In this chapter, I’ll help you with a breakdown of the different clients you’ll encounter on the job.
Also, you’ll learn how to deal individually with each type of client.
Come along to broaden your knowledge!
So the one thing that you can be assured of as a personal trainer is that no two clients are the same.
Like in life, everybody is different but that doesn’t mean that we can’t find some similarities.
These allow us to classify the clients that we deal with into specific groups.
And that’s what we are going to deal with in this chapter.
Knowing the various client types, you may come across during your career makes it easier to know how to interact with them.
Dealing with their unique quirks, needs, and wants should form part of your strategy in ensuring you provide the client with everything they need to help meet their expectations.
Because that’s what you need to do as a major part of retaining them as your clients over an extended period.
As we have already discussed, retaining clients is certainly what you are aiming for to succeed in your career.
But to start, I want to look at more basic definitions of the types of clients you can expect to deal with.
Once we have an idea of these, we will define clients in more detail.
Clients: The Basic breakdown
So when looking at a basic breakdown of client types, five general types stand out:
- Those interested in exercise to improve their physique
- Those interested in exercise to improve their performance
- Those interested in exercise to improve both physique and performance
- Those interested in exercise as a means to lose weight
- Those interested in exercise to improve their general health and fitness
Clients who want to improve their physique
For many, going to a gym is all about improving how their body looks, with a special focus on building muscle especially.
People like this are a staple of all gyms and often use personal trainers to develop and fine tune a unique exercise program that gives them what they want.
These clients often have a major interest in bodybuilding and don’t only want to focus on their workouts but what goes into their bodies to help them achieve their goals, both from an eating and supplement perspective.
So if you have a client who wants to build their physique, you can expect that your overall contribution towards their success will be measured on whether they got bigger in the areas on which your exercise programs focused.
Clients who want to improve their performance
A client who goes to the gym and uses a personal trainer to improve their performance is probably an athlete of some kind.
And I am not talking about only a professional athlete here.
For example, a runner who loves participating in marathons might use the services of a personal trainer to improve their times, not to win anything but to improve in a sport they love.
Clients like these will want you as a personal trainer to design a unique program for them that will focus on improving their physical abilities, be it power, strength, or condition.
Sometimes, they might want to focus on one area, combining all three.
While clients like these train hard, unlike those who focus on their physique, they might not always have the nutritional side of things well covered.
For these clients, success is measured when they see improvements in their performance, for whatever their chosen athletic pursuit is.
Clients who want to improve their physique and performance
For our next client, we have someone who combines the first two basic types we looked at, a hybrid.
Some might favor physique over performance or vice versa and will gauge the performance of their personal trainer on how they improve in both areas, with favor given to their preferred choice if they have one.
While they are looking to improve their physique and performance, this means that although they want to train towards both types, it’s more about achieving an overall goal than building bulging muscles or running long distances without tiring, for example.
Clients who want to lose weight
As a personal trainer, many of the clients you will be dealing with are coming to a gym, often for the first time, to get themselves into shape with a particular focus on losing weight.
These clients can be tough because they are used to a certain way of living and, in most cases, aren’t that fond of exercising. Also, from a nutritional and eating point of view, all the exercise programs in the world aren’t going to help if someone cannot control what they put in their mouth.
Also, many are jaded because, without a doubt, they probably have dieted numerous times before in an attempt to lose weight.
Clients like this will gauge their success on various factors.
Of course, the most important is the ability to change their eating habits and maintain that, as well as how often they exercise, leading to weight loss.
These aren’t the only measures, however.
Many other psychological and physical aspects might measure their success or lack thereof.
For example, how they look in the mirror or whether their clothes are looser are examples of some of the physical factors they may use to tell if their work with their personal trainer is successful.
Clients who want to improve general health and fitness
The last type of general client we will look at are those who join the gym to improve their health and fitness but can come from several groups.
The obvious group in this category is people who notice their bodies changing as they age.
You know, those who hit the mid-30s and 40s and start to do less physically than before.
They also start to lose a little bit of the fitness they once had when they were young and notice that their weight is rising.
And so they join a gym to do something about it, hooking up with a personal trainer when their attempts don’t produce the desired results.
Another example of this type of client is those who do care for their bodies but don’t put any particular focus on training for physique or performance.
They don’t come to the gym to work out per se but more as a way of having a bit of fun and destressing.
Others may use exercise as a way to allow them to enjoy their lives when it comes to eating.
