Hey everybody, it’s Coach Tyler from PT Pioneer here.
Today, we will focus on something a little different from certifications, practice tests, and all the other things we usually cover because I will show you how you can write the best personal trainer bio possible!
So now that you are a qualified personal trainer, you will need to jump into a few things immediately.
And one of the first is to write a perfect personal trainer bio.
You can have an amazing website packed with information about your qualifications and how you can help people transform their lives, but the most viewed part of that website will be your bio.
So it must stand out, highlighting you from the rest of the pack and ensuring that potential clients choose you to help guide them through their transformation and training.
I also highly recommend that you take the quiz and find out which personal trainer certification is best for your career goals.
I really cannot stress enough how important this is.
And sadly, most personal trainers don’t take their bio seriously enough. Usually, it’s a slap-dash effort that’s not worth anything in the end. It’s easy to understand why because it does not come naturally to them.
After all, if you wanted to write, you would have become a journalist or communications expert, right?
But that doesn’t mean it’s not one of the most important tasks you have before you when setting out on your personal training journey.
So don’t ignore it!
As always, please don’t hesitate to leave me a comment here if you should have any questions. And for more articles about the world of personal training, why don’t you visit the home page.
Ok, so let’s get to it and find out just how to write a perfect personal trainer bio.
It’s never a once-off…

Ok, let me start out by saying that rarely will you nail your bio on the first attempt. And it certainly is something that you will have to return to repeatedly to revise.
That’s because you won’t be the same personal trainer now as you are in 5,10, or 20 years time…
If you are anything like me, you want to get better, learn more and become the best personal trainer out there.
And so you will continue to upskill yourself by studying more, adding more certifications to those that you already have, and building your overall knowledge base. Or perhaps, you might move into a specific niche.
Something like that will have to be shown in your bio, that’s for sure. You want potential clients to see your qualifications and what you’ve achieved.
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Must-read tips to help you nail your personal trainer bio
Let’s get into those nitty-gritty facts that will help you write the best personal trainer bio possible, one that will turn potential customers into paying regulars.
Tip 1: You need to connect with potential clients straight away

I can’t stress this enough. If you don’t connect with a potential client immediately, the chances of them looking elsewhere shoot through the roof.
But how do you connect with them? This isn’t a face-to-face conversation, so it certainly isn’t easy at all… but it’s not impossible. And the first thing to do is to identify the audience you are after.
To do that, ask yourself a few questions:
- Who would your perfect client be?
- What motivates them?
- What is it that they would want from a personal trainer?
- What age range are they?
Of course, you can add other questions to that; this is just something to help you get started.
You also need to show potential clients that you are, in fact, just like them and that you understand what it is, they need and want when it comes to personal training.
And it’s not about just listing your qualifications from the get-go or using generic statements. Show them your compassion!
To connect with them, speak directly to them. Include statements showing that you are an expert and want to help. And if you have a niche specialty, mention it straight up. It could form part of the first sentence of your bio.
Sometimes, you could even mention your own personal experiences. For example, you spent much of your life carrying extra weight but turned your life around by working out in the gym. You then realize that you want to help others do the same.
For example, “As a personal trainer specializing in weight loss and body transformation, I know how it feels to be overweight. Just 10 years ago, I could barely walk for two minutes without needing a rest. But I turned my life around and I want to help you do the same.”
Additional tip: So, do you write in the first or third person? Well, if you have your own website, you will generally write more in the first person. Keep the tone light and conversational but remain professional at all times.
Tip 2: Show the client what it is you offer and how you can help them

Although it’s obvious, many personal trainers don’t include this important information in their bios.
It’s not good enough to assume that a potential client will know exactly what you do, what you can do for them, or how you could possibly help them. While many clients will have a good idea of what it is a personal trainer does, others won’t have a clue.
They are looking for all the necessary information to find someone to help them with their specific problem.
When writing this section of your bio, it’s important to keep things concise but descriptive to get across all the important information a client should see and what it is you can help them with. Remember, you offer far more than just workouts.
Remember to use personal terms in this section, like “you” and “me” or “my.” This helps the client to feel a connection with you.
Additional tip: Go above and beyond the obvious. Don’t just say, “I can develop a personalized training program for you.” Include other important words that will show the client you can help them. Some of these can include “changing your mindset” or “keeping you motivated,” as an example.
Tip 3: Point out what makes you different from the rest… sell yourself!

The chances are that most people checking out your bio have probably seen plenty of others beforehand. That’s because most of them will thoroughly research before choosing their personal trainer.
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Therefore, you need something to help draw them and convince them that you are the right personal trainer. The one that will guide them toward their goals and help them achieve them.
This is where you need to take your own unique personal experiences and skills and use them in the most convincing way possible.
So something like: “Ten years ago, I was overweight, listless, had no energy, and had low-self esteem. Today, I am the fittest I have ever been, thanks to the fact that I lost 50 pounds and turned my life around. Now, I use my own experiences, along with my qualifications, to help people just like you. I know how it feels to walk in your shoes and I can help you turn your life around.
That’s just a simple example. Write your own, play around with the words and sentence construction, and speak from the heart. When you come across sincere people will see that you mean to help them.
Additional tip: This is a section of your bio where you can have fun but don’t get too clever. And keep it short and to the point.
Tip 4: List your credentials

