Personal Trainer Stats: What you Need To Know!

So youโ€™ve decided to become a fitness professional, or maybe youโ€™re just curious and wondering how the world of personal training works.

Well, whatever your level of curiosity or interest, Iโ€™ve put together a few statistics and facts to help shape your idea of what goes in and comes out of the fitness world.

If you do happen to be on your way into the illustrious career of a personal trainer, I recommend you consider the necessary first step, getting certified.

Iโ€™ve put together a little quiz, a survey, so to speak, which will help you decide on the right cert for the career you chose in the fitness world. Check it out here.

In this article, Iโ€™ve gathered data on various aspects of the fitness and training business and split them into what I find to be the three main components of the industry.

The first section is just about you, the personal trainer.

It’s a summary in numbers to help guide your decisions and inform your prospects as a working PT.

The second section looks at the Industry itself.

The functioning commercial machine in which you will be working your way up. This will help you navigate the various tiers of operation and let you peer into what makes it all tick.

The final section puts a lens on the end consumer.

Exposing trends and habits that dictate where the fitness industry is and where itโ€™s going, helping you tap into an ever-increasing demand for health and fitness.

If you still have any questions after reading this article, don’t hesitate to drop a comment at the bottom of this page, and Iโ€™ll respond within 24 hours.

Without further ado, let’s get into some stats and figures.

If you have not yet done so, take the quiz to find out which personal trainer certification best fits you. Or check out my article on the top five certifications.

What type of Certification are you looking to get?

The menu at the top of this page will answer any question related to your personal training. If you have any questions, donโ€™t hesitate to leave me a comment here (Iโ€™ll respond within 24 hours). Also, visit the home page for the most recent and popular articles.

Personal Trainer Statistics (YouTube)

๐Ÿ“ˆ Personal Trainer Statistics - All You Need To Know in 2023

Personal Trainer Statistics (Podcast)

Personal Trainer Stats Infographic

personal trainer statistics

Trainer Statistics

Personal Trainer Statistics

As mentioned, these statistics pertain to your direct involvement in the fitness industry as a personal trainer. I aim for this data to help you learn how to get in, stay in, and grow.

These stats were obtained via multiple sources. From web sources to Google trends searches and direct outreach to relevant industry professionals.

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Number of trainers

In the United States, approximately 340,000 certified personal trainers are working professionally.

This number has increased by 21.5% from the 2012 number of 267,000.

This indicates a healthy growth in the number of opportunities and the amount of competition, so stay sharp and check out my PT marketing tactics to help you maintain an edge.

Average income

As a personal trainer, you can make a decent living and even a very lucrative career if you work long, hard, and smart enough. Hereโ€™s what you can expect to take home each year:

  • Average minimum: $42,000
  • Median: $59,000
  • Average maximum: $72,000

Most common qualifications

Most common qualifications

When becoming a personal trainer, getting the right certification is your first port of call.

To maximize your chances, your best bet is to obtain one of the most popular accredited certifications. Here they are in rank order according to Google Trends:

  1. ACE
  2. NASM
  3. ISSA
  4. AFAA

Getting any one of these certs is a great way to ensure your chances, especially when youโ€™re just starting; in fact, who are we kidding? You canโ€™t really start a fitness career without one.

Always remember to go for an NCCA or DEAC accredited certification.

Anything else will only leave you a few pennies lighter with maybe less credibility than you had before.

Avoid online crash courses at all costs. Go with one of the above certs instead.

Most common specializations

Outside of a general CPT cert, and in no particular order, hereโ€™s a list of commonly sought-after specializations in fitness.

Getting these will set you up for better opportunities and a higher overall income.

  1. Group Fitness Specialist.
  2. Nutrition/Weight Management Specialist
  3. Corrective/Rehab Specialist
  4. S&C/ Performance/ Sports Specific Specialist.
  5. Special Populations Specialist.
  6. Mind-Body (Yoga/Pilates) Specialist.

Specializing instantly boosts your reputation and adds an extra bargaining chip to your resume and client conversions.

Specialist trainers form most of the top-earning personal trainers, so It definitely pays to find an area of special focus.

