To become a personal trainer in Mississippi, you need the following:

  1. You should be at least 18 years old
  2. Hold a GED or the equivalent
  3. You must have a current adult CPR/AED Certification
  4. Get a certification through a nationally accredited personal training organization
What type of Certification are you looking to get?

Personal Trainer Certification Mississippi

Here are the best personal training certification options in Mississippi: 

  1. International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA-CPT)
  2. National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT)
  3. National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF-CPT)
  4. National Personal Training Institute (NPTI)

I highly recommend that you take the quiz to find out which certification will be most impactful for your specific Mississippi personal trainer career goals.

Personal Trainer Certification Mississippi Cost

The cost to become a personal trainer in Mississippi will largely depend on which certification you select but generally varies from $450 to $1000.

Do you need a license to be a personal trainer in Mississippi?

The state of Mississippi has no official requirements for personal trainers, however, it is notable that most employers prefer those that have certifications from nationally accredited institutions.

Personal Trainer Schools in Mississippi

Having a personal trainer certification in Mississippi will allow you to leverage better jobs, opportunities, and income. Here are some of the top kinesiology schools that I came across in my research.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to take the quiz to find out the best personal trainer certification for your career.

How Much Do Personal Trainers Make in Mississippi?

A personal trainer in Mississippi can take home $59,363 on average, but this can vary from $42,823 to $72,926 depending on various factors such as their education and professional qualifications, the city, other skills that the employer may deem important, and years of experience. See the salary report here.

Make sure to check out the general guide on how to become a personal trainer

How To Become A Personal Trainer in Mississippi

State Fitness Rating

The first thing I want us to do is to understand the state’s fitness profile.

The state fitness rating measures the population’s health and access to infrastructure that may improve health and fitness.

The data Iโ€™ll be using was collected from the good folks over at

This data includes two key aspects in understanding the state fitness rating.

They are obesity prevalence and top gyms per capita.

Obesity is one of the key indications of the health of an individual. Becoming obese means a litany of general health protocols for nutrition and fitness have been overlooked.

Another reason obesity is so useful is it shows how engaged a population is with the health and fitness industry. 

High prevalence shows low engagement, which means less overall opportunity for fitness service providers.

As for Mississippi, the obesity prevalence is 37.30, making it the second-worst state for obesity figures.

This paints a dire picture regarding securing opportunities with the local state population.

Exclusive PTP CPT Offers

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ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Online NCCA Cert
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TA - Trainer Academy - Best Study Materials for Personal Trainer Certification Online - See MVP discount
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NCSF Certification - A Good Option - Save 25%
Best CPT for you?
Best CPT For You? Take the Personal Trainer Certification Online quiz and Get a Personalized Recommendation Just for You

Next, we have the top gyms ranking.

Firstly, let’s discuss what top gyms are, to begin with.

The top gyms related to the statistics weโ€™re looking at are those mainstream gym chainsโ€”the large commercial gyms with a mainstream appeal and wide-area access.

Such gyms include the likes of:

  • Orange Theory Fitness
  • Planet Fitness
  • Snap Fitness
  • YMCA
  • LA Fitness
  • Goldโ€™s Gym
  • Crunch Fitness
  • Anytime Fitness
  • 24 Hour Fitness

The reason these gyms are a stateโ€™s fitness rating indicates that they signify how accessible health and fitness are to the public. 

The more access, the healthier a population will be.

Mississippi has a total of 136 top gyms to a population of 2 988,726 locals.

That’s a ratio of 4.55 gyms per 100 thousand people.

That gives the state a top gyms ranking of 44 out of 51, which is still remarkably low.

Mississippi has a state fitness rating of 49, making it America’s third most unfit state.

This already means finding success in this market will be a tall order, but letโ€™s see what the market looks like before jumping to conclusions.

Fitness Market Makeup

With the stars weโ€™ve just looked at, we can suggest that the fitness market isn’t as robust as one would hope in Mississippi.

Nevertheless, an operating fitness industry still exists, meaning there is enough opportunity for fitness trainers.

With the low number of gyms available, your market approach should involve helping many private individuals to achieve their fitness goals.

The right exercise programs will help them trim down and lose body fat for health reasons.

Iโ€™ve also noticed the affinity towards group fitness training in overweight population groups.

This is possible because of how motivating training in a group environment is for sedentary and overweight clients.

Having a decent understanding of group training might come in handy.

Personal Trainer Certifications in Mississippi

Personal trainer certification in Gulfport and other cities is needed to get a job as a personal trainer in Mississippi.

Overall here are my top 2 best personal training certifications in Mississippi. Ensure you have all or any of them when you decide to become a personal trainer in Gulfport and other areas.