In other words, exercise is a way to burn extra calories when it comes to what enters their body through their mouths.
Each type of client has unique motivations and expectations from their personal trainer.
13 Client Personality Types You Might Come Across And How To Deal With Them
So after we’ve covered the range of basic clients that you will deal with as a personal trainer, let’s refine our client types even more.
I want to highlight now the different client personalities that you, as a personal trainer, will have to deal with during your career.
You will find these no matter where you work, be it a gym franchise, a fitness studio, a small city gym, or even if you are a personal freelance trainer.
Identifying them and learning how to handle them can make your relationship with each of these types of clients far more successful.
And a successful relationship with your client means a far higher chance of retaining them for long periods, which, of course, is a win-win situation for everyone.
So let’s start breaking them down, then.
Client personality No 1 – The Smart Aleck
The thing about a client with Smart Aleck syndrome is that because they have spent time in the gym before or have been extremely active their whole lives, they think they know exactly what it is that you need to do for them.
In other words, they see themselves as just as much of an expert as you are.
And this makes them a very difficult client to deal with in all aspects, from the initial assessment to training together.
To start, a Smart Aleck won’t be extremely open regarding the information they will give you during your assessment period with them.
It’s like trying to get water from a rock.
And when you finally have enough information to draw up an exercise program for them, expect the Smart Aleck to give plenty of ideas or request changes because they might want to include exercises or other ideas they deem necessary for them to meet their training goals.
Remember, they see themselves as just as much of an expert as they deem you to be.
So you see where the problem comes in, then?
What to expect from them
It’s easy to determine whether a new client is a Smart Aleck.
They will practically tell you so by giving you a complete rundown of what they do to keep active.
So if they are already a gym person, expect to be told their exercise breakdown in the finest detail but don’t expect them to give you much further information when it comes to trying to find out other necessary information that you need to conduct an adequate assessment from your side.
How to deal with them
The first thing you need to do when dealing with a Smart Aleck is to let them tell you everything they feel they need to.
Take all the necessary notes; you will return to those for sure.
They will come across as arrogant in how they see themselves as experts, meaning they don’t value your input that much.
Without a doubt, however, although a Smart Aleck thinks they know everything there is to know about exercise, you remain the expert and it’s important to show them that.
So what does that entail?
Well, a Smart Aleck might go through their current exercise program, but you will find areas where they are deficient or carrying out exercises that are detrimental to them and causing them problems down the line.
For example, shoulder pain from bench pressing with their elbows flared out.
Use your expertise to point that out to them, show a solution, and start to win them over.
Don’t get me wrong, when working with a Smart Aleck, you should always praise them for at least their keen interest in their health and fitness.
That’s admirable, right?
But you also have to show them their shortcomings and that, as the expert, you can help them overcome their failing areas.
But it can be a very tough fight because the Smart Aleck is driven by pride essentially.
So you must get across the fact that you acknowledge that they do have some knowledge of what they are doing, especially if they are experienced gym-goers.
But don’t be afraid to point out areas that must be corrected.
It would be best if you established with the Smart Aleck that you remain the authority, which is something that, in the beginning, they certainly won’t care about.
You won’t have much time to do this, however, because in most cases, a Smart Aleck won’t come to a personal trainer looking for help; they might have received paid sessions as a gift, for example.
It would be best if you showed the Smart Aleck that you value their input but that you can improve their knowledge and, ultimately, their workout while pointing out what they are doing that’s good.
That helps to give you the control you need over them; in a way, you are stroking their egos to win them over.
Client personality No 2 – The Always On The Go
The second type of client personality I would like to look at is one you have never seen at the gym before.
The person always seems to have their cell phone near them, not to listen to music while they work out but to take calls and conduct their business no matter where they are.
It’s almost like a workout is an afterthought, something that they feel they need to do but not let get in the way of more important matters.
That’s why their workouts are quick and they almost leave the gym as soon as it’s over.
What to expect from them
The major problem for personal trainers with these clients is that they often cancel and struggle to reschedule, are only there to train and get done, and never leave their cell phones in the locker.
More often than not, an Always On The Go is a busy business person with very little free time to train but still willing to do so when it doesn’t mess with their schedule.
While working with a client like this may lead to early results, during busy periods in their lives, their training might drop off significantly, which sees any gains towards their long-term goals regressing significantly.
