Do you desire to know more about your calories burned as you go through physical activity such as walking, running, lifting, and other great forms of exercise?

Your calorie burn matters, as this gives you insight into how hard you work and how effectively you move.

With this calorie calculator, you can see the number of calories you burn based on multiple factors.

The calorie calculator below will give you estimates for your total burned calories by looking at your body weight, plugging in your time active, and then using some of our predetermined metrics of exercise (for which there are over 100 total options).

Are Calorie Burn Calculators Good?

These calculators are simple estimates that will give you a close-to-exact measure of your calories burned.

There are a lot of factors that are not considered in the calculator, and for this, they can be considered just estimates, albeit quite accurate estimates.

The calculator uses your body weight, the activity duration, and the activity level’s intensity.

It will give you a good estimate that you can rely on for seeing your active calories burned for your chosen activity.

Some other things that should be considered on your part would be items like heart rate, body fat, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and the amount of energy expenditure in a whole day.

Exercise Calorie Counter for Estimating Calories Burned 3
Exercise Calorie Counter for Estimating Calories Burned 4

What Is A Calorie?

Calories are units of energy that we utilize in our bodies so that our bodies can do just about every task.

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When it comes to the science of calories and how we use this in fitness and nutrition, calories are going to be the energy we get from macronutrients taken in, or the opposite would be the calories the body burns to perform tasks.

1 calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram (g) of water by 1º Celsius (º C).

But, what we call calories is actually a kilocalorie, or the amount of energy required to raise 1 kilogram (kg) of water by 1º C.

So, a calorie is such a small unit of measurement that we prefer to use the term instead of kilocalories, or kcals.

The Importance Of Calories In Fitness And Nutrition

Calories are an important part of fitness and nutrition, as we ideally should know our daily calorie intake to keep our bodies where we desire.

When you take in extra calories over your body’s needs to maintain its levels, you will gain weight, leading to problems like obesity.

You will lose weight when you take in fewer calories (calorie deficit) than your body needs to maintain its levels.

Your caloric expenditure, which this calculator finds, is an important aspect for trainers, and even the general public, to utilize for their success.

If you are tracking your time and intensity during aerobics, high-intensity interval training, group training, or other forms of cardio, calculators like this will be the most accurate.

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Other calculators may use METs, or metabolic equivalents, to track your calories, which is another way of achieving the same result as the Calories Burned Calculator.

How To Burn More Calories

Exercise is a big part of the total calories burned equation, but it is not everything. Knowing other ways we can help increase those caloric numbers and enhance our fitness training is important.

Outside of exercise, we will consider Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, basal metabolic rate, and the thermic effect of food.

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is the term we use to describe all ways to burn calories outside of exercising.

This Non-exercise activity can be anything from moving your body from the bed to the couch to walking around in your office while working.

It is truly everything outside of dedicated times of exercise, and we can increase this number by increasing the number of little things we do with movement throughout our days.

Again, this can be through other forms of physical activity, but not strictly through focused physical activity done in exercise.

It is also a good idea to consider your Basal Metabolic Rate, or your BMR, which is the energy expended when the body rests within a neutral environment and has been completely inactive for at least 12 hours.

The basal metabolic rate is the true minimum amount of energy that your body needs to fuel itself for survival.

One of the best ways to increase this basal metabolic rate is by exercising regularly and increasing the amount of muscle you have in your body.

This is because your body will thrive and use more calories for general upkeep when it has more muscle mass. It simply tasks more calories to keep a muscle cell going than it does for another type of cell. Lean body mass increases are the ideal way to increase BMR.

And the final way to increase calorie burn outside of factors within our Calorie Burn Calculator would be with the thermic effect of food.

The thermic effect of food, or TEF, is the energy expenditure greater than the basal metabolic rate that comes from the added cost of food processing, food use as energy, and food storage in the body.

With this, it is probably the least controllable unless someone is simply undereating and not getting near enough calories, in general. Then simply eating enough calories will increase TEF to a great degree.

The thermic effect of food is increased when there are larger meals at a time, as opposed to when there are more frequent meals throughout the day. Many other factors that go into this are yet to be fully nailed down regarding their effects.


We hope you use our calculator and have found this page informative and helpful.

Make sure to check out our other fitness calculator pages, like our BMI calculator page or any that can be found on our main fitness calculations page.

Tyler Read - Certified Personal Trainer with PTPioneer

Tyler Read

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