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NASM FNS Chapter 9 - Energy Balance and Weight Management: Finding Your Equilibrium 6
NASM FNS Chapter 9 - Energy Balance and Weight Management: Finding Your Equilibrium 7

Important definitions to memorize forย chapter 9 of the NASM FNS

Android obesity ~ Excess storage of fat situated primarily within the abdominal cavity

Appetite ~ A psychological need to eat that is associated with the pleasant sensations typically related to food

Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE) ~ The basalย metabolic rateย (BMR)ย scaledย toย twenty-fourย hours.ย typicallyย used interchangeably with REE

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) ~ A clinical calculation of resting energy expenditure performed upon waking up, ten to twelve hours after ingestion, and twelve to eighteen hours after any significant physical activity. usually used interchangeably with RMR

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) ~ Technique to estimate amounts of total body water, lean tissue mass, and total body fat. It uses the resistance of tissue to the flow of an alternating electrical current

BOD POD ~ a tool used to measure the density of the body based on the amount of air displaced as someone sits in a sealed chamber of known volume

Body Composition ~ The chemical or anatomical composition of the body.ย Most commonly, this isย definedย as theย proportions of fat, muscle, bone, andย otherย tissuesย within theย body

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) ~ย Aย disorder of eatingย in whichย a distressingย and impairing preoccupation with anย imaginedย or slight defect inย appearanceย happens to be the primary symptom

Body Fat Distribution ~ The pattern of fat distribution in the body

Body Image ~ an individual’s mental construct of his or her physical appearance, created from many various influences

Body Mass Index (BMI) ~ย the body’s weightย (in kilograms) divided by theย squareย height (in meters), expressed in units of kg/m2.ย additionallyย known asย the Quetelet index

Bomb Calorimeter ~ย a toolย that usesย the heatย of combustionย to measure the energy content of food accurately

Calorimeter ~ a tool used to measure quantities of heat generated by numerous processes

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Calorimetry ~ The measuring of the quantity of heat given off by an organism. it is used to determine total energy expenditure

Densitometry ~ A method for estimating body composition from the measurement of total body density

Directย calorimetryย ~ Determination of energy use by the body byย measuringย the heatย dischargedย fromย anย organismย enclosedย in an exceedinglyย smallย insulated chamberย enclosedย by water.ย The riseย in theย temperature of the water is directlyย related toย the energyย utilized byย the organism.

Doublyย labeledย Water ~ย a techniqueย forย measuringย daily energy expenditure over extended periods, usually seven to fourteen days, whereas subjects liveย in their usual environments.ย Smallย amounts of waterย that areย isotopicallyย taggedย withย deuteriumย and oxygen-18 (2H2O and H218O) areย eaten. Energy expenditureย can beย calculated from theย differenceย between the rates atย thatย the body losesย each type ofย isotype.

Energy ~ Theย capabilityย to doย work. The energy in food isย a form of chemical energyย thatย the body converts to mechanical, electrical, orย heat energy.

Energy Balance ~ The balance within the body between amounts of energy consumed and exhausted

Energy Equilibrium ~ A balance of energy intake and output thatย leads toย very littleย or noย changeย in weight over time

Energy Intake ~ The caloric or energy content of food provided by the sources of dietary energy: carbohydrate (4 kcal/g), protein (4 kcal/g), fat (9 kcal/g), and alcohol (7 kcal/g)

Energy Output ~ the employment of calories or energy for basic body functions, physical activity, and processing of consumed foods

Extremeย obesityย ~ย obesityย is characterizedย byย body weightย surpassingย 100%ย of normal; a severe conditionย usuallyย requiresย surgery.

Ghrelin ~ Aย peptideย hormoneย madeย by theย stomachย that stimulates feeding,ย generallyย known asย the “hunger hormone.”

Gynoidย obesityย ~ Storage of fatย placedย primarilyย within theย buttocks and thighs.ย Additionallyย known asย gynoidย obesity

Hunger ~ย the internal, physiological driveย to seek outย and consume food.ย Not likeย appetite, hungerย is sometimesย experiencedย as a negative sensation,ย usuallyย manifesting asย anย uneasy or painful sensation; theย recurrentย and involuntary lack of accessย to seek outย that foodย mayย produceย deficiency diseaseย over time.