Also, because they lead stressful lives, these clients tend to struggle from a dietary point of view, so that’s something to note.
How to deal with them
So how do you deal with a client like this?
Well, it takes lots of patience on your part.
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The advantage you have is that most of these clients realize they need to spend time working out, be it to keep in shape or as a stress relief for their busy lives.
The most important thing here is that you continue to guide them when they have little time to come to the gym based on your original schedule.
For example, when they are extremely busy, arrange for your Always On The Go client to come to the gym and work out in a prescribed program when they feel they can make it.
In other words, it doesn’t necessarily need to be an appointment with you but just a workout by themselves.
Now and again, you can schedule a meeting and work out together, helping them keep on track and providing guidance where needed.
And when things become a little less hectic, their workout sessions with your guidance can return to normal.
They normally, however, still need a few different rules from your regular clients.
For example, someone needs to take charge of that ever-present cell phone.
If your Always On The Go client won’t leave their phone in the locker, ask them at least to put it on silent and only answer if necessary.
Please explain how the constant answering of calls does nothing to help the flow of their workout.
Hopefully, they will see your point of view.
Ensure you provide them with exercises they can do at home as well, which is particularly useful for Always On The Go clients that miss appointments due to scheduling conflicts or other urgent matters.
In that way, hopefully, they will still keep up to speed on their own accord.
Client personality No 3 – It’s About The Numbers
The third client I want to focus on is found in gyms worldwide.
And these people are all about the numbers.
When it comes to exercising, breaking it down into numbers and stats is perhaps the most important thing about their time spent in the gym.
What to expect from them
While a client that’s all about the numbers can be fun to train, you must ensure you are fully prepared for them.
That’s because they are going to want information and lots of it.
An It’s All About The Numbers client will have come to a training session ready to workout out and armed with gadgets to help them fulfill their need for information.
For example, they will probably have a fitness tracker or smartwatch that will record several details that they deem important, such as calories burnt, time training for each specific exercise, and more.
And don’t worry; they will also record what they put into their body in great detail.
For example, their protein intake for the week and any exercises they did outside of the gym environment.
But from you, they will expect information, too, because they want results that they can see in black and white.
So most will come to you often for information like their current bicep diameter, chest size, weight, and more, depending on their specific goals.
How to deal with them
So how do you deal with somewhere the numbers matter?
Well, I’ve already mentioned that they will expect information that they deem important from you but in most cases, they still need to be guided properly.
For example, a client that cares about the numbers, facts, and figures regarding their weight may be discouraged when they don’t show a noticeable drop over two weeks.
But, as you know, other ways exist to show that they are transforming their bodies.
So give them some numbers that show them that.
For example, while their weight might have only dropped slightly, body measurements show that they have lost inches in key places.
Also, their muscle mass might have improved, which helps burn fat faster, another titbit of information they will find useful to know.
For clients such as these, using personal training software is a must.
That’s because you can use it to focus on tracking their progress and measurements and then visually present that through the use of charts and graphs.
It’s something that will appeal to them.
Give them all the information they want, and their motivation levels will remain sky-high.
Client personality No 4 – The Too Good To Be True
As a personal trainer, you will love clients you consider too good to be true.
That’s because when you think of the perfect client to deal with, this type of client ticks all the boxes.
What to expect from them
So when it comes to a Too Good To Be true, what can you expect?
Well, from the get-go, this client is so simple to work with.
They will be open and honest from the initial assessment, helping you quickly determine their goals and expectations.
They will also buy into your plans to help them achieve those goals with little fuss.
And when it comes to keeping appointments, following your program, and keeping themselves on the straight and narrow nutrition-wise, they will follow whatever you suggest.
Simply put, they do exactly what you expect of them.
How to deal with them
Well, it’s not that hard to deal with a Too Good To Be True, that’s for sure.
They are the best type of client that any personal trainer, someone starting out, or even a trainer with plenty of experience could wish for.
That means no special tips and tricks are in place when handling a client such as this.
Simply work out what’s best for them and watch as they nail all of your expectations, both physically and mentally.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with showing how much you appreciate them with the occasional small gift now and then.
That’s all part of long-term client retention, even when the client is almost perfect.
Even if you are not around to guide them, expect the Too Good To Be True to follow your training program to the letter.
It’s not all good news, however.
At times you may have to convince these types of clients that they need to ease off a little, especially in times when they might be ill or carrying slight niggles that could become larger injuries.
