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Static postural assessments
Structural integrity: The alignment and balance of the musculoskeletal system. Allows for joints, muscles, and nerves to function efficiently together.
Kyphosis lordosis muscular imbalances
Shortened muscles (hypertonic/facilitated)
- Lumbar extensors, hip flexors, anterior shoulders/chest, neck extensors, and latissimus dorsi
Lengthened muscles (inhibited)
- External obliques, scapular stabilizers, hip extensors, neck flexors, and upper back extensor
Flatback muscle imbalances
Shortened muscles (hypertonic/facilitated)
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- The rectus abdominis, neck extensors, upper back extensors, and ankle plantar flexors
Lengthened muscles (inhibited)
- Psoas major/iliacus, lumbar extensors, internal obliques, and neck flexors
Swayback imbalances
Shortened muscles (hypertonic/facilitated)
- Lumbar extensors, hamstrings, upper fibers of posterior obliques, neck extensors
Lengthened muscles (inhibited)
- Psoas major/iliacus, external obliques, neck flexors, rectus for Morris, and upper back extensors
Muscular imbalances
Correctable conditions
- Poor posture from habit, repetitive movements, bad joint mobility/stability, side dominance, and strength programs that are not balanced.
Non-correctable conditions
- Certain pathologies (rheumatoid arthritis), congenital conditions (such as scoliosis), structural deviations, and traumas (amputation and surgeries, etc.)
Deviation #1: Ankle supination/pronation
Supination – high arches
- Inversion foot movement
- knee (tibial) movement – external rotation
- Viewpoint: from the front
- Femoral movement – external rotation
Pronation – Arch flattening
- Eversion foot movement
- Knee (tibial) movement – Internal rotation
- Viewpoint: from the front
- Femoral movement – Internal rotation
Deviation #2: Hip adduction/hiking
One hip is elevated due to a lateral tilt of the pelvis
Deviation #3: Pelvic tilting (posterior or anterior)
Posterior pelvic tilt – The superior and posterior portion of the pelvis (ASIS) rotates backward and downward.
- A good way to remember this is like dumping water out of the back of a bucket
- Dominant/tight rectus abdominis and tight hamstrings
Anterior pelvic tilt – The anterior and superior portion of the pelvis (ASIS) rotates forward and downward from the sagittal view
- A good way to remember this is by pouring water out of the front of a bucket
- Tight hip flexors. Associated with a sedentary lifestyle and the majority of the time sitting down.
Deviation #4: The positions of the shoulder/thoracic spine
Depression, elevation, abduction, adduction, downward rotation, and upward rotation
Suspected overactive/tight muscles and observations
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- Shoulders that are not level โ Tight/overactive upper trapezius, rhomboids, and levator scapula
- Asymmetry to midline – flexed side/lateral trunk flexors
- Forward rounded shoulders (protracted) – Upper trapezius, Serratus anterior, and anterior scapulohumeral muscles
- Depressed chest/kyphosis – Pectoralis minor, internal obliques, rectus abdominis, and shoulder adductors
- Medially rotated humorous – latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major, subscapularis
Deviation #5: Head positioning in the sagittal view
The forward head position โ Overactive/tight upper trapezius, cervical spine extensors, and levator scapulae.
Movement screening
The five primary movements :
- Raising/bending and lowering/lifting movements such as squatting
- Single/one-leg movements
- Pushing movements(in the horizontal/vertical planes) and resultant movements
- Pulling movements (in horizontal/vertical planes) and resultant movements
- All of the rotation movements
Lift and bend (Refer to Table 7-9)
Knees move inward in the anterior view
- Tight/overactive hip adductors and TFL
- Lengthened/underactive gluteus Maximus and medius
When the movement initiates at the knees sagittal view
- Not enough glute activation
- Indicates hip flexor and quadriceps dominance
Back arches extensively in sagittal view
- Tight/overactive latissimus dorsi, back extensors, and hip flexors
- Loose/underactive rectus abdominis, core, hamstrings, and gluteal group
Back rounds forward in the sagittal view (Has the same focus as number three)
- Underactive/loose upper back extensors
- Overactive/tight Teres major, Peck minor and major, and latissimus dorsi
The hurdle step (Refer to Table 7-10)
Inward leg hip rotation in the anterior view
- Raised leg internal rotators or a tight stance leg
- Raised leg external rotators or an underactive stance leg
The hiking of the raised hip from the anterior view
- A tight stance leg hip flexors (Will limit the posterior hip rotation during the raise)
Shoulder push stabilization (Referred to Table 7-11)
Noticeable โwingingโ during the push-up movements at the scapulothoracic joint (sagittal view)
- The trapezius, levator scapula, serratus anterior, and rhomboids (periscapular muscles) cannot stabilize the scapulae on the rib cage. A flat thoracic spine can also cause this.
Thoracic spine mobility (Refer to Table 7-12)
A bilateral discrepancy in the transverse view (assuming they had no other previous issues)
- Side dominance possibility
- Possible paraspinal development differences
- Possible torso rotation (Maybe connected to hip rotation)
Flexibility assessments and muscle length
The Thomas test (Quadriceps/hip flexion length)
PSL (Passive straight leg) raise
To test hamstring length
A normal hamstring length: moving at least 80ยฐ of flexion before posterior pelvic rotation
Shoulder mobility
Extension and flexion
- Good shoulder mobility: The client can flex shoulders to 170 to 180 degrees
External and internal rotation of the humerus at the shoulder test
Apley’s scratch test (shoulder mobility)
- If your client can touch certain spots, this shows good shoulder mobility
Core and balance
Sharpened Romberg test
- This will assist your client’s static balance by having them close their eyes in standing with a lower support base.
Stork stands the balance test.
- You can assess your client’s balance by having them stand on 1 foot in a stork stand position.
Mcgill’s torso muscular endurance test
- Endurance test for the trunk flexor
- Contraindications – Not good for people with lower back pain, recent surgery, or a flare-up of lower back problems.
Trunk collateral endurance test
- Contraindications
- Not good for clients that have shoulder pain or weakness in the shoulders
- Not good for people that have lower back pain, recent surgery, or a flare-up of lower back problems.
The trunk extensor endurance test
- Contraindications
- Not the best for clients that have deficiencies in strength
- Example: a client that cannot lift their torso to a neutral position from a forward flexed position
Clients that have a very high body mass
Not good for people that have lower back pain, recent surgery, or a flare-up of lower back problems.
If you want additional study materials, check out the team over at Trainer Academy. They have incredible study materials for ACE And I have a special limited-time discount for my readers. I also suggest you check out my review on Trainer Academy here.
Tyler Read
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