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Most Popular Cert
ISSA - Most Popular Online Personal Trainer Certification 3 Certs for
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TA - Trainer Academy - Best Study Materials for Personal Trainer Certification Online - See MVP discount
A Good Option
ACE Certification- A Good Fitness Course Online Option - 25&percnt off
A Good Option
NCSF Certification - A Good Option - Save 25%
Best CPT for you?
Best CPT For You? Take the Personal Trainer Certification Online quiz and Get a Personalized Recommendation Just for You

Quality of Life

As a trainer or any professional for that matter, your choice in career is heavily determined by a passion for what you do and the sense of fulfillment you could gain.

According to CNN Money, the quality of life ratings for a personal trainer is as follows:

Quality of Life Factor
  Personal Satisfaction Low Stress Benefit to society Flexibility
Rating B A A B

Industry Statistics

CPT Industry Statistics

The fitness industry in America has a current market value of $32bn, with a 2019 revenue of $9bn.

This isn’t huge in corporate terms, but with how things are going, it will get bigger and really, really fast.

Growth projections

The fitness industry shows a growth rate of around 1% per year, which means in the next 10 years, it is projected to grow by 10%.

10% might not sound like a lot, but in business terms, that’s huge!

Most common types of gyms

The fitness business has four main modes of operation in terms of client/service interaction. These are, in rank order of most frequent:

  1. Mid-market gyms (franchise)

    Gyms such as 24 Hour Fitness, Planet Fitness, Crunch Fitness, and Goldโ€™s Gym are in this group. These big chain franchise gyms offer the most frequent and affordable access to the general fitness consumer, giving you access to a ceaseless pool of potential clients.
  2. Boutique, studio gyms

    These small specialized fitness clubs are trending up today. Offering an intimate, tailored experience with a limited focus on specific fitness areas, these gyms are all the rage. The high-energy atmosphere and trendy aesthetic combine to make these a great way to build a reputation as a trainer.
  3. Upmarket gyms (Franchise)

    Upmarket gyms basically take the mid-market gym model and give it the shine and attitude of a boutique. Basically put, these are large scale gyms that put a premium on service and aesthetics. These gyms are good if youโ€™re on the hunt for high-income clients.
  4. High-performance centers/ Sports academies.

    These specialist facilities are designed with one thing in mind, maximizing performance for athletic population groups. This means you need to be specialized in the field of strength, conditioning and sports specific training.

Number of Fitness facilities/gyms

Currently, there are up to 39,570 fitness facilities, health clubs, and gyms (not counting complimentary fitness services such as hotel gyms and student health clubs at colleges). This number is growing almost daily.

Consumer Statistics

Consumer Statistics

The last thing you want to understand is what trends consumers tend to follow regarding fitness.

This will help you position yourself as well as possible.

The end consumer is ultimately who youโ€™ll be working with and where the money will be coming from, so always aim to please and connect with clients as well as you can.

Number of people with gym/fitness club membership

20% of Americans have an active gym membership.

That’s a fairly decent number, which seems to be growing, and rightfully so. America needs to get fitter, so these numbers are promising.

Total number of fitness consumers

America currently has approximately 71.5 million fitness consumers. The demographics breakdown is as follows:

  • 51% male
  • 49% female
  • Average age 40 years old

The current 2019 level of 71.5 million is up by 57% since 2015 (45 million in 2015)

Market Segmentation

Another interesting aspect of how people consume fitness services is the market segmentation, and by that, I mean the inherent motivation that drives people to go to the gym.

Remember that it’s hardly ever just one or the other, but often a mix between.

  • Socializing
  • Weight loss.
  • Bodybuilding
  • Performance enhancement.
  • Skills optimization
  • Medical requirement

Obesity Statistics

Obesity statistics

40% of America is obese! That means 94 million people in the US are dangerously overweight. This is probably the only awful stat in this list, which is kind of why Iโ€™ll end with this.

That’s because being a personal trainer is about more than just making a good income and building your status and rep. Itโ€™s also about making the people around you healthier and happier.

Providing fitness should be seen as a necessary service to society, not just another job. Trust me, America needs it!


So there you have it! Here are a few interesting and essential statistics to give you a quick overview of the trainer industry.

If you are looking to become a trainer, but are not yet certified, make sure to take the quiz to find out which certification fits your training style.

Personal Trainer Stats - All You Need To Know in [year] 3
Personal Trainer Stats - All You Need To Know in [year] 4

I tried to cover enough essential points without overdoing them with the facts and figures. If there are any specific stats youโ€™d like to know more about, drop me a line in the comment section below, and Iโ€™ll be sure to respond.