But I am sure you would agree, that’s not too much of a price.
Land a Too Good To Be True as a client, and you certainly will be smiling!
They are pretty rare, however.
Client personality No 5 – The Up And Downer
So what’s an Up and Downer client, I hear you ask?
Well, I am pretty sure the name gives you a good idea, but let me explain more.
This client can display emotions that are all over the place.
One day, they might be at the highest of highs, and the very next, the lowest of lows.
What to expect from them
When it comes to an Up and Downer, you never know what you will get, that’s for sure.
On good days, you are dealing with a client that’s fired up to get the job done.
On bad days, the opposite is true.
You are going to sit with someone who is generally wallowing in self-pity.
And exercise is probably the furthest thing from their minds.
How to deal with them
If there’s something to be said for an Up and Downer, it is the fact that no two days will be the same.
Trying to work out what they will do next can be pretty exciting.
In extreme cases, their moods can even change mid-session.
So how do you deal with them?
Well, you don’t have to do anything when everything is going well.
When an Up and Downer is in a good mood, they will be fairly easy to deal with.
Things are a little more difficult when things are not going well for an Up and Downer.
It’s here where your powers of motivation and constant reassurance can hopefully get them through their session.
Also, when they are in less than stellar moods and a little unhappy about whatever worries them, expect plenty of cancellations until they are in a happier space.
Client personality No 6 – High Maintenance
Let’s look at our next client, one I like to call High Maintenance.
And you can probably guess how this one will behave, right?
Expect to have to invest a lot of time with clients of this persuasion.
What to expect from them
With a High Maintenance Client, you can expect plenty of work inside and outside your time at the gym.
In fact, they are going to contact you and they are going to do it often, usually by text and sometimes even by phone call.
This will happen mostly when they are struggling with motivation, either for the exercise homework you assign to them or when it comes to the nutrition side of things and controlling what they eat.
How to deal with them
So let’s explore just how you deal with a High Maintenance client.
Well, for the most part, you must get used to constant contact, especially when they are down.
When that happens, it’s because they feel the need for both motivation and affirmation.
But you can certainly help them and keep them on track by responding with exactly what they are looking for.
Continue to pass on affirmations and motivations using various techniques, from simple positive quotes to motivational articles, motivational memes, and quotes.
Also, please provide them with easy goals that result in lavish praise when they are achieved.
In return, you will have a happy client full of gratitude. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.
If you don’t help them in their times of need, the High Maintenance client will quickly lose interest in working out with you and look for affirmation and motivation elsewhere.
So always remain positive with your High Maintenance clients, even when they aren’t doing as well as they should.
Your constant motivation, praise, and affirmation will see them come through those tough times.
And suppose you have a personal training website. In that case, you should already have a huge amount of resources at your fingertips, for example, a huge list of frequently asked questions and other articles, including motivational articles.
You can send these resource links to this kind of client when you need to instead of having to type out a text message, for example.
Client personality No 7 – The Strongman
You’ve seen people like this at the gym often.
And sooner rather than later, you will end up with one as a client.
But what exactly is a Strongman?
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Well, for these gym lovers, it’s all about putting on a little bit of a show while they work out.
What to expect from them
When training a Strongman, you will be dealing with someone that will look to give their best at all times, and that’s a good thing, right?
But it comes at a price because when they get something right or break their personal best in the bench press, for example, expect plenty of shouting, excitement, and drawing a little bit of attention to your corner of the gym.
Another favorite pastime of these types of clients is the ritual smashing together of weights that rings out around the gym.
How to deal with them
A Strong Man is generally extremely motivated.
And you can challenge them, that’s for sure.
They will be up for anything.
Of course, keep it all within reason; you don’t want them to overextend or injure themselves.
For some personal trainers, that loud behavior of a Strongman might be a little off-putting, but if gym management doesn’t seem to mind, don’t worry about it too much.
On the other hand, if your Strongman is a little too noisy for the authorities, you may have to get them to tone down a little.
Also, expect to give lots of high-fives and back slaps when they pull off their next amazing feat of strength.
That said, a Strongman still needs the proper guidance from your side, especially if you want to keep them as a client for the long-term.
Because they like to push themselves and are fairly injury-prone, you must ensure that you avoid losing a Strongman to injury for a long time.
That means you need to make sure that they always warm-up correctly, that you utilize corrective exercise training with them, and that you also make them stretch.
