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Resistance training benefits
- Physical capacity: One’s ability to perform exercise and work
- After 10 weeks of resistance training
- 1.4 kg of increased muscle mass
- A reduction in body fat by 1.8 kg
- After 10 weeks of resistance training
- Body composition and overall physical appearance
- Metabolic function
- Additional calories burned each day from a raised RMR
- Disease prevention and risk of injury
- Increased BMD (bone mineral density)
- Decreased pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Overall decreased risk of osteoporosis
- Decreases blood pressure
- An overall better lipid profile
- Lowered rates of depression
- A decreased risk for metabolic syndrome
Long-term and acute physiological adaptations to Resistance training
- Influential factors
- Growth hormone and testosterone increase
- Age
- Sex
- Muscle fiber types: Type II/fast-twitch, type I/slow twitch, type IIX, and type IIa
- The relative muscular length compared to bone
- Limb length
- The muscle force arm x muscle force = the resistance force arm
- The insertion point of the tendon
- Hypertrophy and muscular strength
Power, endurance, and strength relationships
- Strength
- The one rep maximum (1RM)
- Endurance
- The overall repetitions that can be done on a sub for maximal resistance
- Power
- Moderate/fast movement speeds at a medium weight produce the most power
Training variables
- Things that need assessment
- Skill in health-related parameters
- Frequency
- Sessions per week per muscle group
- Beginning clients: 2 to 3 times per week
- Intermediate clients: 3 to 4 times per week
- Advanced clients: 4 to 7 times per week
- The order of exercises
- First are multi-joint compound exercises (the primary exercises)
- Second, are single joint exercises (assisted exercises)
- Volume
- Repetition volume
- The number of sets multiplied by the number of repetitions
- Load volume
- This is the weight lifted multiplied by repetitions multiplied by sets = load volume
- Goal-based volumes
- General muscle fitness
- 8 to 15 repetitions for 1 to 2 sets with 30 to 90 seconds of rest. Intensity will vary
- Overall muscular endurance
- A minimum of 12 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets with less than 30 seconds of rest at 60% to 70% of the one rep max
- Hypertrophy
- 6 to 12 repetitions for 3 to 6 sets with 30 to 90 seconds of rest. This is done at 70% to 80% of the one rep maximum
- Muscular strength
- Less than six repetitions for 2 to 3 sets with 2 to 5 minutes of rest at 80% to 90% of one rep maximum
- Power
- Single effort repetitions/lifts: 1 to 2 repetitions for 3 to 5 sets with 2 to 5 minutes in between. This is done at more than 90% of one rep maximum.
- Multiple effort lifts: 3 to 5 repetitions with 3 to 5 sets and 2 to 5 minutes of rest at more than 90% of the one rep maximum
- General muscle fitness
- Repetition volume
- Intensity
- Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
- Tempo
- Isokinetic
- Isotonic
- Rest
Training principles
The double progressive strength training protocol
- Increasing overall repetitions
- Increasing the weight in increments of 5%
- Resistance repetition protocols that are appropriate
- For example a rower versus a shot putter
- Heavier training loads need to be trained progressively
- A 5% load increase helps to facilitate strength development
- Strength is lost at about half the rate that it was gained
Diminishing returns
- We need to change the training exercises when we plateau
- New exercises help recruit new neuromuscular responses as well as new motor unit activation patterns. This helps with progressive strength improvements.
Periodization models for resistance training
- The macrocycle: Overall timeframe for a periodization program
- Usually between six and 12 months
- Mesocycle: Splits up the macrocycle into smaller cycles that progressively lead to the final goal
- Microcycle: Splits up the mesocycle into smaller cycles as well
- Usually 2 to 4 weeks in length
- Linear periodization: This is a training protocol that is consistent within another training protocol
- The variables change after each microcycle
- Frequency- intensity-repetitions-sets-type (FIRST)
- Movement training FIRST
- Sessions per week: 2 to 3
- Lower intensity
- Between 10 and 20 repetitions
- At least one set
- Will depend on movement efficiency of client
- Stable position, Multi-plane movements, unsupported postures, ground-based standing
- For lower body: Closed chain
- For upper body: Open chain
- Muscular endurance (FIRST)
- Three times per week
- If your client is unable to do the same number of repetitions on their second or third workout, the frequency will be dropped to two times per week.
- Between 12 and 16 repetitions (controlled at six seconds per repetition) at between 60% and 70% of one rep maximum within 75 to 100 seconds
- 2 to 3 sets under 60 seconds rest
- You need to emphasize the five basic movement patterns when selecting exercises
- Three times per week
- Strength (FIRST)
- Three days (72 hours) between sessions
- Focus on between one and six repetitions at 80% to 90% of the one rep maximum for the best improvement.
- Focus on 70% to 90% for the initial stages
- Usually between three and four sets
- Focus on the five basic movement patterns
- Hypertrophy (FIRST)
- 72 hours of recovery time for each muscle group
- Between six and 12 repetitions at 70% to 80% of one rep maximum, 50 to 70 seconds of rest time for 3 to 6 sets
- Combine machines and free weights
- Approaches that are more advanced
- Compound sets: Two exercises or more for the same muscle group with no rest in between
- Supersets: Alternating opposing muscle groups with little rest time between
- Assisted training: This is training to fatigue with the trainer assisting an additional 3 to 5 repetitions after failure
- Breakdown training: This is reducing the weight after failure by 10% to 20% in performing more repetitions until failure once again
- For power improvement
- Plyometrics: These are movements that are powerful and quick and that included the stretch-shortening cycle
- Amortization phase: This is the time period between concentric gained eccentric actions
- Stretch-shortening (cycle): This is an eccentric contraction (active stretch) followed by an immediate concentric contraction (shortening) of the same muscle
- Muscle spindles: These are able to sense the changes in the magnitude and rate of a stretch on a muscle
- They will invoke an involuntary contraction (stretch reflex) when there are quick stretches that it notices
- Older adults
- Do not have them hold the breath due to a blood pressure increase
- Avoid isometric contraction holding due to a blood pressure increase
- Limit to two sessions weekly as they recover slower
- Nutrition
- Anemia: This is a deficiency of iron
- Caffeine: Will enhance athletic performance
- Vitamin B12: Metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, fat and nerve tissue
- Riboflavin: production of energy
- Vitamin D: For bone growth, mineralization and the absorption of calcium
- Also good for nerve transmission, blood clotting, and muscle stimulation
- Steroids
- Anabolic side effects:
- Anger issues, reduction in testicle size, higher blood pressure, more facial hair, lower tone of voice for women, gynecomastia (larger breast size).
- Anabolic side effects:
- Precursor to testosterone (androstenedione)
- Lowers HDL levels, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, increases cardiac disease risk
- Increases gynecomastia and baldness
- Movement training FIRST
If you want additional study materials, check out the team over at Trainer Academy. They have incredible study materials for ACE And I have a special limited-time discount for my readers. I also suggest you check out my review on Trainer Academy here.
Can i get help to pass ACE exam?
Of course you can get help to pass the American Council on exercise personal training exam. I suggest checking out Trainer Academy as they have fantastic study materials including a practice exam, flashcards, a study guide and other study materials to help you along your way to passing the exam. I hope this helps and here is the link. https://traineracademy.org/ace/