3. Hey I just found your website I was looking for a training template to use for my clients and yours is perfect. I am trying to sign up to your emailing list so I can have access to it but no link is currently available.

  4. Hi Tyler!
    Amazing information you are sharing in your blog. So much useful content and true value you are providing.

    One extra comment! It seems the link to the workout schedule template is not working.

  5. Hey Tyler! LOVE YOUR SITE. Would you be able to update the link for the template? It’s not linking out and giving me an error message.

  6. Hey brotha! Love your site. It has helped me a lot. I noticed that this template is no longer available. It seems the link is no longer available. Would you be willing to email that to me?!

    • Hey Alex,
      I am working on updating this template and putting it up on the website. I have just been swamped with other work recently that I have not gotten around to it!


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