You may have some resistance in this regard but it’s all for their safety and you should tell them that.
A Strongman doesn’t want to be injured, that’s for sure.
Time away from the gym for them is pure torture.
If you do get resistance to warm-ups, corrective exercises, or stretching, telling them it’s the best way to avoid injuries should be your response.
In truth, however, despite their quirky rituals, working with The Strongman is a relative breeze.
Client personality No 8 – The Barbie
No doubt you’ve seen The Barbie at your local gym before.
She’s always strutting around, looking at her finest.
But when it comes to training a Barbie, there is only one important question on their mind.
And that’s whether whatever you are having them do at the time exercise-wise will impact their body and make them look even better.
What to expect from them
For The Barbie, appearance is everything.
That’s her sole motivation for hitting the gym.
She wants to make her body look better, starting with areas she thinks need the most focus first.
So expect lots of questions during the initial assessment, especially about how you will help her improve the muscle tone in her legs, for example.
The Barbie will also be headstrong, often refusing to do an exercise you suggest simply because they don’t see how it will benefit them.
Dressed in the latest gym wear and sure to wear make-up, The Barbie can be a real challenge.
How to deal with them
You will have to be pretty determined when dealing with The Barbie.
The best way to go about it is to explain that you will help them focus on areas of their body that they think are important, but overall, it’s about training the whole body and the benefits derived therefrom.
Stick to your guns, and explain just how training their whole body is something that will boost their metabolism and target their weak areas as well.
Emphasize that while they may want to focus on certain areas of their body, it’s a unit that needs to be trained in its entirety. Of course, occasionally, focus on their perceived needs and areas they see as important to train as well.
And remember, The Barbie can come in a male form as well.
We call them The Ken.
Client personality No 9 – The Slacker
Ah, The Slacker.
Unlike The Too Good To Be True, The Slacker frequents gyms worldwide, just doing the bare minimum to get by.
And while that’s ok while they train themselves, they can be a real handful for a personal trainer.
What to expect from them
So from what I have already told you, you know that The Slacker will always try to do the bare minimum.
That means you can expect lots of “Do I really have to do this last rep?” for almost every exercise you take them through during their time in the gym.
And they are pretty good at manipulating people because The Slacker does enough to get by in their everyday life, and that’s the same principle they apply to their gym work.
How to deal with them
Dealing with The Slacker can be difficult at times.
It would be best if you didn’t give in to them.
So if they ask if they really need to do that final rep, the answer is always YES.
Explain to them that you have taken the time to draw up an individual program to help them attain their goals and that missing reps or slacking on gym appointments mean those goals continue to hover out of reach.
Sometimes you have to manipulate the manipulator.
For example, if they detest an exercise, tell them you will reduce the reps for that if they increase the reps on another exercise which is also beneficial for them.
So from their point of view, you are giving in to their demands but in reality, you are making gains elsewhere.
Also, watch out for The Slacker trying to take shortcuts when doing various exercises, not in the form of not doing the reps, but cheating on the actual form they need to hold for each exercise.
Explain to them that they can seriously injure themselves if they continue to do so.
Client personality No 10 – The Mistruster
When you come across The Mistruster, you certainly fight with your hands.
That’s because, most of all, you will need to prove yourself to them.
For the most part, The Mistruster has been in gyms before and, in all likelihood, has also worked with a personal trainer.
But that probably didn’t turn out too well.
And now, The Mistruster views all personal trainers the same way… with disdain.
What to expect from them
So what can you expect from The Mistruster if one of them should look to you as their new personal trainer?
First, because of their natural mistrust, clients exhibiting these traits will have done their homework on you well before your first meeting.
That means they know all the ins and outs, what certifications you hold, where you have worked before, and all other related information such as that.
Expect them to be skeptical at all times, most of your ability to help them.
But they may be skeptical about other things as well.
For example, if you rent space in a particular gym, The Mistruster might question why this gym is not another in the city.
Generally, The Mistruster, because of their past history with personal trainers, will have a fair bit of knowledge regarding what you will offer them and general exercise knowledge.
They certainly are not wet behind the ears in this regard.
The Mistruster will question and test just about anything you suggest to them.
Trying to get them to commit to a package deal when it comes to training is a tough ask, but once you have proved yourself to them, it might become possible.
How to deal with them
Because of their general mistrust, you must work your socks off to get The Mistruster on your side.
And that’s going to start from the very beginning.
