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Important things to know:
Be able to identify symptoms and signs that deserve an immediate termination of assessment
The onset of chest pain/discomfort, angina, or similar symptoms
A drop of systolic blood pressure of 10mmHg or more with an intensity increase
An increase in blood pressure (over 115mmHg for diastolic or over 250mmHg for systolic)
Symptoms of excessive fatigue
Pallor (paleness), Cyanosis (coloration by mouth), Lightheadedness, clammy/cold skin, and nausea
Ataxia, confusion, syncope, and dizziness
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Claudication or leg cramping
A request from your client to stop
Physical and verbal signs of extreme fatigue
Failure in equipment
Anthropometrics and body composition
Fat tissue and lean tissue
Lean tissue (body mass): Bones, connective tissue, muscles, nervous tissue, blood, organs, and skin
Essential body fat levels for women: 10% to 13%
Essential body fat levels for men: 2% to 5%
Hydrostatic weighing
Also called underwater weighing
The best way/benchmark for determining body composition
Has approximately a 1.5% to 2% error margin
Skinfold measurements
Is done by measuring subcutaneous body fat
Has eight errors between 6% and 8%, especially for inexperienced or untrained personal trainers
Is usually between 2% and 3.5% of the underwater weighing measurements
Jackson and Pollick 3 site locations
- For women: Thigh, triceps, and suprailium
- For men: thigh, abdominal, and chest
Evaluation of body composition
Considerations for programming
Additional anthropometric measurements
Body mass index (BMI)
- Under 18.5 = underweight
- Between 18.5 in 24.9 = Normal
- Between 25 and 29.9 = Overweight
- Between 30 and 34.9 = level I obesity
- Between 35 and 39.9 = level II obesity
- Over 40 = Level III obesity
Measurements of girth (circumference)
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- Locations: Arm, calf, forearm, waist, upper thigh, mid thigh, hips, glutes, and abdomen
- This is helpful for clients who have hypertrophy goals
The hip to waist ratio
- Gynoid (pear-shaped) and Android (Apple shaped)
- Risk factors
- Over .95 for men
- Over .86 women
Waist Circumference Risk Factors:
- 100 to 120 cm (39.5 to 47 inches) for men
- 90 to 109 cm (35.5 to 43 inches) for women
Fitness testing: Cardiorespiratory testing
Lab assessment or fitness centers
GXT (graded exercise test)
VO2 maximum
Max heart rate
- 220 โ age fox, Naughton & Haskell (+/- 12 bpm)
- 208 – (.7 x age) Tanaka, Monahan, and Seals (+/- 7 bpm)
- 9 – (.67 x age) Gellish et al (+/- 7 bpm)
Cycle ergometer testing
Sub Max VO2
Ventilator threshold testing
Title volume: The amount of air that is exhaled and inhaled per breath
Minute ventilation: The volume of air that is breathed in a minute
Anaerobic glycolysis: an energy system that relies on carbohydrates
VT1 (first ventilator threshold): When lactate builds up faster than it can be cleared out.
Faster breathing
VT2 (Second ventilator threshold): also known as the lactate threshold (LT): This happens when lactate increases at such a rate that hyperventilation (fast breathing) is not enough to maintain the increased acidity happening during more and more intense exercise.
The submaximal talking test for VT1
This is better performed with a heart rate strap/watch (telemetry)
The threshold test for VT2
OBLA (Onset blood lactate accumulation): The exact moment that blood lactate is accumulating at a faster rate than the body can remove it (usually >4mmol/L)
This is also referred to as the lactate threshold or the anaerobic threshold
Field testing:
Deconditioned clients should not perform a running test
The one-mile Rockport walk test
1 1/2 mile run test
Step tests
Should not be done with clients that:
- Have balance problems
- Are severely overweight
- Are very deconditioned
- Have orthopedic problems
- Are very short and have difficulty with stepping height
Testing for muscular fitness
Testing for muscular endurance:
Curl up test
Push up test
Squat test with body weight
Testing for muscular strength
One rep maximum (absolute strength): The most amount of weight a client can lift for one repetition
Relative strength: The overall absolute strength of one’s body weight
The one rep maximum bench press test, squat test, and leg press test
Only perform muscular strength tests for clients in either phase 3 or phase 4 of the IFT ACE model
Sports/skill assessments
Power assessments
- Only perform power assessments if the client is in phase 4 of the IFT ACE model.
- Vertical jumping test
- The standing long jump test
- Only perform if a client is in phase 4 of the IFT ACE model.
- The 40-yard dash test
- The pro-agility test
Fitness testing accuracy
Typical causes of inaccuracy
- Client factors: Lack of hydration, food intake before the test, the lack of quality sleep, overall fatigue
- Personal trainer factors: Inexperience with administering tests, attempting to influence results for encouragement
- Equipment factors: Bad calibration, failure of equipment, not matched well to the subject
- Environmental factors: Privacy, conditions of weather, distractions, temperature
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