Exclusive PTP CPT Offers

Most Popular Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Online NCCA Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
Best Study Materials
TA - Trainer Academy - Best Study Materials for Personal Trainer Certification Online - See MVP discount
Gold Standard Cert
NASM Gold Standard Personal Trainer Certification - Save 25&percnt off
A Good Option
NCSF Certification - A Good Option - Save 25%
Best CPT for you?
Best CPT For You? Take the Personal Trainer Certification Online quiz and Get a Personalized Recommendation Just for You

These and a few others are the most recognized personal training certifications that are acceptable by top fitness centers in Mississippi.

Personal training certification rankings help make the right decisions.

You will ace your certification exams with the right study materials and understanding of the exam modalities.

Personal Trainer Jobs in Mississippi

Mississippi has one of the least active fitness markets in the country by state.

Ranking pretty much at the bottom indicates a lack of viability compared to pretty much anywhere else.

If you were to become a personal trainer in Southaven, your access to opportunities would be relatively limited.

Despite this, you should still apply and see where the chips fall.

Personal trainers in Jackson, MS, have better chances of setting up fitness programs for potential clients.

Being a gym employee is a great way to launch your career in fitness because of all the exposure and experience you will gain.

It’s also a safe way to begin since your income is secure, and employment benefits kick in.

I would suggest setting up an online fitness service to coincide with your real-world services.

Online fitness is the fastest growing fitness sector as a service, allowing you to optimize your reach and income potential.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to take the quiz to find out the best personal trainer certification for your career.

Best Cities to Be a Personal Trainer in Mississippi

When looking at a state, we can skim over the general data and statistics, but to gauge where success lies, we must take things city by city.

Ideally, youโ€™ll want to go to the city with the biggest and busiest population. In this case, youโ€™d look at personal trainer jobs in Jackson.

With recognized personal trainer certifications, getting a job in fitness centers in Jackson, MS, is easier.

It is the largest city by far, with a population of more than double the next most populated area.

Regardless, personal trainer jobs in Gulfport, the second-largest city, would still present some opportunities for fitness professionals.

City In MississippiPopulation
Olive Branch38,924

In my opinion, any population below 100k will be an uphill battle.

Fitness client conversion is a numbers game, so the larger the population, the more opportunity to organize training programs.

Personal Trainer Salary in Mississippi

According to, if you choose to become a personal trainer in Jackson or any other city in Mississippi, you can expect an average income of $54,355 per year.

Mississippi salaries are considerably lower than the national average of $61,802.

This aligns with the low level of engagement the local fitness industry experiences.

The cost of living can significantly sway the actual value of oneโ€™s salary.

Let’s take a look at that, along with other quality of life indicators.

Make sure to check out the full guide on personal trainer salary.

Quality of Life Rating

I gathered that Mississippi regularly ranks lower in terms of quality of life than other states.

Obesity prevalence, which is a reliable indicator of health, already points to this. That’s because general population health is a reliable indicator of the quality of life.

This is further evidenced by the low healthcare ranking and the fact that Mississippi has one of America’s highest infant mortality rates.

On the upside, the state ranks high in terms of the natural environment, and crime, although not great, is much lower than expected.


After in-depth research, I was able to come up with this detailed review based on the following points:  

  • The population of the state and its major cities.  
  • The obesity figures as compared with other states.  
  • Personal trainer certifications available in Mississippi 
  • Availability of personal training schools & colleges.  
  • Career prospects for personal trainers.  
  • Earning potential for certified PTs.  
  • Quality of Life (QoL).  

Final Words on How to Become a Personal Trainer in Mississippi

Mississippi is one of the last places I would suggest launching your career in fitness.

There’s no practical reason to move there to pursue a career.

However, you may already call it home, so launching your career in either Jackson, Gulfport, or Southhaven is possible and can pay off with the right strategy.

FAQs on How to Become a Personal Trainer in Mississippi

How much do personal trainers make in Mississippi?

As of May 27, 2021, personal Trainers in Mississippi earn an average of $54,355.

Your earnings will depend on factors such as education, certifications, skills, years of experience, and your city.

What qualifications should a personal trainer have?

โ€“ You must have a high school diploma or equivalent
โ€“ Possess complete cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) certification programs

With the above, you can go ahead to select a specialization that matches your skill sets, personal interests, and professional goals.

How long does it take to become a personal trainer?

The time it takes to complete your certification depends on your choice of programs.

Whereas some can be completed within 3 months, some take up to 2 years to complete.

Fortunately, you now have the option of online certifications, which does not take time.

Is NCCA accredited personal training certification acceptable in Mississippi?

Yes, NCCA is an accreditation body for personal training certs.

Whenever you want to choose a cert, ensure it is an NCCA accredited personal trainer certification.

The second highly recognized body is DEAC.

Just get a certificate of completion from any of the certifying agencies.

What are the NCCA accredited personal training certifications online?

โ€“ American Council on Exercise (ACE)
โ€“ American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
โ€“ National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM CPT)
โ€“ National Council for Certified Personal Trainers (NCCPT)
โ€“ National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF)
โ€“ National Exercise Trainers Association (NETA)
โ€“ National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT)
โ€“ National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)


Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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