Even at the assessment, don’t expect too much information to come your way.
It’s going to be like extracting water from a stone! Be persistent, however, and explain to them that the more information they provide, the easier it will be to help them set their goals.
I’ve already mentioned that The Mistruster’s attitude is from the fact that they have probably been let down by a personal trainer before.
You have to understand that you cannot be judged the same way and deserve a chance at least.
If they are still not forthcoming with the information, take the time to work them through an initial workout for a few sessions.
While doing that, try to garner further information from them.
Also, always explain what it is you are having them do and the reasons for it.
Show them that you are indeed the expert and that you have the knowledge to back that up.
By doing so, you can show them that you are nothing like the personal trainer who earlier let them down and didn’t help them reach their goals and expectations.
Be open and honest; by doing so, the chances of winning over The Mistruster improve.
As they progress, show them their efforts and that your training style works for them.
You can easily track their training data using personal training software.
Once they begin to see results, The Mistruster will start to believe that you are the real deal.
Client personality No 11 – The Been There, Done That
The full name for our next client is There, Done That, Yet To See The Results.
A client who falls into this category has been to the gym many times before.
And they’ve probably tried it all.
From circuit training on their own to attend all manner of group classes to trying out yoga or even perhaps pilates.
The thing is, they’ve never seen the results they crave.
While they bounce from a new fad to an established exercise routine, nothing has ever worked for them in terms of meeting their goals, be it to tone up or to lose weight, for example.
What to expect from them
So because they have never really succeeded in going to a gym or exercising in general, the Been There, Done That isn’t a fan of exercising.
They are only doing the next great exercise thing, whatever that is, to try and get the results they crave.
There might be many reasons for these failures.
For example, time constraints in the fact that they couldn’t keep going to the gym, or they may have picked up an injury, or perhaps a poor personal trainer just badly managed them.
So if a Been There, Done That approaches you for an initial workout and assessment, you will be dealing with someone who is somewhat jaded and certainly not very motivated.
They also may have plenty of bad exercising habits that you must overcome.
This could also be one reason that holds them back from achieving their exercise goals.
They will also doubt their ability to meet their needs, goals, and expectations.
That’s because they have tried so many things and failed.
So they know that it can’t always be someone else’s fault and that they also play a part in that failure.
How to deal with them
The thing about a Been There, Done That is that they want to succeed and, therefore, aren’t that difficult to work with.
However, they want to see results because everything they have tried before has led to failure.
The point to note here is that for most of them, there are a few important things to iron out.
Firstly, they have bad habits when it comes to exercise.
These, of course, need to be worked on from the start, which you should emphasize immediately if you pick up any problems.
These bad habits have probably led to their failures in the past or certainly contributed to them in some shape or form.
Secondly, you might have to watch them when it comes to their self-control away from the gym.
For the most part, their eating habits aren’t always the best.
Last but not least, your powers of motivation will need to be top-notch when dealing with The Been There, Done That.
Because if anything, their ability to motivate is not that good.
It’s understandable, though, because of their various exercise attempts and the failures linked to them.
So how do you go about turning their failures into successes?
Well, the answer is simple, really.
Establish a relationship where trust is the foundation.
Remember, because of their failures, either on their own or while working with another personal trainer or in a group fitness environment, The Been There, Done That certainly will have trust issues regarding what you can do for them.
The Been There, Done That needs to know that you are in it for the long haul in terms of helping them and that your program will provide the results that they so crave.
You will have to use your listening skills and delve deep here to discover their goals because they might not always give them up willingly in the beginning.
Then map out a comprehensive program, first fixing their bad habits.
Remember to explain how this probably was one of the main reasons why they struggled to see any success before.
Take them through your overall plan, highlighting ways in which you will help them finally find what they are looking for when it comes to exercise.
Above all, because of her past failures, exercising probably lost its fun factor for The Been There, Done That a long time ago.
Spice it up a little, and make it fun.
Once the results start coming in, The Been There, Done That will be a different person working hard for you.
Client personality No 12 – The Get Results Quick
Sometimes, clients might not understand that getting the desired results is not achieved in a week, a fortnight, or even a month.
You have to put in the hard yards if you want to reach your goals, even if it’s something as simple as losing five pounds.
And I like to call these clients who want to see change yesterday already, The Get Results Quick.
Many of these client types love the group exercise environment but join up with a personal trainer as they see the need to get even better results in an even quicker time.