One thing to keep in mind and keep a sharp eye on is industry growth. Change is the only constant, as they say, and the fitness industry is no exception.

Itโ€™s showing growth figures way above the national average for all industries.


  1. “Fitness Trainers and Instructors : Occupational Outlook Handbook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, https://www.bls.gov/ooh/personal-care-and-service/fitness-trainers-and-instructors.htm.
  2. “Best Jobs in America: Personal Trainer.” CNN Money, https://money.cnn.com/pf/best-jobs/2012/snapshots/18.html.
  3. “CareerBuilder Releases Annual Job Forecast.” CareerBuilder, 6 Feb. 2014, https://www.careerbuilder.com/share/aboutus/pressreleasesdetail.aspx?ed=12%2F31%2F2014&id=pr802&sd=2%2F6%2F2014.
  4. MarketResearch.com, https://www.marketresearch.com/Consumer-Goods-c1596/Travel-Leisure-c90/.
  5. “Adult Obesity Facts.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html.
  6. Salary.com, https://www1.salary.com/.
  7. Search results for “personal trainer” on JAMA Network, https://jamanetwork.com/searchresults?q=personal%20trainer&allJournals=1&SearchSourceType=1&exPrm_qqq={!payloadDisMaxQParser%20pf=Tags%20qf=Tags^0.0000001%20payloadFields=Tags%20bf=}%22personal%20trainer%22&exPrm_hl.q=personal%20trainer.
  8. “Market Segmentation Example for Fitness Centers.” Segmentation Study Guide, https://www.segmentationstudyguide.com/understanding-market-segmentation/market-segmentation-examples/market-segmentation-example-fitness-centers/.
Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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All content published on PTPioneer is checked and reviewed extensively by our staff of experienced personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and other Fitness Experts. This is to make sure that the content you are reading is fact-checked for accuracy, contains up-to-date information, and is relevant. We only add trustworthy citations that you can find at the bottom of each article. You can read more about our editorial integrity here.

Ask me a question and I will reply ASAP

14 thoughts on “Personal Trainer Stats – All You Need To Know in 2025”

  1. Hello Tyler, love the article. I learned so much. My question is once i pass the CPT exam (I’m currently taking the NASM CPT course and my exam is in a few days, wish me luck), where do i go or how do i go about getting hands on training to ensure I apply what I’ve learned correctly. I want to apply what I’ve learned to myself first before trying it on others, but I will need assistance with applying it to myself to ensure I’m doing everything correctly. Where can I go to get assistance with that.

    • Hey Frederica, I would recommend that you check out local gyms or personal trainers in your area to find ways to accompany them on some of their training sessions, or maybe you even hire a trainer with the same NASM CPT certification as yourself, that way you can see it in practice.

  2. Tyler,
    Interesting article….. although I feel much of what you wrote is good, there are some really important questions that you don’t address. First, do you feel it is important that a personal trainer ever work with a live human being to help with the educational process? Do you think a trainer can learn everything they need to on YouTube? The reason I ask is because the certifications you recommend have ZERO hands on experience. The trainer signs up for a course, watched videos, speaks to no one and takes a A,B,C computer generated exam. In fact, NCCA, the accrediting body you mention will not accept certifications that teach hands on and have a practical application exam. Why would you support that practice? Certifications like Paul Chek, and NCEP are the only certifications that make a student learn hands on and are tested live to show competency. Just saying……
    You can teach out to me directly at [email protected]
    Mike DeMora

    • Hey Mike, I completely agree with you that personal experience and hands-on experience are vital to the success of a personal trainer’s career. But, to land a job in most areas of fitness, you will find a certification is absolutely needed, and on top of that, they teach the pure scientific foundations of exercise and health. But, you can find a lot of these things online, but whether they are certified/accredited or not is a concern.

  3. Hi there,

    I’m running a fitness and nutrition account on Chinese TicToc. Just read your article and feel it really good.

    If anyone include you got some idea to collaborate for social media contents, always open for ya.


  4. Hi Tyler,

    I’m wondering if you know the statistics (data) regarding how much more likely someone is to reach their fitness goal with a fitness coach versus not having one at all?

  5. Hi Tyler. Thanks so much for posting this info. I really appreciate it! I’m working on a startup that might be beneficial to you. Hope we can connect as I’m trying to do a bit more research.


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