Anybody looking for a personal trainer wants one who knows what they are doing and stands to reason.
Just put yourself in their shoes… you would want to know that the person you entrusted your transformation to was an expert, correct?
So in your bio, you will need a short description of your credentials. This will include your years of experience and any accreditation or certifications you have completed.
You don’t need to go into massive details. Still, it’s worthwhile to mention who received your certification through, for example, the American Council on Exercise or the National Academy of Sports Medicine, especially if they are big players in the world of fitness accreditation.
Listing these, it shows any potential clients that are an expert in your field.
Additional tip: While it is important to list your credentials, you certainly don’t want to bore any potential clients. So keep it pretty short, generally. For example, you could say: “Pete is a certified fitness professional specializing in personal training and weight loss and serves clients in the greater Dallas area. He is accredited with the American Council of Exercise and the National Academy of Sports Medicine.”
Tip 5: Call To Action

A call to action is one of the most important parts of your bio. But what is it?
In marketing, a call to action is something that tries to get a potential client to take that next step. It’s about moving them from being interested in what you can do for them to acting on the information in your bio.
A call to action needs to be something simple: see them contact you about your services. And you can do this in any number of ways.
- Include a ‘Book Now button, which takes them to a contact form to fill in their details and book an appointment.
- A short survey where they fill in their details and answer some questions on what they would expect from personal training sessions
- A free download of further information about what you offer (an extended bio or brochure) or an ebook. They would need to put in their contact details to receive it. Again, this provides a way for you to contact potential clients who have shown an interest in your services.
- Signup for a weekly email list with information about fitness that they might find useful. This is a useful way to get email addresses and build a contact database.
Additional tip: In your call to action section, you want people to try your services. And one of the best ways to do that is to incorporate a freebie. This can be something as simple as a 20-minute free session just showing the ropes to the first 5 people who get in touch through your contact form.
This will show potential clients who spend time with you that you know what you are discussing. Over and above that, however, by filling in the contact form, you have their details and can send them future promotions as you build a potential customer mailing list.
Freebies can be changed regularly and are a great source of potential customers.
Tip 6: Incorporate Social Media

Just over a decade ago, social media wasn’t something that a personal trainer needed to worry about. Today, however, that’s not the case.
Used correctly, social media is the perfect way for you to show potential clients what you can offer them as a personal trainer. And that’s why including social media links in your bio is very important.
You might have many social media portals, but listing them all is unnecessary.
Two should be fine, and I would choose Facebook and Instagram. Both are extremely visual platforms that allow you to tell your story and show your skills through photos and videos. They also allow you to write informative posts and link articles that people might find interesting.
Potential clients might well follow your social media pages, seeing what you do and offer before choosing who is to be their personal trainer. If you will provide these social media links, don’t let it be to accounts where you only post once in a while. Keep your feeds active!
Tip 7: What a client should know by the time they have finished reading the bio

When a client finishes reading your bio, they should know the following:
- Your name
- Your qualifications
- Your specialization (if any)
- The services you offer (and make sure you list them all)
- How your qualifications tie in with your specialization
- Any affiliations with fitness bodies/companies you might have
- Contact details include phone, email, and a link to a contact form on your website. Also, include the location where you are based.
- Social media links
Additional tip: Don’t be shy to link any other bit of information that shows you to be an expert in your field. For instance, an interview you have done with the local newspaper, radio interviews, and even client testimonials.
Tip 8: Proofread!

Once you are happy with what you have written, make sure you proofread your bio. It’s easy to miss mistakes when you are busy with them, so editing is key. In fact, have other people proofread it as well to have a second set of eyes going through your work to pick up any potential problems.
You do not want a prospective client to see a glaring mistake in your bio.
Last words…

I hope you have found this article on writing a personal trainer bio as interesting as I found writing and researching it. It’s important to remember that while a bio might seem insignificant, it’s of the utmost importance that you have one and that it works for you.
That’s especially true if you are starting out and don’t have a set of regular clients. You want something that will make people see what you can do, understand that you can help them, and act on the information you have provided.
That will lead to prospective clients taking that next step, a first one-on-one meeting where you can provide them with even more information about how you can help them and truly show them that you are the personal trainer that they need.
A bio is also extremely personal. You can use this guideline as to what information you need to put into it, but, in reality, every personal trainer will have their own unique bio to write.
Just always remember not to ramble on too much; keep it short and sweet while still getting your message across.
Finally, keep it updated! As I mentioned right in the beginning, your bio should change regularly as your career in personal training progresses.
Good luck, and remember, if you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment, and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Happy bio writing!
- “6 Tips for Writing a Converting Personal Trainer Bio.” PT Distinction, https://www.ptdistinction.com/blog/6-tips-for-writing-a-converting-personal-trainer-bio.
- “How to Write a Professional Bio as a Personal Trainer.” Trainerize, https://www.trainerize.com/blog/write-professional-bio/.
- “How to Write the Perfect Personal Trainer ‘About Me’ Page.” My Personal Trainer Website, https://www.mypersonaltrainerwebsite.com/blog/personal-trainer-about-page.
- “How to Write a Personal Trainer Bio.” Exercise.com, https://www.exercise.com/learn/how-to-write-a-personal-trainer-bio/.
Tyler Read
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