What to expect from them
So when you come across a client like this, the first thing you can be sure of is that they will be committed, that’s for sure.
When it comes to exercising, they will give it all and feel the burn when they work out.
But who do you think will get the blame if they don’t get the results they want?
That’s right, you!
We have already established that they are impatient, and while they may give it their all and work out well, you can be sure that for many of the exercises you take them through, form is not at the top of their minds.
So that’s the first thing you will have to watch out for.
But there’s something else you need to look out for as well.
The Get Results Quick type of client will train at 110% from the start, and because they don’t see results immediately, they quickly lose motivation and burn out.
So you must explain to them that to achieve results, they need to train at 80 to 90% of their capacity over a longer period. When they do so, they will see the results they crave.
How to deal with them
As with all the other clients we have already dealt with, you will need a plan of attack for dealing with a client that wants results now.
For example, during their assessment, they will probably get straight to what they expect.
That might be to train a certain part of their body that they feel is important and always expect them to want to up the intensity, no matter what.
Remember, they want to feel the burn.
It can be extremely tough to deal with that because, as we have already mentioned, maintaining the correct form while the exercise is not on their mind.
But if you don’t allow them to get their intensity up, the chances of them hanging around are slim.
The thing is, a client like this might not hang around that long, so it might be worth it trying to get them to see the light.
And that means taking a fairly hardline approach with them.
Hopefully, they can see the benefits you can offer and you can rest easy in the knowledge that you are helping them to the best of your ability and in the proper way.
That said, always keep the goals of The Get Results Quick in mind and build an exercise program that incorporates them, along with other aspects that you deem important after your initial assessment.
These goals should be short, medium, and long-term because if you do it that way, you can help to guide their expectations.
Also, as they meet their goals, they are getting what they want, and so are you.
It’s all about slowing them down and being patient.
Patience is key when it comes to The Get Results Quick client.
Hopefully, your effective program will win them over.
But if you continue to help them work towards their goals in stages, they might see the light and continue along the best path towards sustainable results.
Client personality No 13 – The Tight-Lipped 100 Percenter
As a personal trainer, there is simply nothing better than training someone who, no matter what, gives it their all in the gym environment.
The thing is, working with people means that you have to deal with their moods.
The Tight-Lipped 100 Percenter is different from most other gym-goers, however.
What to expect from them
With this type of client, a gym is a place for focus on exercise and little else.
It’s where they don’t let anything that might have happened during the day or week affect them.
They are there to train and train hard.
That said, don’t expect them to offer much more.
Talking to them about other subjects, the weather, Monday night’s football, or whatever other subjects you bring up will generate very little interaction.
When they interact with you or others, it focuses solely on training.
They will, from time to time, talk about that.
But for the most part, expect one-word answers and plenty of nodding just as an acknowledgment that they have heard you.
How to deal with them
In truth, The Tight-Lipped 100 Percenter isn’t that difficult to deal with in the long run.
That’s because, from an exercise point of view, which is the reason they are using your services, they excel.
However, getting information out of them during the assessment might be a little difficult, and therein lies your first major obstacle.
They will never give you all the information you seek, so initially, coming up with a workout program might be tough.
And that means that as they train with you, it will always continue to evolve.
That can lead to difficulties.
For one, you don’t know how long they intend to make use of your services, so you may feel under pressure to get the perfect program designed with very little to go on.
The thing is, you can only work with what is in front of you.
So continue adjusting their workout program as you hopefully get little information here and there.
And if, after a while, they still are pretty much like they were on day one, you should make sure that you keep them challenged.
As for not sharing that much information with you, don’t let that bother you.
Just focus on what you can offer them, give them your time and guidance, and maybe, in the long run, they might open up a bit.
Or they might not.
So as we wind down this section on clients, it’s important to know these are but a taste of what you can expect to deal with during your career as a personal trainer.
Remember, every client is unique and has quirks, wants, needs, and expectations.
It’s up to you to do your best to work out what those are and then design an exercise program that will help them meet them. It’s about getting results, no matter how difficult that might be.
But I love working as a personal trainer because everyone is different, so the job certainly never gets boring.
Just make sure you always listen, even to those clients who can’t seem to stop talking.
And most of all, don’t be scared to manipulate your programs to make them work for each client while always sticking to the core principles that guide and shape them.
Don’t forget to take the chapter takeaway quiz to make sure you have a good grasp of everything covered here.
Tyler Read
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