Underwaterย weighingย ~ย determining individualย body density byย measuringย the amountย of water displacedย onceย the body isย submerged in a specialized water tank.ย Additionallyย known asย hydrostaticย weighing

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Hypothalamus ~ย a sectionย of the brainย involvedย inย the regulation ofย hunger andย satiation, respiration,ย body temperature, water balance, andย otherย body functions

Indirectย calorimetryย ~ Determination of energy use by the bodyย while notย directlyย measuringย heat production.ย Strategiesย includeย gas exchange, theย measurementย ofย oxygenย uptake and/orย CO2ย output,ย and also theย doublyย labeledย waterย method.

Isotopes ~ย forms ofย an elementย in whichย the atoms have the sameย numberย of protonsย butย completely differentย numbers of neutrons

Lean Body Mass ~ The portion of the body exclusive of stored fat, together with muscle, bone, connective tissue, organs, and water

Leptin ~ Aย hormoneย createdย byย fatย cells that signalย the amountย of body fat content and influence food intake;ย generallyย known asย “satiety hormone.”

Negative Energy Balance ~ Energy intake isย less thanย energy expenditure,ย leading toย a depletion of body energy stores and weight loss.

Negative Self-Talk ~ Mental or verbal statements made to one’s self that reinforce negative or harmful self-perceptions

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) ~ A neurochemical widely distributed throughout the brain and peripheral nerve tissue. NPY activity has been connected to feeding behavior, depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular performance

Obesity ~ BMI at or above thirty kgm2

Overweight ~ BMI at or above 25 kg/m2 and fewer than 30 kg/m2

Positive Energy Balance ~ Energy intake exceeds energy expenditure, leading to a rise in body energy stores and weight gain

Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) ~ The minimum energyย requiredย to maintain basic physiological functions (e.g., heartbeat, muscle, respiration). The restingย rate of metabolismย (RMR)ย is extrapolatedย toย twenty fourย hours.ย typicallyย used interchangeably with BEE

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) ~ A clinical measurement of resting energy expenditure performed 3 to four hours once ingestion or undergoing significant physical activity. typically used interchangeably with basal metabolic rate

Satiation ~ Feeling of satisfaction and fullness that terminates a meal

Satiety ~ the results of a food or meal that delay consequent intake. a sense of satisfaction and fullness following ingestion that quells the need for food

Total Body Water ~ All of the waterย within theย body,ย as well asย intracellularย andย extracellularย water and waterย within theย urinary and GI tracts

Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) ~ย the wholeย of the resting energy expenditure (REE), energyย utilized inย physical activity, and energyย utilized inย processingย food (TEF),ย which is typicallyย expressed in kilocalories per day

Underwaterย weighingย ~ย determining individualย body density byย measuringย the amountย of water displacedย onceย the body isย submerged in a specialized water tank.ย additionallyย known asย hydrostaticย weighing

Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCD) ~ Dietsย supplyingย 400ย to 800 kilocalories per dayย thatย includeย adequate high-qualityย dietary protein,ย very littleย or no fat,ย very littleย sugar

Waist Circumference ~ The waistย measure, as a marker of abdominal fat content,ย can beย used to indicate health risks, possibly

Weight cycling ~ perennial periods of gaining or losing weight. additionally known as yo-yo dieting

Weight Management ~ The adoption of healthful and sustainable ingestion and exercise behaviors that scale back illness risk and improve well-being

Underweight ~ BMI less than 18.5 kg/m2

Binge ~ Consumption ofย a reallyย large amountย of foodย in an exceedinglyย shortย time (e.g.,ย 2ย hours)ย often accompanied byย a loss ofย managementย overย how muchย and what isย consumed.

Binge Eaters ~ย peopleย whoย habituallyย consumeย a veryย great amountย of foodย in a veryย shortย amountย of timeย (e.g.,ย 2ย hours) and loseย the ability to controlย what quantity andย what’sย eaten

Binge-Eating Disorder ~ย anย eating disorderย marked byย recurrentย episodes of bingeย intakeย andย a senseย of loss ofย control. Theย diagnosisย reliesย onย an individual’sย havingย a medianย ofย at leastย 2ย binge-eating episodes per weekย for 6ย months.

Hypercellular obesity ~ obesity because of an above-average number of fat cells

Restrained Eaters ~ย peopleย whoย habituallyย avoid food as long asย possibleย and thenย gorge on food.

Sleep Apnea ~ Periods of the absence of respiration throughout sleep

NASM FNS Chapter 9 - Energy Balance and Weight Management: Finding Your Equilibrium 8
NASM FNS Chapter 9 - Energy Balance and Weight Management: Finding Your Equilibrium 9
NASM FNS Chapter 9 - Energy Balance and Weight Management: Finding Your Equilibrium 10
Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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